I want to apologize to several of you gals for not responding to your thoughtful responses in several topic threads recently. I want you to know that it is not for lack of interest, but I have been out of town again, and this past weekend took a very nasty fall and ended up in the hospital with head, shoulder, hand, and knee injuries. And now that I’m home again …I can’t seem to find where you posted, thus no response.
Unfortunately, I took the lease of a very huge, very strong, “get-away-dog” when out walking with a friend, and when she (the dog) bolted, I took a head-first fall onto the street. It was an unwise thing to do at my age and size, but it is too late to worry about it now. I should ask my husband to take a photo …with black eye and swollen face – but would prefer not being seen like this, as awful as I look!
Anyway, thanks to each of you who have responded with helpful suggestions to my recent questions. I appreciate and love you all for your thoughtfulness.
Your not so graceful friend, Sewslow67
Glad you're back; really sorry to hear of your mishap.
Thank you Katina; it's good to be back and read all about what everyone has been doing. This is a very special group, and I continue to learn a lot, even though I've been sewing for years. But that is life; always learning something new each day. Everyone has something to learn, and something to teach. ;-)
Oh my goodness, that sounds like a bad fall, glad to know that you are OK and nothing is broken. Glad to have you back with us. Cathy
Thank you Cathy; and yes, it was a terrible fall. They (the ambulance guys) initially thought that my neck was broken and that I had a concussion; thankfully, it was a miracle that was not the case. Still, I cannot rotate, or move my left arm because of such a severe shoulder injury. The upper quadrant of my face is very swollen and bruised and it is difficult to walk because of severe damage to my right knee. I wear rubber gloves to bathe myself because the palms of both hand have very large, deep wounds. And of course, this exacerbated problems with an old neck injury from being rear-ended by a huge truck a few years ago as well as when I fell off the roof the last time. (And no, I don't go up on the roof any more!)
Still ...there is humor in everything: The little boys in the neighborhood think my black eye and face damage looks "cool". LOL! One cannot help but laugh at their envy! ;-) Oh, to be that age and be able to "brag" about such stuff. I do heal very slowly because of the kidney disease, but the good news is that I do eventually heal, and for that I am grateful. Other than the fall, we had a great time on our trip; yeah!
One last note: It sure does pay to take good care of your bones. In this case, it wasn't so bad to be so "hard-headed". LOL!
Edited 7/30/2008 12:00 pm by sewslow67
Sewslow, those are some serious injuries. And I thought I was hurting from breaking my little toe Monday. Well, it may not be broken, but it sure looked like it at the time and throbbed and remains swollen and black and purple. That's what I get for running barefoot through the house, but in my defense, I was asleep when the phone rang and I dashed to answer it. I always enjoy hearing your latest escapades and agree with you that women can do anything they set their minds to doing. "I am woman, hear me roar!"
You guys had just better "roar" with some safety equipment. Nothing wrong with being safe while "roaring".
Oh dear, JQ; broken or sprained toes are painful, since the feet are so very sensitive. Do take care. I know what you mean though, when you get up on a run after being sound asleep. Bless your heart, and take care of that foot.
Thanks. It's not all that bad. I'm just whining. The irony of it is that the call was from the prosthesis store to remind me of my appointment to be fitted for new shoes. I'm diabetic and wear shoes specially designed for diabetics with large toe boxes for walking -- specifically to protect my toes from injury! LOLOLOLOL I swear that's the truth.
Oh, my goodness! Hope your bruises and scrapes will heal quickly, and that there were no broken bones.Maybe you already know this, but if you're still looking for already-read responses to your posts, you might check this way. At the top of the topics column on the left hand side of this page is a "Show Discussions..." button which allows you to choose which kinds of postings you want to view. It's usually set on "with Unread msgs", so postings you've already read don't show up. If you click on one of the other options - "I've recently seen" or "of High Interest", e.g. - that may help you to find the ones you've seen but not replied to. If you're looking for responses that you haven't read at all, click on "Unread msgs to Me."
Oh, thank you for your clear directions re how to find old messages. I've looked before for topics that I'd remembered where there might be messages, but didn't have very good luck. I'm sure it will work better now that you've explained it. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness in taking time to share ...and also our good wishes for recovery. I appreciate it.
Good thing I have several projects cut out and ready to sew, as it won't be possible to cut out garments until this shoulder heals. Thankfully, I can sew quite easily with my left arm to my side from shoulder to elbow.
When I responded earlier I didn't understand the extent of your injuries. I'm so sorry about your shoulder - I know how debilitating that can be. Do be gentle with yourself.
Thank you; and yes, they are pretty nasty. My neighbor commented that: "some people will do anything not to have to paint the outside of the house". (I was in the middle of painting the outside of the house myself, and now my dh is going to finish it). I actually like to paint, so it wasn't a problem for me ...but it just wouldn't be possible now. And secretly, I'd rather be sewing. No surprise there, eh?
Boy or boy, you must be pretty agile to be able to paint a house. When I was a young dreaming woman, I wanted to restore a home, build as much of the furniture I could in it, and make everything else that I could. Needless to say, that was a dream. Never happened. giggle. I'm still searching for my "calling" in life. giggle.
Yes, I'm usually pretty agile for my age ...but clearly, not at the moment. I'm stiff as a board right now! I actually got up on my roof and cleaned and treated the cedar shakes while in my early 60's. That's the good news. The bad news is that I fell off while doing it three different times.
