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Conversational Threads

adult diaper pattern

RitaRae | Posted in Patterns on


I seem to only post when I’m in a big, giant hurry…but, I’ve searched the internet to no avail! Does anyone know of a resource for an adult diaper pattern?

I have a customer that has used ‘disposables’ for over 20 years (he’s still very young) and has decided he’d like to use cloth in order to lower the tonage of the landfills!

After some thought, it seems that a person could modify a pattern for briefs?? or something made from scratch that would make wearing a diaper not so…….I don’t know…babyish?

I was thinking maybe something that looks more like underwear, with wide elastic at the top? Any ideas? Any pattern companies? Seems like an idea whose time has come in view of the current ‘aging’ population! Any ideas or comments are welcome. Thanks!


  1. User avater
    JunkQueen | | #1


    I'm thinking they would be more comfortable and cooler, if that's possible, with some sort of mesh or just a single layer, perhaps of a stretch material, as the side panels. I know when I was taking care of Mother, that would have been a nice feature for her.

    You could buy perhaps a disposable diaper and follow the instructions at the first site for making a pattern. At the second site mentioned above you can buy ready made adult diapers and pull-ons that you could buy and then copy.

    Good luck.

  2. Gloriasews | | #2

    You could ask your customer to give you one of his disposables (unused, of course :) & ask what he likes about it & what he doesn't.  You would copy the size & go from there - make them like briefs, with the wide elastic at the waist.  The mesh side panels that JQ mentioned could be good, too, if they're not too stretchy (they'd have to fit fairly snug), as they'd be cooler in the summer.  What would you use for waterproofing, though?


    1. Lilith1951 | | #3

      I think you could use the same thing they use in cloth baby diapers.  The most waterproof stuff is called "PUL" and is available through many sites.

      I think the best idea is one like the "pocket" type cloth diapers.  It has a waterproof shell and a decorative outer layer (that part could be skipped for adult diapers since they're not likely to be seen by others) and a pocket that you slip the absorbant part into.  I have not looked closely at these but I'm sure you could make something similar for adults.  Might be worth it to order one of these cloth baby diapers to use and modify for an adult design.

      And hurray for your friend for wanting to go green!  I'd love to see everyone stop using disposables on their babies and for their monthly feminine pads, also.  There are so many great designs for both of these and people who sew can do it so cheaply.

      1. Gloriasews | | #6

        Those are good ideas, but I'm not the person wanting to make adult diapers (no yet, anyway :), but your post should have gone to RitaRae.  Hopefully, she'll read them all.


        1. Lilith1951 | | #8

          Actually, I did start out responding to your question about what to use for waterproofing....and then I forgot that you weren't the original poster concerning the rest of it.  Sorry to cause any confusion. 


          1. Gloriasews | | #9

            Nah - I wasn't confused & it's no problem, so don't feel bad.  I think everyone reads all the posts in these different categories. 


    2. RitaRae | | #5

      Thanks for the input...

      My customer did give me an adult size disposable. But, they're so stretchy that I was really hoping that someone had done the 'work' of making a real pattern. After thinking about it for a couple of days and hearing your ideas here at Gatherings, I'll talk to him again and then move forward with drafting my own pattern.

      He also brought flannel, but didn't mention whether they needed to be waterproof...I was just so in awe of the whole idea that I wasn't thinking very clearly!

      Again, thanks for the help

      1. Gloriasews | | #7

        You'd think that a waterproof shell would be a necessity for him (or any adult) or they'd have to change clothes all day long & not be able to go anywhere.  As for the basic diaper, you could use an elasticized fabric that isn't as loose as the disposables, and they would be more comfortable & have a more custom fit if they fit closer to the body.  Good luck with your drafting.



  3. twreeder | | #4

    What about the disposable diapers that are made for older children who still wet the bed?  Could you get an idea from these?


  4. mammacandoit | | #10

    Yup. You can get a great adult diaper pattern here! I even used it as a post partum pad type thing. Works great!



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