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Conversational Threads

30 minute jacket

Marion | Posted in Patterns on


I am new here and I read (and see)  a lot about the “30 minute pattern”. as I live in the netherlands I cannot buy the magizine ‘threads’ but I really am interested in that pattern. it really looks like it is my style. can annyone help me? maybe a scale pattern? marion, the netherlands.


  1. marijke | | #1


    Where did you encounter this 30 minute jacket? I've subscribed to Threads for years but I am not sure to what you are referring. Let me know and I'll see if I can help.


    1. Marion | | #2

      hoi marijke,

      go to http://www.taunton.com/threads than scroll down to 'exploring design: .....2002 finalist..... and view the garments. there I stumbled across the '30 minute jacket'. I just learned it is first published in issue #100. groetjes, Marion.

      1. marijke | | #3

        Hallo Marion:

        I found the article with the 30-minute jacket. It's in inches, so you'll have to convert to metric. It was a "Quick to Make" feature:

        Take a piece of fabric 2 3/4 yards long and 25 inches wide. Find the center of the 2 3/4 yards and mark 5 inches (2 1/2 from either side of the center). This is the back neck, the author suggests using the selvage (zelfkant) here). From each of the markings, measure 25 inches. Fold the 25 inch width to the 25 inch marking on the long side to make the shoulder/sleeve seam (lap the short edge under the longer edge). The article suggests finishing all sides and then topstitching that one seam on each shoulder/sleeve. (I would think you could also use other techniques where you don't overlap the fabric but just butt it together and join it with tacks or beads or something like that.)

        I hope this makes sense without the diagram.

        If you like this design, you might also like the "bog coat". There was an article on that once (I don't remember what issue), and Diane Ericson has a pattern for that type of coat. It's also one piece of fabric.

        These are very simple. A bit difficult to explain in words but very straightforward with a diagram.

        If they're still available, you could see about purchasing a back issue. Sometimes Threads also posts articles from past issues on the website.

        Laat me weten of je hier uit komt! Veel plezier ermee!


        1. Marion | | #4

          hi marijke

          ben jij nederlandse? ik wel dus uit alkmaar.

          are you dutch? I am.  I am from Alkmaar.

          I'll make a paper pattern and fold it as discribed. then I will understand the pattern, I suppose. I have a beautiful bourette silk I have dyed and painted so I think it will work out well.

          thank you for the information, best regards, marion.

          1. rjf | | #5

            Your fabric sounds terrific.  I hope you'll post a picture of the finished jacket.  Actually, they're harder to describe than to sew.       rjf

          2. marijke | | #6


            Like rjf (message6), I must say your fabric sounds fabulous! She's also correct that it is tougher to describe than to sew.

            Ik ben Nederlandse, d.w.z. ik ben in Den Haag geboren en rond Eindhoven opgegroeid, en als student naar Amerika gegaan. De bedoeling was een jaar of twee studeren. Dat is nu meer dan twintig jaar geleden! Ik ben nu 45 en heb dit jaar precies de helft van m'n leven in Nederland en in Amerika doorgebracht... (Translation: yes, I'm Dutch, and I've now lived half of my life on either side of the Atlantic).

            I currently live in a small town in Missouri. :-(


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