The first time I fell (on the West side of the house) was into a tree, when I caught myself on a limb and just hung there until I could figure a way to climb down. The second time (on the North side) I fell into some bushes, which broke the fall quite nicely. The third fall (on the East side) was from a peak of the roof, and I fell onto the concrete drove way ...tail bone first. Now THAT was an ugly fall. My tailbone was smashed into 7-8 pieces and the pain was indescribable. It took over a year to heal and I still have problems with it but not too bad most of the time. I guess I was 65-years old that last time ...and the doctors in the ER implied that they thought that most people "my age" had better sense than to be up on a roof. LOL!
The fact is, I was single most of my life, have remodeled several houses - mostly by myself ...and learned to do what you have to do. Frankly, I think we women do that most of the time, and that our gender is quite capable of doing most everything. When asked what made me think I could miter corners for all the molding in my home, my response was: "Why not"??? "If I can miter slippery silk, I sure as heck can miter wood that stays in place"! I think we are all blessed to be women.
PS: Sorry this is so long ...
Edited 7/30/2008 1:46 pm by sewslow67
What!!!!!!? Baby girl, you were truly being warned with the first two falls. They say, "a hard head makes a soft behind" and you got just that. Thank the Lord above that's all. It could have been your head!!!!!
I was single when I purchased my first home and did everything I knew to do when I was in my Thirties. I got out on the roof to do stuff, and anywhere else I needed to go. But now, I wouldn't dream of getting out on a roof and I'm just 56. I traded the house for an apartment so I don't have the responsibility (or big bills) and I'm happy to have more time to worry about sewing and such.
I believe that women have few limitations if they choose to do what they choose to do, but when you reach the later years in life, you need to take more precautions to ensure safety. This goes for men and women alike. Using harnesses when doing roof work, asking for help spotting you if possible. Or just getting someone else to do it and bite the bullet and pay.
With all that said, I'm so very happy you are still with us. I'm sorry for the mishap, please take care, there's only one YOU. smile
Oh my goodness, so glad to hear you are O.K.
Thank you Ro; btw, I just love our doll on another post. She is absolutely darling. I've been looking at a doll pattern (on Vogue, I think) because I can't seem to find my old doll pattern. Must have gotten lost in a move.
This is the pattern I recently purchased for my second doll. Vogue Pattern V4718. I'm eager to see what I will end up with. I don't want to start until I purchase the stuffing. Don't like to start and stop in the middle of things. I already have fabric. I like the construction of the doll. We'll see what I come up with....giggle. Oh and thanks for your sweet comments. I had fun making Ms. Monique. How far along are you on your doll and is the Vogue pattern?
View Image
Edited 7/30/2008 12:39 pm ET by rodezzy
Oh, she looks darling, rodezzy; thanks for the photo. I'll go to Vogue patterns and look for it, too. What kind of stuffing do you like to use the most? It's been about 40-years since I've made a doll. Good grief! That sounds like a long time ...giggle! I've got some poly stuffing that I pulled out of a "too full" pillow that I could use if you think that would work OK.
Guess what Honey, that is just what I stuffed my first doll with. I have never made a soft cloth doll before and I had washed an old pillow that was lumpy and uncomfortable last year and put away for use if needed for guest. Never used it. So, it had polyfil in it and I used the whole thing on the the two dolls I made. I made a little one before the class for practice. I gave her to my cousins grand daughter. So, use it. Recycling is here to stay. It turned out very good. I pulled it apart in small bunches to loosen it up and that kept it from being lumpy.
I had to laugh at myself. "put away for use if needed for guest." Sounds pretty mean to give a guest a lumpy pillow. But I rarely have anyone except my grands and they use it mostly for pillow fights. I have better guest pillows for them and anyone else.
Listen dear, you take good care of yourself, I want to see your doll and other projects. We need your input too!
Edited 7/30/2008 12:55 pm ET by rodezzy
Great! I'll do it ...as I like to recycle as much as possible as well. Thanks!!
Thanks rodezzy. And I had to laugh too, about your pillow comment ...although I had a feeling those old ones were for the grandkids pillow fights! giggle! Now then, you asked about my projects. Right now, the one I'll be working on is a hand sewn piece as I don't have to move my left arm much for hand sewing.
There is a series of, oh ...maybe 6-8 and the series is called: "Postcards from Japan". They were designed by a woman by the name of Helene Knott, and I took a number of her classes when I lived in Portland, OR. I will try to find the link so you can check out all the designs in the series. Also, I just got my camera out and I'll see if I can get a photo taken of the one I'm working on now, even though I'm not finished yet. I'll take another one and post it when I get it done. Here is a link to here website, but I don't see the "postcards" shown there: http://www.kittystomp.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1
OK: Here's the link, but it shows only two of the "Postcards from Japan" series: http://www.storyquilts.com/html/knott.html
I'll get a photo of my "work in progress" and post it in a little while. More later. Hope you enjoy these. All are done by hand stitching, all as invisible as possible ...and tiny, tiny stitches. Very slow going but very satisfying.
Edited 7/30/2008 2:05 pm by sewslow67
Sewslow, Independence is one thing, however, if you end up bedridden, you will have none, so please be careful. lol I admire your sense of adventure tho. Hope you heal fairly quickly this time, and the damage to your arm and shoulder passes quickly. It really is a pain in the neck. tee hee. That Dollmaking with Rodezzy will be interesting, we will be anxious to see what the two of you come up with. Cathy
Thanks, Cathy; I actually quite slowly, but it always happens so I don't worry about it. I am going to stay off the roof though ...and my own little dog is only 5-pounds, and she is such a little baby, and oh, so easy to handle. The big dog that I had in hand - and got tangled in the leash when she bolted - was a combination pit bull, German Shepard, lab (and some other huge dog) mix. Good thing I'm so hard headed, eh? LOL!!!
