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Adjustable Weight-Loss Clothing

Beadevil | Posted in Fitting on

I am soon expecting a guest—a young woman—who will be recovering from abdominal bypass surgery. She must lose weight very quickly in order to undergo orthopedic surgery. Are there patterns for garments that downsize easily? I have intermediate sewing skills. Thank you for your advice!


  1. kate lamar | | #1

    adjustable weight-loss clothing

    Wow.  I've never thought about this before, nor have noticed patterns in this category.  The best I can do is to recall my mother, who weighed about 250 lbs. and her home sewn "house dresses, which were pull overs (the dresses featured a yolk onto which the fabric  was gathered onto).   I would think that your friend would want something loose fitting, especially when surgical wounds are healing.  After that, she might be comfortable wearing pants with an elastisized waist, and a loose fitting top.  Things can be altered down within a thirty pound weight loss.  Anyway, these are just some thoughts.  Also, you might think of checking out resale shops...if you can find sizes to accomodate her it might be cheaper and certainly easier.  Good luck to you and your friend!


  2. lou19 | | #2

    I think I read an article about this in "sewing world"

    There may be a index online

  3. user-1139451 | | #3

    Been There Done That

    I was in a terrible accident and as a result had lost over 150 pounds in 9 months.  That given I can recommend making wrap around skirts; jumpers work great also as it is much easier to make alterations during the weight loss process.  Simple princess seamed dresses and blouses may also be a good solution.  For me to keep up with going from a size 22 to a size 6; I used thrift and consignment stores and just made wrap around skirts and simple pants that I could easily alter. 

    Hope this helps.

  4. HelgaPataki | | #4

    weight loss clothing

    I am thinking a peasant top or a tent dress.  Once she's slim she can wear it with a belt or a corset.  I am also thinking wrap around skirt or a kilt like skirt.  this type of skirt was talked about in my mom's circle that you can grow in and out of but I am not sure how that works.  mine usually require very little adjustments in the buckles or ties. 

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