I have made a plain v neck stretch top and would like to “jazz” it up with a stretchy ruffle trim in contrating colour
How do I trim the V part without it looking bulky??
Also does anyone know a useful website or book that has info and diagrams re use of trims etc
A trim such as that would probably be better added before the facing, but for a top-applied decoration, there are many good trims at fabric stores, some of them very innovative and elegant.
Buttons seem to be an addition to clothing these days - as decoration. Beads, also. Top-stitching embellishment is another, you can get very original with different threads and applications. There are a number of articles in past issues of Threads about embellishment.
Thanks for tip about buttons. I agree they can look fabulous particularly vintage buttons
How you would handle the trim in the V depends on whether the trim is "inside" the neck opening or "outside". Inside; I would miter the trim edges with a seam in the center front.
Outside;Hmmmm, not sure I would do it at all, if I wanted the ruffle to hang down, I'd use a rounded neck opening.
Hope this helps a little,
thanks Becky-book
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