Now then, the dolls: I've got to order a new doll pattern before I can start that because I evidently loaned my Holly Hobby doll pattern to someone and sadly, I cannot get another one as they no longer make them. I'm going to try to find one of the old ones, but so far, no luck.
In the meantime, I've got plenty to work on, but no cutting for awhile with this shoulder. I want to finish my "Post Card from Japan" wall hanging and then make a companion one to go with it. OK; I was able to take photos of these, so I will try to attach the picture of several of the series here as well as the one I am doing (it is "in progress", and so I'll post the complete project when it is completed.) I think you all can tell which one I'm working on from the photos. Also, here is a website with a couple of Helene's pieces, if you are interested in doing any of these yourselves: http://www.storyquilts.com/html/knott.html
I can't seem to get the photos attached, and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Well ...what the heck ...I guess I just plain don't know what I'm doing ...period. LOL!!
Edited 7/31/2008 7:34 pm by sewslow67
Those landscape quilts are amazing. Thank you for the link, and I look forward to seeing the photos of your work.When you try to post the pictures, click on "Choose", then make your choice, and click on "Upload". THEN WAIT...it might seem to take a long time for the uploading, especially if your photos are large. That's what confused me the first time I attached photos...nothing seemed to be happening, and there was no indication that anything was going on. If you can reduce the size of the photos to less than 100 MB, before posting, it will go much faster for you, and will be easier for everyone to see, also.
Edited 7/31/2008 9:11 pm ET by Josefly
Thank you, Josefly; I'm working on my first one, and hope to do several of her series: "Postcards from Japan". I took several of her classes while in Portland, OR. and really enjoyed her designs and the gentle (but perfectionist) way she taught. She's just a great gal.
Thank you also for your tips on downloading pictures. Mine are small, but I think your point of waiting was my problem. It just seemed like nothing was happening. I'll give it another try after dinner. Thanks again, and I'm glad you enjoyed the link to a few of Helene's designs. Oh ...and I found my other link to some of her other designs; here it is if you and anyone else is interested: http://www.heleneknott.com/index.php?option=com_gallery&Itemid=44 I took her "Dragon Fly" class too (this one is shown here also) and used deep brick reds, moss greens etc. I'll finish it one of these days, and post a photo when I do. It is a table quilt of wall hanging, about 54-inches square, as I recall, when completed.
Thanks again for your help. ;-)
ooooooooo awesome, awesome quilts. I'll never be that good. I bet you are though. Can't wait to see yours.
OK; It looks like it worked as I could see the list, but now that I closed the window, I can't see them ...so I'll post this and see what happens.
Great - glad it worked. Those are just beautiful. I especially like the one with the waterfall and the fall leaves. Thanks so much for sharing them.
I'm so sorry to hear about all your injuries - you poor baby!!! That big dog really did a number on you - best that you only walk your own wee dog from now on, eh? It's a blessing that you weren't injured worse, as you're in enough pain as it is. It's unfortunate that you heal slowly, too, as summer is usually a person's most active time (travelling, outdoor work, etc.). Hopefully you will feel better soon. As everyone suggested, do take care of yourself & take it easy for awhile. Thank heavens your sense of humour is still intact :).
Your postcards are beautiful! Will you do the whole set of 12? What is their actual size? Is the picture in the middle already printed on the fabric or did you have to applique each scene?
Those are wonderful. They will be beautiful when they are done. Do post the finished items when they are done. Cathy
Were those yours? What size are they. They are awesome. I also liked the one with the waterfall. These are reminiscent of another quilt artist that called her "Quilt with a view." I made one, but never quilted it. It's oriental too, but nothing as fabulous as yours. Yours are wonderful.
Note: I tried to add several other names, rodezzy, ThreadKoe, and Gloriasews ...but the "others" didn't seem to work; but know that you are all included. ;-)
Thank you all for your comments and interest, and I'll try to answer all of your questions. If I miss something, please just remind me, and I'll add another note. First of all, I'll attach my "work in progress" below.
First of all, the photos of the ones I shared are actual photos of Helene's work when completed. The circle part of each design is made from an 18-inch square that you cut down to a circle that is 16-inches in diameter when completed, i.e. cut 16.5 inches so you will have a 1/2-inch for the background "framing" fabric to cover that edge. (and yes ...Helene has you do all the hand applique stitching to the edge of each design in the square ...with stitches no more than 2-mm apart ...and ...they should not show!). She is such a fabulous instructor ...wow!
When the middle design part is completed and the outer framing has been attached, the completed hanging will measure 21-inches by 32-inches, which is composed of two bands of contrasting fabric, as you can see by the photos. One of them is 7-inches wide and the other is 14-inches wide when finished.
I kind of got ahead of myself here: The design themselves are printed in a 16-inch circle with all the elements drawn in. She also includes several pages of instructions with each design and the color photo of the fabrics that she chose for hers. It is amazing how different each one looks with each students different fabric choices. It was great fun to see and share!
From that original printed design, you then trace around each little design element and cut each piece out of the different fabrics you have chosen. I might add here that it took me hours to find all the different little pieces of fabric for each element. You might not be able to tell, but there are 5-6 different fabrics just for my water. Oh ...and she said to never use plain blue fabrics for the sky part - which makes sense. I still haven't found any fabric for the sails that I truly like, but do have one that I will probably use anyway.
