adjusting rhe sleeve after creating a dart to remove excess from back at armhole
I just watched the video on how to create (and then move) a dart to remove excess fabric that pooches out at the back of a top at the armhole. How do I adjust the back of the sleeve now to fit into the smaller armhole?
First, alter the sleeve pattern. At the sleeve back, close to where the arm hole dart is and on the seamline, place two marks the width of the dart . At one of those marks, draw a line perpendicular to the grain line to the front seam line. From the other mark, draw another line to the exact same point on the sleeve front. Along the second line, cut from the back TO the front seam line, NOT through it. To form a small hinge at this point, cut across the seam allowance to the seam line. Rotating from that hinge, place the long cut edge exactly on top of the first drawn line. Tape smoothly in place. You can now recut your sleeve using the altered pattern.
Thank you for the information. I will use that to adjust my pattern.