Advice on which machine to buy of 4

Hi, I am debating which machine to buy. I just finished my third quilt top and am considering buying one of these 4: Babylock BL8800, Brother PC2800, Elna 6003Q “Quilter’s Dream” and Janome MC3500. These are all computerized and in the $400-800 range. Does anyone have experience with any of these and advice on whether to get one particular one or skip it? Please let me know. Thanks!
I used a brother 2800 for years and loved it. but I am not a quilter and never used the walking foot. but it made terrific buttonholes and stitches and I only got rid of it when I went to a fancier machine.
don't some machines come with built in featureus that eliminate the need for a walking foot when sewing multiple layers?
Thank you!
Hi, Deb,
I've sewn on three of the four you mention (not the Babylock model) and liked all three a lot. I, too, would have trouble choosing among them--though I don't think you can go wrong with any. You may have to choose by which dealer you like best, or which machine has the decorative stitches you think you'll use most often, or price, or some other factor besides simply "quality." Any chance you can rig up a fake "quilt" to try sewing at the store?
Thank you!
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