Those tiny little pieces are real buggers to applique perfectly and even some of the tiny curves are time consuming as well ...esp. when the stitches have to be invisible and so close together. Still ...I love doing it.
When you have your circle framed and hand stitched, you then put this piece on a thin piece of stabilizer and then your quilt batting (thin) and then your backing fabric that coordinates ...even though it doesn't show. Quilting the piece comes next, the binding it. In the one with the fish embroidery, you need to do that before binding but after quilting it.
I think that should answer all the questions. I apologize for not being too organized with my directions, but I hope this is at least clear and helpful. You can email Helene and/or contact "Story Quilts" to order any of her patterns. I saw somewhere where she has added quite a few more designs to the series. I plan to do at least 2-3 of them and possibly the six that I have. However, I will give several as gifts ...which I usually do with my work. In fact, I haven't kept one piece of anything ...including my texture on canvas needlepoint pieces that I've done for the past 50-years. I decided that this will be the year to be a bit selfish and start keeping a few here at home. I guess we all prefer sharing when we can.
I hope this is clear and that it might inspire someone to make one and share the results as well. Either way, enjoy ...and let me know if you have any more questions.
Thanks so much for the full & clear information. The postcards are larger than I expected - I thought they'd be small like the quilting-type postcards (like 5"X7" or so). They will make a beautiful wall arrangement, if you don't give them all away :). I have that same problem - everything I've made that's really nice, I've given as gifts (without taking pictures of them, which I really regret). Kudos to you for having the patience to applique all those little, bitty pieces with the tiny hand stitches. On the other hand, with your injuries, it's wonderful that you can work on these while you're healing. The postcards are beautiful & you'll have a real sense of accomplishment when they're done. Happy stitching.
Good Morning Gloria: I just got a reminder note re the Reunion ...that is is a mere 5-weeks away. So I decided I'd best put the wall hanging aside and get with sewing for the reunion. I still need a couple more outfits, and there isn't much time, considering that this is also jam making season and I'm slow, what with the injuries still a problem. I do freezer jam so at least there is no heavy lifting, which is impossible right now.
I've got two dresses, a couple of tops and a couple of pants I want to get done before Sept. 3rd, so I'd best get with it. At this point, I'll be happy to get half of it completed. LOL!
You are running out of time for the reunion sewing items. Have you started any of them yet? Only do what you can each day - it'll eventually get done in time, but you are working under a handicap for the time being, so, as Gail suggested, don't overdo it - both with the sewing & the jam-making. At least with the freezer jam, as you said, there isn't any heavy lifting, as there would be if you were using your canner. I've never had luck with freezer jam, so I have to cook it & finish it off in the canner every time - & that's a much bigger (& hotter) job :(. I like the homemade jam, but hate all the work involved!
Do keep us posted on your sewing progress.
Thanks for your encouragement Gloria, and for the reminder to not over-due. BTW, as for the freezer jam not tuning out. I had that problem for the first time last year, and just discovered the problem (for mine, anyway).
In the states, pectin is pectin; but here in BC, there appears to be two kinds of pectin: One for cooked jam and one for freezer jam. So this year, I bought the Certo brand specifically for freezer jam and it turned out great ...just like it always did except last year. You may be aware of that already, but just in case you weren't, I thought I'd mention my little predicament of last year.
To answer your question regarding reunion outfits: I haven't even cut them out. Good grief! I just lost track of time, and we've been out of town several times recently for my husbands family stuff. I think I was better organized when I was working 60-80 hours a week.
Yes, Certo is the better brand, but the freezer jam one didn't work for me - it didn't jell. Last summer I had tried the Bernardin brand of pectin & it didn't work at all for strawberry jam - the berries kept floating (I had cooked, then processed them in their jars, but they never did jell & the berries kept floating). I e-mailed Bernardin & they, too, have problems with strawberry jam, as strawberries have more air bubbles in them. They call their version "Floating Strawberry Jam" - so they weren't any help at all. I redid the batch & added a box of Certo, sterilized the jars again & processed them for 15 minutes. It finally turned out OK, but there were lots of little air bubbles in the jars. I do prefer the taste of freezer jam, but now I only have a small freezer on the upper part of my fridge, so it's back to canning for me.
You're right about being better organized when we were working - I'm the same way now - time just seems to flow through my fingers like quicksilver, with not much accomplished :(. Of course, I now spend way too much time on these threads - when I should be sewing.
Hi Gloria, haven't talked with you for a while. About your jams, are you mashing the berries enough? As much as berry chunks taste good in jam, they will float. If you process them in a food processor or blender or mixer, it adds a lot of air as well. Potato masher works best. If you thump the jars well on the counter, hard, a few times and then let them sit, then do it again, the bubbles will come up before you process them. If you can use it, a tsp of BUTTER in the cooked jam at the end of the cooking dissipates the bubbles in the cooked jams nicely as well. 1 tsp of butter over a whole batch is not a lot of fat, and it really reduces the air in jams and jellies. It is not going to affect those who are lactose intolerant either. I have not done freezer jams, so I cannot advise you there, but gently stirring to let the air out, and thumping the jars or containers should help a lot.
One thing to check with your pectin is the expiry dates. They do not have a long shelf life, and unfortunately, some stores do not check the dates on their products......Cathy
Thanks so much for your suggestions. I have tried ALL of them, with no success, except, when I have to redo a batch, I have put it briefly in the blender first, added another box of pectin, reboiled them, processed them & they turn out really nice - fairly firm & no more floating fruit. Yes - I always check the expiry date, as I used to get caught on that in the past.
