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Anglo wool

toomanycats | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

Newby here so I hope I’m not asking a question that’s already been beaten to death, but does anyone know where I can find Anglo wool?  I could special-order it from Jo-Ann’s many years ago, but no one there knows what it is any more.  I think it’s still being made because I’ve found references to it on the web, but I can’t find out anything about suppliers/manufacturers/etc.

Thanks in advance for any leads.




  1. stitchmd | | #1

    I've never heard the term. If you can describe it someone might recognize it under another name.

    1. toomanycats | | #2

      The weave is hard to describe other than that the threads are small. It's just called Anglo wool, although I'm not sure if that's the manufacturer. That's how it was listed at Jo-Anne's many years ago and if you do a search on the internet, you can find it referred to as Anglo wool.

      1. mem | | #3

        what would use it for ? Is it fabric is it balls of wool etc????

        1. toomanycats | | #4

          It's fabric.  Really nice, soft wool fabric.

          1. mem | | #5

            it sounds like a brand name to me .

      2. SewNancy | | #8

        I think that Anglo was the manufacturer.

  2. User avater
    paddyscar | | #6

    I think the previous post saying it was likely a brand name would be correct.

    The only reference I found to Anglo wool was at this site, where there is a picture of a woman wearing a top made of Anglo wool 


    You'll notice on that page, they also have a box on the top left side with a listing of different fabrics, when you go to the wool page, there are many definitions of different types of woolen fabrics, but Anglo wool is not included in the descriptions.

    Perhaps if you contact the owners of the website, they will be able to supply you with a similar fabric weight and drape.



    1. toomanycats | | #7

      Thanks. I've been to that site.  I think it's the only reference to Anglo wool I was able to find on the Internet.  I filled out a request form.

  3. solosmocker | | #9

    I worked at Joanns many moons ago. Anglo was a manufacturer. With all the textile related manufacturing being outsourced overseas, who knows if it even exists any more. I would contact Joanns by e-mail, find out who the district mgr is for your area, and ask her. Many of those DMs have been with the company for years and are pretty knowledgeable. I bought quite a bit of Anglo wool myself. It was a very nice quality, not cheap, sewed up beautifully, and had different textural finishes.
    Good luck. Hope I am not too late with this response.

    1. toomanycats | | #10

      Not too late.  I had contacted Joann's a while ago, but got a buyer who didn't know anything.  Hadn't thought to talk to a district manager.  I'll try that. Thanks.

      1. Sewnut | | #11

        When you find out please let us all know. Your Anglo wool sounds divine. I have been looking for a wool for 2 years to make a special cape out of and have been unable to find it. They do not make wool like they used to. I know that I will not find it at Joann fabrics! 

        1. toomanycats | | #12

          I shall!

          1. Ragbag | | #13

            Have you tried Banksville Designer Fabrics(banksvilledesignerfabrics.com) or Fishmans Fabrics (fishmansfabrics.com)?

          2. toomanycats | | #14

            Yes, but no luck. Thanks.

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