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Conversational Threads

Amazing Machine Embroidery

FitnessNut | Posted in General Discussion on

Carol, I just read your article on the Threads website about the stunning gown made by Jennifer Stern. What amazing work! Are there any more photos? I’m dying to see the entire garment! What an inspiration! I am a designer just starting to play with machine embroidery and this article really motivates me to sit down with the software and really learn it.



  1. carolfresia | | #1

    Sandy, those are all the photos we have of Jennifer's beautiful gown. In fact, those pictures were taken on the day that we met her for the first time, at the store where she works. Like you, we were really taken by the dress and by the stunning embroidery she designed and digitized. Since that day, Jennifer has become one of our embroidery design testers, and is a new Threads author as well, with an article on customizing coming out in the next issue.

    You might be interested to know that Jennifer won the top prize at the Pfaff convention for a second time in 2002, and this year has a garment entered in the Bernina Fashion Show that will debut at the Houston Quilt Market and Festival, starting this week.  I believe that if you log onto the Bernina website (http://www.berninausa.com) and register by Saturday, you'll be able to see a webcast of the fashion show; her garment remains top secret until then!

    Jennifer's upcoming article on customizing showcases her technological savvy, by explaining the creative (and organizational) advantages of the software. Jennifer does a lot of teaching, and has discovered that for most new embroidery machine owners, customizing is really the best introduction to using embroidery software. Even though she does a lot of her own digitizing, she knows from experience that, with the plethora of beautiful embroidery designs available for purchase, you can  do some incredible things without digitizing.

    Not only that, but she's also a top-notch baker. Is that over-achieving, or what?!


    1. FitnessNut | | #2

      WOW!!!!! Thanks for the info, Carol....I'll be sure to register with Bernina so I can watch the show. I'm looking forward to reading Jennifer's article.

      1. carolfresia | | #3

        Sandy, if you can ever get to Houston to see the Bernina show live, it's a wonderful experience. They do a really great job of presenting the garments, with dramatic lighting and music, and very seasoned professional models (a perennial favorite among the models is Elsa, who, for me, makes gray hair something to look forward to!). And the garments are incredibly, over-the-top gorgeous art-to-wear--every ensemble is pretty much a show-stopper. I'm missing the show this year too, and will be "attending" via my DSL connection at home.


        1. rjf | | #4

          Will that connection be available to your babysitter?      rjf

          1. carolfresia | | #5

            Do you have DSL? I think this show will be up this Saturday (Nov. 1st) or perhaps on Sunday. Go to http://www.berninausa.com to see how you're supposed to register--I haven't done it yet so I'm not sure what you have to do. You don't have to have DSL or a cable commention to the internet, but video is pretty sloooooooow if you're using dial-up.

            Besides, you'll be spending so much time reading the lengthy "Care of the grandchildren" document I wrote up, you won't have time for web surfing! Except at Gatherings, of course!


        2. FitnessNut | | #6

          Oooh, I'd love to go, but Houston is just a "little" far from home in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada). Maybe one day. I've registered with the Bernina site....in fact I seem to have done so some time ago and forgotten about it. LOL! I have a cable internet connection, which I'm sure will make it much easier to watch. I'm looking forward to it.


          P.S. I'm assuming from many of the posts that rjf is closely related to you????

          1. carolfresia | | #7


            Houston isn't exactly down the road from you, but if you're a quilter, and need a vacation, it's s wonderful place to go and take classes, visit the hundreds of vendors, and just enjoy communing with fellow quilt-lovers. Also, there are many large exhibits of quilts to look at. It's hard not to get inspired. I don't quilt, but I love this show.

            You guessed it--rjf is my mother and teacher in all things fiberarts. 

            Carol (cjf) 

          2. FitnessNut | | #8

            I don't quilt either, but my mother is a fanatic. Sounds like a fabulous show.

            I had a feeling that rjf was your mother.....somthing in the tone of your exchanges. Isn't it fun to have shared interests with her? I know that it has provided for some unique bonding experiences for my mother and myself.


          3. carolfresia | | #9

            It is nice to have a family member who likes to talk about the same stuff I'm interested in, and I am lucky to have two sisters, as well, who also enjoy sewing, knitting, beading, crochet, etc.  And then we all have our own individual interests, too--you won't find me golfing or figure skating or playing computer games, for example, but they probably think it's weird to play the ukulele.

            And in practically any combination, we're unbeatable at Pictionary!


          4. rjf | | #12

            Good heavens!  The secret is out!  I hadn't read this discussion for a while and was surprised to find me as a topic of interest......but pleased.  Do you think we'll get any takers at Pictionary?      rjf

          5. Jean | | #13


          6. rjf | | #14

            Maybe Threads would arrange a tournament!!    rjf

          7. carolfresia | | #15

            Who's going to Novi next year? Maybe we can schedule an off-site Pictionary party next year. Or just talk about sewing--either one would suit me fine!


          8. rjf | | #16

            What a good idea!  Maybe they have an empty classroom so we don't have to go too far away.  I have lots of pencils.      rjf

          9. carolfresia | | #10

            Quick update: Jennifer Stern won the Judges' Choice award at the Bernina Fashion show last week! Very exciting for her first year participating in the contest. I completely forgot to watch for the show on Saturday, so I checked it out this morning--impressive, as ever.


          10. FitnessNut | | #11

            How wonderful for her! I haven't had a chance to check out the show either...I must make time for it today.

            Thanks for the update.


          11. MarshaK | | #17

            Hi Sandy, I've been reading some of the posts about the Bernina Fashion Show, they also put out a great book, 'Fashion & Imagination' that has photos of all the garments, close-ups of interesting details, and info on how they were done. I have last year's issue, and am waiting for this year's which I have ordered. Another thing I'd like to mention, we're almost neighbors, I'm just down the highway, about 90 miles east of Edmonton. We've probably walked past each other at the Creative Stitches and Crafts Alive Show! Oh yeh--- if you ever need a travelling companion to the show in Houston, I can probably be talked into it. Matty.

          12. FitnessNut | | #18

            Well, isn't it a small world! Whereabouts do you live? I'm in Sherwood Park. Yes, we've probably walked past each other at the sewing show! I've only lived here for two years, but I've been both times. Its pretty small compared to the Toronto one, but we have to take what we can get ; )

            I saw the "Fashion & Imagination" book listed somewhere.....but where, I have no idea. Did you order it through Bernina or a machine dealer? I bet it will be an interesting and inspiring read. Enjoy!!!

            Merry Christmas,


          13. MarshaK | | #19

            Hi Sandy,

            I'm in the small town of Two Hills, as I mentioned it's about 90 miles east of Edmonton.  Yes, the show in the city is small, Iwould like to go to the Toronto one, actually I'd like to go to all the sewing shows that are in existance! I've been to the one in Calgary a couple of times, it's nice to see different vendors. The show in Edmonton seems to have been taken over by quilters, I do crazy quilting, mainly on garments, as well as every other type of embellishment that comes along.

            I ordered the Bernina book through an ad I'd seen in (dare I mention it?) Sew News Magazine. That may be where you saw it. I bought last year's issue from a sewing machine dealer in the city, decided I didn't want to pay twice the price that was printed on the cover this time as I ended up doing last year. Another dealer has the price of $36 on it's copy, that doesn't include our GST.

            Merry Christmas to you and everyone else,


This post is archived.

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