I guess sometimes things just don't work despite everything. The odd batch just will not set, and has to be re cooked and processed. I had one batch that I missed, but found a great use for the runny jam. Pour it over cream cheese and serve with graham crackers as part of a cheese tray. Tastes like cheesecake. Yum. :) Cathy
That's a great idea - thanks! I have used runny jams on occasion as either a syrup over pancakes or a sauce over ice cream. Our creativity extends beyond sewing :)
There's a commercial blueberry farm about 2 miles from me. I go there and pick blueberries during the season. Once some of my jam didn't jell, so I used it as syrup on blueberry waffles. Toped it off with whipped cream and some fresh berries. Thereafter, I have made some syrup along with the jam every year. You can also serve it as a quick dessert for unexpected guests when you have a few frozen berries in the freezer. I've never had a complaint doing that......
Yes - yummy! I've had no complaints either when I've used the jam as syrup - of course, I didn't say that it was failed jam :)
If you really want it fancy, you can heat a brie round with the jam over it also. Cathy
Anything on brie is yummy. It's also good heated for 15 minutes in the oven so it gets warm & melty, then put red pepper or jalapeno pepper jelly (or even cranberry sauce) over it & serve with crackers. My mouth is already watering!
I'll just jump into the "jam" session here: How about adding a little brandy to the jalapeno pepper jelly and then topping off the brie with a few sliced almonds before heating it in the oven. Yummy!
Edited 8/10/2008 12:24 pm by sewslow67
You guys are making me HUNGRY! Now a little wine with the cheese...and jam... and crackers...anybody up for a party? Cathy
Excellent! You bet it's yummy! Now I'll have to add brie to my grocery list, as I haven't had it for awhile. Thanks so much for reminding me.
I also like to pour a little heated maple syrup over my heated brie...Cathy
I've got the maple syrup - all I need now is the brie :) What kind of crackers do you serve with this, as it would be sweeter than the other toppings mentioned?
I personally like the peppery ones. Or whole wheat. Nice contrast in flavour. Cathy
PS toasted walnuts are nice on top of the maple syrup also
Edited 8/11/2008 6:54 pm ET by ThreadKoe
Thanks muchly!
Good Grief Charlie Brown! You and Gloria are making me so hungry, my stomach hurts! giggle ...giggle! Here I am ...working on this stuff for the Reunion ...and can you believe that at this late date ...I am making a skirt with 13-pieces in it?!?!!! I must have been out of my bloody mind when I chose the pattern. It would look really cool with 13-different pieces of fabric, but I chose only two ...alternating each "stripe", so to speak. The jacket/vest that goes with it was designed as a single layer, but I'm making it reversible, using the two fabrics in the skirt, and then binding it with (not sure yet).
It is a Park Bench pattern, and I really like their designs. They're kind of funky ...art to wear type stuff. If you are interested (and are not familiar with the company), you can find them at http://www.parkbenchpatterns.com/20.html . The pattern I'm using for this particular outfit is: "Woodstock", which is #20. I'm using two prints, a kind of ink/navy/dk. purple print and a brick/burnt orange/dk. purple print. I'll post a photo when I get it complete. OK ...I'm taking my hungry, growling little jelly belly back to the cutting table and on to the sewing area. No time for hunting down Brie, so you al will just have to party-hardy without me on this one. But just wait ...when I bring a gallon of wine ...;-) ...oh, yeah ...
Edited 8/11/2008 7:43 pm by sewslow67
Edited 8/11/2008 7:47 pm by sewslow67
I guess we better quit or the nibblies will keep you from fitting into your fabulous creation...tee hee I have seen those designs, but never sewn them. You will post a pic of course....Cathy
Edited 8/11/2008 7:55 pm ET by ThreadKoe
I went munching on a few nachos ...and back to the sewing machine. And yes ...I will post a pic when I get it done. Thanks for the reminder, and I hope you all are enjoying your Brie. I didn't get to the store to get all the suggestions for toppings, but will this weekend. They all sound yummy; thanks to all for the suggestions. ;-)
You are most welcome. Have just sent you a PM. Cathy
Took a look at that skirt pattern and loved it. I will be purchasing it. Thanks for the pattern, put the site in my favorites. Enjoy your treats everyone. Sounds delicious.
Wow - that IS an ambitious pattern - but it will wow your former classmates all to heck! Are the strips in the skirt cut on the bias or straight grain (except for the curves, of course). Which style of vest will you make? Now we can't wait to see the finished product! Good luck with it! It'll look lovely.
As for our partying, I still don't have the brie or the whole wheat crackers - so I'll be a latecomer to this party :) Be sure, though, that we'll be thinking of you while we are enjoying :)!
Yes, it is an ambitious pattern. The strips are on the straight of grain, which helps a lot. I sewed each one on the sewing machine and then serged each seam. If/when I make another one, I will just use the serger only, using either the 4-thread or the 5-thread. It will be a lot faster and probably just as secure.
I've got all the pieces to the skirt done, and I'm really pleased with the results. The only things left to do is the are the waist band and the hem (the latter will take some time). I've got to figure out what to do about the vest though, and the tank top I planned to make as a coordinate. I used fabrics from my stash, so I may be short a bit; we'll see when I put out pattern pieces tonight or tomorrow morning. I'll post pictures when all is complete.
