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Conversational Threads

April/May 2008 Issue cover picture

Dorothy | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

I was very disappointed by the picture on the cover of the April/May 2008 issue.  I thought the jeans screamed “home made” in its worst sense, especially the two front belt loops which aren’t the same length.

To me, home made in its best sense means well-fitting, appropriate style and fabric choice in the color that makes the wearer look great. 

I’ve often wondered if whether the demo garments pictured in Threads are deliberately not perfectly executed, in order not to intimidate the average sewer.

Now ducking,



  1. scrubble4 | | #1

    Dorothy:  I haven't seen the new Threads yet, but you don't need to duck.  Others of us have commented from time to time that we would not have made the fabric, pattern, and individual choice that Threads made for an article.  Also, we have had lots of discussions about what is homemade and what creates disasters in our sewing.  These discussions suggest quality in our sewing is a goal for us.

    Kathleen Fasanella in her book for Design Entrepreneurs has a discussion in one chapter on what is quality.  She has a few paragraphs framing what it is not:  expense, time taken, how much you like it etc.  Then Kathleen states quality is workmanship.  I agree and that is one of the reasons I keep returning to Threads and to this forum as I need to keep improving my skills and knowledge.

    I am bugged when I see things that look sloppy or not right.  The thing I tell myself is that everything that bugs me when I see it not done properly in a Threads article, is also addressed somewhere else in a previous Threads article.  Those articles along with this forum help keep me improving. 

    Pressing at the edges, pants with too much material at the crotch line even when standing, bulky seams, wrong fabric choice are all examples of things that I have sighed over.  Yet each one of these has been addressed in a Thread's article. 

    I guess production timelines cause the good folks at Threads to make compromises, just like we all make in our lives.  We just want our mag (as I think many of us think of Threads that way) to be perfect when it comes to sewing standards. 

    I guess I need to duck now too, but at least there will be two of us under the table so we will be able to chat. 


  2. Crazy K | | #2

    After reading your post, I had to go back and take a good, hard look at the pants......and.....O.K........I'm ducking now, too.........I have to agree with you that they don't look too well done.  I made all my daughter's jeans when she was little (before she decided that home-sewn wasn't cool). As a young, less than intermediate (but perhaps past the beginner stage) and with limited resources and equipment mine probably looked nearly as good.........and these are on a magazine!

    I think much has to do with the design..........not necessarily the sewer.........or maybe the choice of fabric...........not sure but I do agree that they aren't as attractive as one would expect.  The fit on the models isn't great either.......or its the photography......

    O.K........now, I'm REALLY ducking.................sorry


  3. monkfan | | #3

    Gee....I thought it was me....

    I said to my DH...."Oh, look....I can make these....and then be embarrassed to wear them !!" and we both laughed.

    This was one time when I was also disappointed with the content of the magazine. I feel it just wasn't up to par with any other I have, reaching back to the early 90's.

    But I look forward to the next issue nonetheless.  I guess I always learn something.

    1. Dorothy | | #4

      Thanks to those of you who commented on my comment about the cover.  I have to add that I meant no disrespect.  I've been a loyal subscriber to Threads since the early 1990's and it is a great source of inspiration for my sewing.   I don't expect it to be perfect; but I just had to say something this time!

      1. Crazy K | | #5

        I hear you.  I like the magazine very much as well and would never let one cover picture or one article cause me to cancel a subscription.  I guess we are all just saying the someone missed the boat this time!


  4. GailAnn | | #6

    I agree the jeans on the cover looked HOME MADE, but I LOVED the artical on the 3 pink pieces, with the lovely professional finishing touches made to them.

    Sew Beautiful magazine has been running a series. where it shows two, seemingly alike, dresses and then points out the differences between the well made one and the less than well made one.  VERY INTERESTING.  I noticed it wasn't in the latest issue, but at least the two previous issues.

