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Conversational Threads

a newby

iamclassic | Posted in General Discussion on

Just started sewing again after about 10 years.  Bought a Bernina Aurora and love it!!  I’ve got lots to learn and so found you!!  Does anyone have the secret for keeping your stash somewhat organized?  Mine ends up in a pile if I go looking for something, and it takes awhile for me to put it all away again.


  1. ineedaserger329 | | #1

    It's been a while since i've been on here, but i'll just jump on in... those clear plastic drawers they sell at wal-mart and all....I would love them... you can color code and keep everything neat and dust-free. if you get small "L" brackets, (if your handy) you could even stack them and fasten them to the wall. I have also seen these great shelves that have open faces. They are a stack of three as one fixture. the "L" brackets are included, but you have to assemble them entirely. I would buy that clear plastic vinyl the sell on 60" bolts or cut by the yard. I would also invest in bay leaves or cedar pieces to protect your fabric from bugs and other creatures.....even when you don't have a problem where you live, it doesn't hurt.

  2. scrubble4 | | #2

    iamclassic;  Welcome back to sewing.  This is definitely the right site to come to share your successes, frustrations, questions etc. 

    Recently there was a whole thread (titles found in left hand column of this Gatherings  site) on "how you stay organized"  There were a ton of suggestions.  I am not clever enough to paste the pathway into this response, but I can guide you through the steps to find it yourself.

    First go to the left hand column where you see all the categories and titles of individual threads.  Then go up to the top where you see the words "Advanced Search".  Click on it and then once in the new window, click on the top right hand space in that frame and type in  "how do you stay organized"  The responses from that thread and others that deal with organization will appear for you to choose from for reading. 

    A second source of info on this Gatherings site is the Magazine Index.  It is located in the grey row just under the "Threads for people who love to sew" title at the top of this page.

    Open the Magazine Index and type in any key words that you think will help.  There are video clips, tips and trick and articles that you can access through this category of this site.

    In addition you will get lots and lots of practical ideas from your request on this thread.  My contribution is that I keep my fabric stash in a large wicker basket with a lid on it.  I put plastic and a cardboard sheet on the bottom of the basket.  It is the size of a cedar chest.  I also have a sewing cabinet that has a couple of drawers that are about 4 1/2 inches deep and about 2' wide.  I keep all my interface materials, etc. In this area.  (PS I always prepare all fabrics and notions that I bring into my sewing room for sewing as soon as I bring them home.  Soak and dry interfacings, wash and dry or dry clean, or steam fabrics etc.  It is the only way I know what's what when I go to use a fabric.  Even so, if it has been a while since I bought the fabric I usually do it again which I know can't hurt.)

    I keep my Threads in a bookcase with my sewing books.  My Threads and a couple of other magazines I like (Elegance for fashion inspiration for example) in cardboard magazine holders according to issue number.  I am thrilled I now have them all Threads but one issue. 

    Hope this helps.  Scrubble4

    1. iamclassic | | #3

      Hi Scrubble 4

      Thanks for your directions!  I will try them and see what I can learn.  I spent the morning cleaning out my sewing room, again, and filled 3 more seethrough rubbermaids with fabrics - At least now they are sorted!  My next problem is going to be running out of space!  My sewing room is actually a storage room and still has storage stuff in it as well as all my stuff!!

      1. scrubble4 | | #4

        iamclassic;  "I spent the morning cleaning out my sewing room, again, and filled 3 more seethrough rubbermaids with fabrics "

        WELL DONE! That is a big job.  Now onward to sewing.  Kathleen Fasanella talks about Sewing Fear with designers.  Interestingly, this fear only seems to happen to designers who know how to sew.  These designers worry about whether the sewers will have the skills and knowledge to sew their designs.  I think we home and professional sewers often share that same Sewing Fear.  We often underestimate our sewing skills. 

        Especially being connected to Gatherings, we should go forward boldly, knowing help is just a key stroke away.  So time to pick out your pattern, do your measuring, make your muslin (I think you probably have some material that might work in your stash) and then your fashion garment.  Talk to us as you go, as you know we will celebrate your successes and walk you through your challenges. 

        Good Luck  Scrubble4

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