Hey ...go get that Brie; I may need to take a break to party! tee hee!
Hey there, for a person with a bad shoulder you are batting a thousand with your sewing. That skirt is on the fast track to being finished. That's great! Looking forward to seeing your new outfit. I loved the pattern.
I'm a determined person, rodezzy ("Determined", i.e. another ...nicer ...word for "stubborn"). LOL! The shoulder moves; but the flesh on it was mostly all torn off to the bone, thus the problem; same with the right knee. I'm beginning to think the doctor is right, and that a skin graft may be the best way to resolve this problem.
No computer this morning, which caused a huge problem for my work, so I am now ...finally getting my husbands laptop working, which will help for tomorrow. I decided that today would just have to be a "wash", and I'll sew for the rest of the day. No pay/no gain/but OK ...because ...tee hee ...I've still got a stash. Oh, yeah! Always sunshine someplace!!!
Well, you must do what's best for you. Just know that I am wishing that everything goes well for you.
Wish I had a stash. I can't keep, well I do have some pennies, but only because they aren't adding up to enough right now to buy somemore stuff! giggle
Rodezzy, you don't have a stash because YOU KEEP USING IT UP! =) Cathy
You just don't know. I have containers. I am trying to use it up though! I made several lap quilts from fabric in my stash only. I need to quilt them now.
You're not sewing that slowly to have almost finished that fabulous skirt - that was fast! You're right, the hem will take a bit longer, but it will swish so nicely around your legs when you move, that it'll be worth it. I'm amazed that you're working so quickly with that sore shoulder - at this rate, you'll have your reunion clothes finished ahead of time. I hope you have enough fabric (or can find something to match) in your stash for the vest. Do you have a tank top already that can go with this outfit, in case you run out of time to sew? Yes, you can most definitely celebrate when you're finished!
Yes, serging the skirt pieces would have saved you time, but make a note on the pattern for the next time - as you'll most likely make this skirt again after all the compliments you'll receive at the reunion. We all look forward to the pics. Happy sewing!
Thanks, Gloria; I hope you are right. No, I don't have a tank top that will work, and I thought I'd have the vest and tank done today, but I've been at the computer since 6:00 am this morning ...trying to get things to work. For some reason, the ISP went dead on mine, so I got my DH laptop, and it is working (as you can see) but I've had to get all the security software updated on his (he didn't keep it updated because he never uses the laptop), and it's been a real pain to do ...never had that problem before until now.
Re: the Shoulder: The good news is that the bones were not broken (i.e. I can use my arms without too much pain); the bad news is that all the flesh on the ball of the shoulder got torn off ...and then infected (don't ask me how, what with all the stuff I put on it), and it is just not healing. It is sore, but isn't as painful unless I bump it, or DH forgets and puts his arm around me. The latter will send me flying through the roof!
Good suggestion to make notes on the pattern envelope; I do that a lot, but could easily forget now with all the other stuff to do. I think if I were going to make this skirt out of cotton, I'd wash it a few times or beat it with a rock, to soften it. You are right about the "swishing" though; using this wonderful rayon was perfect for it.
What are you sewing at the moment ...or are you just sitting back with a glass of wine, eating Brie, and making great plans? tee hee! My DH made some rhubarb whine that is really, really delicious! If we all can just make that get-together happen, I'll bring a few bottles for all of us to enjoy.
Too bad that you don't have a tank top that would work - it would have saved you some time. Hopefully, you are working on the vest today - or is it terribly hot there, too?
Is the infection healing on the shoulder yet? At least if you get rid of the infection, the graft should heal a bit quicker, you'd think.
I'm not doing any sewing at all right now - spending too much time doing other things & reading these threads, & planning my projects. The computer can be a great time-saver or a time-waster, eh? How frustrating for you having to update the security on your hubby's laptop - it all takes time, which you probably feel that you don't have right now.
Oh - rhubarb wine! Sounds wonderful. I haven't had rhubarb wine in about 25 years, & that batch was excellent. No, I haven't gotten the brie yet, but I will. We'll just have to supply our own wine & cheese, & have that get-together in our minds, eh?
I am so impressed with your progress, and I love that pattern. Can hardly wait to see the finished product. Remember, you can always buy a tank top, so don't stress over getting that done. I'm going this weekend for another soirée down to the coast to see my old (literally) high school buds..... We are going to fry some fresh bay shrimp caught right there and cooked by one of the guys I graduated with. I don't know what will be the side dishes. Another night we are going to celebrate the 70th birthday of my best friend's brother. And one of my friends recently divorced and has a new house overlooking the bay with spectacular views, so we are going to christen it. There will be three of us staying there. We always have late night gossip sessions. We'll try out some of the recipes mentioned here on the forum, I think.
Oh, my gosh JQ; that sounds like so much fun! Do have a glass (or several ;-) for me, OK? If I drink one now, I may not be able to sew a straight seam. giggle! Your menu sounds great too, and there is nothing like a bunch of really old (oh, dear ...) friends, getting together for a rousing, late night chat session.
Have a great time, travel safe, and come back refreshed and ready to hit the stash, OK?
Gotcha! I do love these people. So far today I've talked to three of them, and that's not unusual. This will be my third trip down (5-6 hours depending upon how many stops I make) since May 5th.