    Also for those of you shopping for "better than JoAnn's fabrics", Sew Beautiful also has a catalog with fine quality silks, cottons, linens, flannels, and wools in a basic selection of colors.  Nothing really flashy or "Out There", but a decent, thoughtful, and well planned wardrobe could certainly be fashioned from these selections.  While not great bargans the prices seem fair, compared to the poor quality and limited choices in Kansas City.  Gail

  5. jatman | | #7

    Hi Dorothy,

    I have to say I actually liked the jeans and didn't notice the belt loop issue until you pointed it out - but they really don't seem to be the same length.  Not sure if that is due to the photograph or if they truly don't match.  I'm amazed at some of the pictures that are supposed to be representative of sewing - last week I received an e-mail from Simplicity that had this picture in it:

    View Image

    check out the way that skirt is fitting her.  Yikes.  Did no one notice that before sending out the e-mail?  Not very inspiring is it?  I'm not always sure the person actually putting the pictures with the commentary is someone who really sews.  And someone somewhere must have noticed because this is not the picture representing the pattern on their website - just the one sent out in the e-mail.

    In all, I do have to say that I have been very happy with the last few issues of Threads.  Many of the articles are things I have asked to see - jeans, costumes, insides of vintage clothing, etc. 

    Maybe seeing some of these accidents in print will help me prevent recreating them.  After all, the next time I sew pants I will make sure the belt loops are even, and the next time I sew a skirt I'm going to stand in a variety of positions to make sure it doesn't do something like the one above does.  Did I mention yikes?


    Edited 3/9/2008 1:09 am ET by jatman

    1. Betakin | | #8

      Maybe in that picture of the pink outfit they are showing us a new kind of horizontal pleat. :)

    2. Teaf5 | | #12

      Wow, if that suit looks that bad on a svelte young model, what would it look like on a mature woman? The double-breasted jacket and huge collar make her look very bulky up top, and the slim lines of that skirt are completely ruined by that pouch. Thanks for the giggle and the reminder that all designs are not universally flattering-or shall I say, some designs are universally unflattering?

    3. Ocrafty1 | | #13

      I'm ducking, too......that Simplicity picture looks like it wasn't made for the model who's wearing it....maybe the original one was sick the day of the shoot???  My daughters did a better job of fitting when they were 13!  I'd better duck LOW! or Run very fast...

    4. Cherrypops | | #14

      Add me to the list of "duckers"......that poor lady the outfit is shocking!

      Like you, I did not notice the belt loops. who knows what went wrong there.

      1. JanF | | #15

        Just thought I'd add a bit in - haven't been very active on the site recently for various reasons
        However - my first reaction when looking st the front cover - and then at the article itself..is
        Why bother with this??
        It must be me and getting older but making jeans is not want I would want to spend my time doing. Doesn't matter what u do - they are difficult cos of the thicknesses involved, god I'd hate to spend my time getting all those lines neat - and for what?
        Get real - go and buy a pair!!
        I dont care what size u r - jeans are best bought ready made - cheap or expensive (I'm too tight to spend a lot of money on jeans - I might have done in my teens - but even then I was not going to spend too much and I lived in jeans)
        Jeans can be bought in loads of different sizes now - even from the local supermarket. I think this article was a waste of space quite frankly!

        1. dollmarm | | #16

          I am with you on the jeans !!!  I would rather buy them than make them I have made one pair a while back but used the stretch jean matterial and they were okay.  BUT when I want a pair I usually hit the sales at Target or better yet -Thrift stores.  We have one - where some one buys- never wear (w/tags still on) put them in this 2nd hand store and there are loads that come and go.  I stopped wearing them for a while, they were hurting on the hips and then found out I had early signs of Fibromyalgia.  Much better now and rarely any pains as I better take care of self. I now wear the lower cut and like them much better. In fact I found several pair while out shopping yesterday and so so happy.

          I think that article was a waste too ! 

