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Advice on what to wear……….

Crazy K | Posted in Gather For A Chat on

We live in the frozen tundra of central Minnesota……my granddaughter lives in Belton, TX and is graduating from high school in June.  We hope to make the trip to attend.  Can someone out there tell me what the customary apparel is for such functions in that part of the country?  Our daughter (Jess’ mom) doesn’t really know either because they’re Army and haven’t lived there too long.  I will be warm here but HOT there.  This ‘lady of a certain age’ has to dress for comfort (read: reducing hot flashes!) but I don’t wish to embarrass the poor girl, either.  Any suggestions for me??  

My wardrobe is in dire need of some updates so this may be a good time to start!  We drive, don’t fly, so my travel apparel is very casual and comfy…….I have those things……….it’s the graduation itself that has me stymied.

Any and all help is much appreciated!

Thanks in advance…..



  1. Teaf5 | | #1

    I'll let the Texans answer more specifically, but our Central Valley graduations often occur in the first 105- degree heat spell of the summer. Most of the female relatives at our high school graduation last year wore skirts, a nice tee or short-sleeved, tailored shirt, and strappy sandals. I wore a plain twill skirt and a Hawaiian floral camp shirt and brought a nice straw hat for the day and a shawl for the late evening. The accessories helped me to save a couple of seats in the overcrowded bleachers and helped me be reasonably comfortable while looking respectable.

    1. Crazy K | | #2

      Thanks!  That pretty much what I had hoped..........no formal gown, hose and 4" heels! ha  If Texans are the same, somewhat casual attire will fit right in!  Just didn't wish to 'stand out in a crowd'!! :0)

      1. User avater
        JunkQueen | | #3

        Teaf5 was right on with her post. Linen is a good choice too. It's cool and can be as dressy as you want it to be. Knits or linen can be paired with classy jewelry and you'll fit right in. Consider too that there could be mosquitoes so be sure to bring or buy something that will repell those pesky critters. Hope you enjoy your visit to the Great State of Texas and that you get a chance to do some sight-seeing. Trust me, it's not all a vast wasteland of nothing but horizon to see.

  2. Betakin | | #4

    I think what to wear to a graduation depends if the graduation is held inside or outside. Many graduations for high schools in the west where I live are even held in the football stadium and one would not want to wear heels to climb bleachers or walk on the grass. I would suggest wearing something cooler if graduation is held outside.


    Edited 3/20/2008 1:14 am ET by Betakin

    1. Crazy K | | #5

      Thanks!  I think it is going to be outside so heels would be bad........I need to get more info from my DD as to what to expect.......besides heat and humidity.  I was just hoping to hear that most of these occasions are fairly casual and it seems that they are by what others have posted.  That's fine by me.  I live in casual clothes and getting all 'gussied' up just isn't my style these days.

      Thanks again!


  3. Cityoflostsouls | | #6

    Have you thought of a wrap dress in a dressy fabric that will not wrinkle?  It should be comfortable, fits most figures and they look nice.  Go to Amazon and go through their collections.  Don't pay any attention to price until you see a style you like.  The newest colors appear to be neutrals- brown, white, sand, grey etc.  When you find something you like then go into your price range and look.  I don't have a lot of money but in my range K Mart seems to keep up best with style and Payless for shoes. If you have more budget than I have then the sky is the limit.  In that heat you don't want anything too fussy at the neck and sleeve area.  V necks are in.  Also prints in these muted colors are very nice.  I'm finding that searching the styles over the internet is less frustrating than going shopping when you can only find 2 or 3 suitable styles and you've spent the day at it.  I find things I like at Newport News (you have to skip through the teenage stuff!)  Add a necklace-you can get ideas at Walmarts jewelry department. 

    1. Crazy K | | #7

      Thanks for your advice.  Sounds nice but I'm thinking a dress is out of the question.  I believe that we'll be on outdoor bleachers (weather permitting) and I freak when I have to climb anything with open stairs so I'm best off staying with pants of some description and low heels.   I can only hope that daughter and son-in-law try to choose a seat close to the bottom.  They're both daredevils (he's into choppers with the Army and she 'loves' skydiving!) so if we wish to sit together I'm afraid they'll have to put blinders on me and lead the way! ha


      1. Stillsewing | | #8

        Please tell me --- what is a bleacher. Thanks

        1. Crazy K | | #9

          Bleachers are outdoor seating that rises up, sometimes quite high in the air to provide viewing for the people sitting in the back.  I guess it would be like an 'outdoor' stadium.......maybe that's what its called in other parts of the country/world.......stadium seating.  If you can imagine framework with steps.......

          I'm afraid I'm failing miserably at my description.  maybe someone will step up and give a better 'picture' for you.


          1. Stillsewing | | #10

            Dear Crazy KThanks very much for that. I've just finished reading a book in American and I couldn't figure what part of the "ballgame" involved the beachers. I'm not one for spectator sports so I thought it was my general lack of sporting knowledge that made it so hard to understand. I wouldn't have stuck with the book only I was on holidays and had nothing else to occupy me on the long flights.With regard to the beachers --do they not have handrails to help you up and down them? They sound quite hairy I wouldn't be rushing to climb them either. More to the point I don't think I would like to sit very long at a height like that.

          2. Teaf5 | | #11

            No, bleachers usually don't have handrails. In our older high schools, we're lucky if the seat boards are not warped, splintery, cracked, or missing; new stadiums have all-metal risers and seatboards, but those can be scary because they are so high off the ground, and the wind gusts through under the seats.Only stadiums and grandstands for professional teams have separate seats and handrails; otherwise, the spectators of American school sports have to be very athletic just to get to a seat!

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