You might go look at the "Tank Top" thread in the "Photographs" category for an idea for a quick top to wear to your reunion. I promise you I am tempted to make one of those. My friends are crazy enough to appreciate the humor, and they'd really not be all that surprised that I'd do that. They have loooooooonnnnggg memories. LOL
JQ, I don't know how fancy some of your events are, but may I suggest you fancy up the neckline a bit with some lace or binding or something? Heavens Forbid that someone see you present a project without some sort of fine embellishment on it, he he he Cathy
Oh my goodness that sounds like a great time. Wish I could get some of that fresh shrimp. You will definitely enjoy this trip I see. Have fun.
Your upcoming weekend sounds fabulous! Hope you have a great time & a safe trip
Sounds like a really fun time. Travel safely and fill us in when you get back. Cathy
Oh, rodezzy; I'm just not the artist that you are. I have to follow in someone else's footsteps and just do the "gruntwork", as my granddad used to say. And, as my name implies ...I am painfully slow, but I do enjoy it. There is a lot to do yet in this wall hanging ...all the little stuff that takes such a long time and much patience (and no TV watching while doing this kind of work).
Thankfully, my fingers work just fine and I don't need to hang onto anything now that includes my palms, which have deep wounds in them from the fall, so I should get quite a lot done this next week. We'll see as there are several flats of berries that need to be made into jam yet to do (and before they spoil). I make freezer jams so that is no great shakes to do.
I still want to make several garments for my high school class reunion that is September 4th-7th. I've got some real pretty blue plaid crinkle cotton that I'm going to underline in cotton batiste so I don't have to wear an underslip, which is too much in Eastern Oregon weather this time of year. It gets to be 100+F over there and can be scorchingly hot, thus no pants either. They are just too hot to wear and dresses are much more comfortable. My goodness, but all of us "kids" will sure look OLD! giggle, giggle!
You are an artist. A wonderful, free spirit. I can't address everything you said this week. Talk at you more next week. In a different dept.
I am sure you will be the Belle of the Ball. The Crinkle Cotton sounds cool just thinking of it. We just got back from our trip to Vermont. Was supposed to be nice weather so we took the bikes. It rained, thunderstormed and hailed on our way down and we got soaked. Sunday poured as well. So much for our planned tour of Stowe. At least it was nice coming home Monday, so we dallied our way home. I did not have time to make the ceramic mirror like I wanted, but made BIL a Happy Birthday Old Guy T shirt with bought T and Markers for everyone to sign. Doodled a likeness of his face on it, and a big 40, Welcome to the Old Guys Club on the front. Went over Big Time. Amazing what you can come up with in a hurry. How are the bruises on your face healing? I have been worrying a bit my friend. Cathy
Hi Cathy; It sounds like you had a good trip to Vermont despite the rain. When you said: "take the bikes" ...does that mean that you biked all the way from Ontario on them?
I've only been in Vermont once, for my son's wedding to a girl who lived in Randolf Station. The wedding was in October, and the colors ...wow ...they were something to behold. These are my "Little House on the Prairie" kids, so the wedding was very old fashioned and lovely in every way. My daughter could be termed "The Mod Squad" gal ...very different from her brother, but both good kids.
Thank you for your concerns regarding the injuries from my fall. The head injuries are finally healing, although the bruises look dreadful. It's the shoulder and the knee that are not doing well; both look to be quite infected, so I'm about to literally "bite the bullet" and put some old fashioned iodine on them. My dad always said that iodine fixed everything ...but it burns like the dickens, which is why I've avoided it thus far. If you hear a scream from BC, you will know that I did the deed. LOL!
I've been working today ...needed to get some free lance in as I've been a bit lazy about that recently. I think I'm taking retirement too seriously. giggle. I'll be cutting out a dress this afternoon, and getting some sewing in. That will be my therapy for the day ...and my reward for going cold turkey re the iodine. ;-)
Sorry to hear your shoulder and knee are not healing well. Round here, we use a lot of Hydrogen Peroxide Spray, in the weak formula. It bubbles out the infection, without damaging the healing tissue. If you don't have the spray, you can actually just swab or pour the stuff on. Then a little antibacterial ointment to keep the wound clean. And it doesn't hurt like Iodine. Here on the farm we seem to have a lot of nasty little wounds, and it has helped us keep off of the antibiotics. Saltwater soaks, you know, tablesalt in hotwater, soak infected part to draw out the infection. That helps too. If you can't soak the part, hot saltwater compress helps. I have a hubby who will not see the DR unless abs. neccessary. Some of these old treatments are based in good science. We use the same treatments on the cows cuts and scrapes. Yup, took the motorcycles, it is usually a leisurely 4 hours on them, but we hit a bit of bad weather that was not supposed to happen. Such is my life, but all part of the adventure.
Edited 8/5/2008 4:23 pm ET by ThreadKoe
Oh, Cathy; what a dear friend you are (a friend I haven't met yet, as I like to say) for taking the time to offer suggestions for these wounds. I just changed the bandages and soaked cotton with the Hydrogen Peroxide and in turn, soaked the wounds. The knee one didn't sting, but the shoulder did ...but mostly because it is painful just to move it slightly, let alone touch it. I then put Teinture de Propolis on it (my husband swears by this stuff) and then smeared Betadine on the gauze bandage to cover it.
The entire shoulder is painful, right down to the bone, and looks like someone took a meat cleaver to it ...and tried for hours to tenderize it. I've got some antibiotics to take if I get peritonitis (infection from doing PD dialysis), but I prefer not to take antibiotics unless I have something life threatening.
I was thinking that I should wear a sun dress today, and leave the wounds uncovered and let the air and sun shine get to them for a bit. From your experience, do you think that would help? I know I heal more slowly than most ...even small cuts take 7-10 days to start to heal, but a couple of these have made no progress at all. I sure do appreciate your thoughts on this. Thanks so very much.
