Can you underline where you are going to have a welt pocket or does it make constructing the pocket difficult? Do you just attach your underlining to the lining instead of the garment in that case so you dont have it in the way of making the pockets?
Edited 10/22/2006 2:50 am ET by sunnycenter
Well, I suppose you could cut out that section of the underlining around where the welt pocket will be (baste the edges with silk thread to remove later). Make sure at least some of it will be sewn in place by your pocket. That is: Make sure the raw edges of your cut section won't be exposed once the pocket is done. I have never tried this, though. Good question. But won't you be using interfacing to reinforce the pocket section as well? Will you be attaching the interfacing to the garment fabric or the underlining? Sounds to me like you need to make a test piece FIRST and then you'll see whether you need to cut away the underlining or not.
My tailoring/sewing reference books say to put a piece of fusible interfacing behind/under the area where the pocket opening will be; also, trim the edges with pinking shears so it will blend better.
No it does not make it difficult. You need to add interfacing behind the pocket opening anyway. If you use silk organza it is very thin, If you use an iron on you would still add interfacing behind the pocket anyway. Keeps the pocket from drooping.
See below under "general information discussion" for a response to one of your underlining questions.
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