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Conversational Threads

Anybody use a knitting board / loom?

Imzadi | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

Some one posted asking about these on a craft board I visit. I’ve never seen one before. They really intrique me. They remind me of my old potholder loom I had as a child. I wish I had other things I could have made on that loom.

Anyone try one of these or hear about them?




  1. stitchmd | | #1

    I have a plastic, circular one. It really only works with chunky yarns as the pegs are spaced too far apart. There are sets available with smaller ones with closer pegs. This is most of what is widely available in craft stores. The one you show is from a small producer and there are others who sell different shapes and sizes. It is easier to use than knitting needles but less versatile. They are good for kids, people with disabilities or those who just can't get comfortable with needles.

  2. SewTruTerry | | #2

    When I was really little I had a very large one with nails pounded into a board that had a slit cut into it.  It was made by a neighbor that was really into woodworking. If you have ever used a Knitting Knobby as they are called now you will understand how it works if not you loop yarn around the pegs kind of like the simple version of casting on regular knitting needles. You should cast on alternating sides going left to right or vice versa. Then when you are ready to knit you pass the yarn around the pegs or nails and lift the bottom loop over it using a crochet hook.  If you cast on without alternating between the sides and continue "knitting" the same way you will get a tube.  If you alternated when you cast on but not as you continue then you will get a tube that is closed at the end.  Then if you cast on alternating from side to side and continue alternating as you continue you get a double knit like material that can be quite dense. 

    Using the above techniques to your advantage you are able to make a hat a scarf and by using a serger today you could also treat the knit as you would any other yardage. You can also do a lot of shaping by casting off and also by adding on to the width as you go along.

    I hope that is as clear as mud as they say and I also want to thank you for a trip down memory lane.

    1. Imzadi | | #4

      Wow, Terry, yor descriptions now have me really intrigued. If this loom was legit, I was hoping to make a few scarves with the new funky novelty scarves, like ribbon & eyelash yarns. Now it sounds like I can make a closed bottom purse or hat. Thanks for letting me know stuff can actually be made on one. I'll have to do more research. Different companies have different distances between the pegs.

  3. rjf | | #3

    Licia Confort, who is a member of the weaving guild I belong to, has a business which markets "Weavettes",  similar to the pot holder thingie, but more sophisticated in design.  It comes in various sizes and shapes, square, rectangle and I think she's working some others.  They're fun to use and she has lots of pattern books.  I'll ask at the meeting on thursday about a web address if you're interested.   rjf

    1. Imzadi | | #5

      rjf, I really would be interested in more info on the weavette loom thingies. I tried my hand at knitting again a couple of months ago while waiting for more funds for my new sewing machine (which I finally got last month.) My knitting was really pathetic with all the dropped & uneven stitches.

      Since I'm concentrating on sewing again, I'd like something simpler to try when not sewing. I remember, as a child, making quite a few potholders until I ran out of pretty colors and sold them at my dad's restaurant. Bless the hearts of the customers who bought them.

      It was hard to mess up a potholder, so I'm hoping the knitting loom or weavette thingie will be just as fun.

      1. rjf | | #6

        Here is her web address:  weavettes.com.  And here is her phone #:  413 458 2782.  Both are from a magazine advertisement.      rjf

        Edited 5/20/2004 7:43 am ET by rjf

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