Yes, leave the bandage off, but put some sort of antibiotic ointment over the wounds after cleaning them. This seals the area, and when the scab starts to form, keeps it soft. Kinda like letting a baby's bottom air out for a while, tee hee. A bit of sun and air will do it a lot of good I think, just don't over do it. sunburn will sure make it worse. Vitamin D will help with healing. Natural form is always best in my book. Really keep watch on that shoulder, and do not overdo the hydrogen peroxide, once a day is enough. Take care, and keep me posted. Cathy
Oh, Cathy; thank you so very much for your help with these wounds. The suggestions you made yesterday have helped a bit already, and I followed todays already ...leaving them without dressings ...open to the air, but cleaned and with antibiotic ointment on them. The head wounds will no longer need covering, but I'll cover the knee and shoulder when I go to bed tonight. I'll repeat tomorrow. Again, thanks so very much.
I'm going to get going on my sewing, now. I'm starting a new post ...you might want to check it out ;-) ...as I just organized all of my fabric stash and will describe in the new post. What a relief to get that done. Now I can get to actually sewing! ;-)
I'm so distressed to read that you are healing so slowly. I will be sending up all the powers to heal you faster that I can from within me and the heavens. Good luck my dear. Be careful about exposing open wounds. This world is toxic.
Thank you RO; the knee is actually looking pretty decent today (still infection, but better than yesterday), but the shoulder is nasty. Thankfully, the pain is almost gone, but the wound looks bad. I'll put more antibiotic on it and let it air again today, as that helped a bit yesterday. As I mentioned in another post, I do heal very slowly, so maybe it will be OK by next week.
Thanks again. I've been holding good thoughts for you this week, what with your early and very long hours. My goodness; you must be exhausted by the end of the day. Do you have enough energy by the time you get home to do anything but sleep? You take care now, OK?
I liked the quilts in the link. I bet yours will be beautiful.
Oh my, so sorry to hear about your accident. Aches and pains are no fun...........I've had a few. About a year ago I fell down our stairs..........bouncing on my butt the whole way down. I did a number on my tailbone and nearly a year later, it still hurts when I sit wrong or for too long. That 18 hour drive back from Texas was FUN! ha ha
Do take care of yourself now and stay on the ground and on your feet! No more acrobatics for you!! And if you must walk a dog, choose a very small one! I sounds like you're not one to sit and mope.............moping impedes recovery I think because the stiffness just gets worse. Just keep moving.........but GENTLY, please!
Glad you're back. Kay
Oh dear Kay: I know what you mean about tail bone injuries ...and I'm beginning to wonder if they are every totally healed. I mentioned before that I broke mine into several pieces the last time I fell off the roof ...and you are so right; a tail bone injury is the pits.
I've been trying to attach some photos but I just can't seem to get the job done. I'll keep trying but so far, I'm just a klutz about it, I guess. Crumb! I wanted you gals to see the series of Helene Knott's "Postcards from Japan", as they are so lovely. I'll keep trying.
Thanks again for your good wishes.
Careful now, take your time and heal yourself fully. Welcome back. Gail
Thanks, Gail. What are you sewing these days? I know you do a lot for your family too, but are you going to go for the "Reader's Closet" this time? Are you still thinking about writing an article for Threads? (I hope you are ...;-). Inquiring minds want to know ..;-)
Edited 8/4/2008 1:41 pm by sewslow67
Dear All Inquiring Minds.
I still get one more month of my "break" before I have to decide to do anything!!!!!!
What am I sewing right this minute???? Several years ago, when my earthly father was in the hospital, I hand embroidered a "Noah's Ark" 32 inch "center block" for a baby quilt. There hadn't been a baby born in our entire extended family for over 20 years.......but I just felt the need to look to the future, rather than the past.
Our niece is 12 weeks pregnant, and we are all holding our breath. Pregnancies in our family don't always "go the distance", but so far so good. Beginning Saturday, I have been cutting out pieces for 20 eight inch pieced blocks to frame the center block, and with a positive frame of mind, I'm going to go ahead and machine piece and hand quilt it. If this baby (tentatively referred to as Our Little Bird) is born in February, he/she will be the first baby born in our entire family (and even the baby's father's family) in over a quarter of a century!
Also I purchased an awesome 2 yard piece of 60" wide wool boucle' (sp) on the internet. I thought it has a bit of a "syntheticy" slickish feel to it, so I bleached tested it, and it proved to be wool. Then I washed it in the machine and the texture developed very nicely, I think it had probably been stored and flattened out some. It is a bright red and blue plaid. The blue exactly matches a set of sweater twins I had purchased, several years ago, but never worn. So I'm making the plaid up into a skirt with 4 boxed pleats.
I suspect that many of us on this forum will be praying for "your little bird", Gail. And I know your niece will feel the love in every stitch of that dear baby quilt that you are making for her baby. I shall hold good and positive thoughts ...; please keep us posted.
Your projects sound wonderful.
Yes, Gail, we 'enquiring minds' do like to know all :)
The quilt will be lovely. How nice that you've kept the centre block all these years & can now finish it. A quarter century is a long time with no babies in the family. I hope all goes well & that you can all rejoice in February.
The wool skirt will be lovely. Are the 4 box pleats in the front only or 2 in front & 2 in back? You were so lucky to be able to match the sweaters, eh? Happy sewing!
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