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Conversational Threads

American Girl dolls

jyang949 | Posted in Patterns on

Do you know where I can find patterns to fit American Girl dolls? Any kind of patterns–including muslin shells. I’m no hand at winging it!



  1. rjf | | #1

    Check with Jean, message 314 under New Temari ball in the Photo Gallery.    rjf

  2. Jean | | #2

    I googled and found this source.  Scroll down and you'll see 2 of the books I sent for by Joan Hines. I think I got mine through Amazon. http://www.infinitefreedom.com/ Her seam allowances are only 1/4 inch. The next outfit I make I'll cut a little larger. It's difficult to keep to that narrow a seam with heavy or loosely woven fabric.

    This site has a cute free pattern to download too.

    Have fun.

    1. orchid_2010 | | #9

      Thanks for the tip on the Joan Hinds pattern books -- I ordered one from Amazon and can't wait for it to arrive!

      1. Jean | | #10

        Oh, good. I hope you have as much fun with them as I do.

  3. amyL | | #3

    Years ago, when our girls were in to American Girls dolls we bought patterns through the AG catalog that were designed for the dolls. I remember making Kirsten's nightgown and then trying to match them in big girls sizes. Oh I miss thise days! You might try to call Pleasant Company to find out if they are still available or go on ebay and look under doll clothes patterns. Good Luck AmyL

  4. Theodora | | #4

    I'm doing fine using the patterns in the major pattern company books, with adjustments as necessary. Also, I am using the patterns in Joan Hinds books.

  5. Stefanie | | #5

    I'm having good success with the major pattern company ones too - I especially like the ones by Elaine Hegl (Simplicity I think) - I made a really cute pair of jeans and am set to make the jackets next. They fit an authentic AG doll as well as a Target brand doll.

    This is the pattern I used - 7083 -


    Edited 12/1/2004 1:35 pm ET by MNmom3

    Edited 12/1/2004 1:36 pm ET by MNmom3

    1. orchid_2010 | | #6

      I make lots of doll clothes and I really like the patterns from Vogue's Doll Collection.  They have some beautiful designs. The patterns are a little pricey, but I buy them on sale and usually reuse them several times so I always feel like I got my money's worth!

      1. SewTruTerry | | #7

        When my dsd was really into the AG stuff I found a book at my local library that had doll clothes patterns including those to fit the 18" variety and I made copies of all pattern pieces.  Whenever I made something for my dsd I used the same pattern pieces to make an identical outfit for her doll, I just followed the directions for the larger version for the doll.

        1. Jean | | #8

          I got a used book in the mail today. The Dolls' Dressmaker the complete pattern book.  by Venus A. Dodge.  I found it on the internet and it's a gem of a book. There's over 120 designs with actual sized patterns and ideas for variations for many different sized dolls. I'm going to have fun with this one. The patterns have a more realistic 1/2" seam allowance too. This will be fun. I plan to donate most of the clothes to our local school bazaar.

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