          What did u think of the 'A rectange inspired by a square?   :~)  tq


          Edited 3/14/2008 4:23 pm ET by dollmarm

          1. JanF | | #18

            Oh crikey - do you really want to know??
            I thought it was too stupid to even comment on. Even someone with half a brain wouldn't wear it....would they?
            Good to know i'm not the only one who is sitting at home thinking "What the "??

          2. dollmarm | | #21

            I laughed out loud as I read your response. What happend to those putting this one together?  Do they read our remarks - I hope so - so to know that -that one almost totally missed the mark.  And that Cloud skirt - who where and why ???????????????Sure would've loved to have been a fly on that editorals wall just to hear the justification of some of those.  Thankfully previous ones and the ones to come are not like this one. 

            Thanks for the laugh !!!  :~)

          3. JanF | | #27

            I agree - I get something out of each magazine usually, so I don't complain too much!!
            I just wonder at some of the editorial team's choices - presumeably they are trying to cater to all sorts, and of course - these articles sure did do that....I assume?

          4. dollmarm | | #28

            I agree too ! There is something for everyone.  I guess we just agree to disagree on some. As for jeans for me I like to buy them esp on sale and not make them.   Haven't found that 'right' jean pattern for me so until.... 

            This one did have some unusual than some others.   There are a lot of us to please.  I am amazed at some of what is called fashion and the thing to wear for what age.  I agree that as we age no matter what the size - it should be neatly fitted and look good on.  But some just do nothing for all ages and sizes and then you have those that wants us to look like frumps cause we were over 50!  Go figure.....  Anyway, it is great we all can voice our opinions and have a laugh or two and still enjoy our crafts and see what each ones does all around the world.  For me it is inspiring to see what others come up with the colors and designs so different and some so alike.  thanks, :~)

          5. Digi | | #20

            Hi Dollmarm - and Everyone,

            I agree with everyone about the "home-made" look of the jeans; however, I have never read a Threads magazine when I didn't learn something new ...and I have been sewing for over 50-years.  However, that is not why I'm sending this message.  Dollmarm, you mentioned that you had Fibromyalgia.  So for you, and anyone else who has it (or might in the future), please avoid Ibeprofin.  I also had Fibromyalgia and my doctor gave me large dosages over a long period of time, and although I continued to question him, he insisted I take it.  Unfortunately, it blew out both my kidneys and caused a small stroke (a TIA).  I am now on PD (a form of dialysis) every day for ten hours. 

            So please "girls" (aren't we all still "girls" ;-); avoid Ibeprofin so you won't go through this.  If I am to stick around, so to speak, I will need a transplant;  if not, I sure hope I can continue sewing up in heaven.  LOL!

            Blessings to you all and continue enjoy sewing.  By the way, my favorite saying is from Beverly Sills, the opera singer, which is:  "You may be disappointed if you fail, but your are doomed if you don't try".  Perhaps the person who made those jeans felt the same way, and said, when she finished: "Oh Hell ......at least I tried"! 

            Stay healthy, be happy and keep loving those who need it.

            Hugs, Digi

            Edited 3/15/2008 3:17 pm ET by Digi

            Edited 3/15/2008 3:19 pm ET by Digi

          6. dollmarm | | #22

            Digi, Ouch, thanks and U are right !!  IT is better to try & fail and than to not try at all.  Too we learn the most either when we fail or when we are flat on our backs. I think several of us were a bit take back at this one with others being so so good.  The whole issue is not a total loss and I am sorrie for implying that too.  I think in the first that I responded I stated I like the one with the high waist line and I do like jacket  by Kenneth King :~) YES, there is much to learn.  :~) THANKS for the info !!  I do not take most of  the stuff that dr. recommends.  I worked in the medical field for years before I had kids and I worked for several Dr's that treated Cancer patients and watched many that I came to love die and their families in so so much pain so I started doing my own research but not until I had children did I really delve in. I am very very fortunate to have found a really neat Nutritonal Specialist  through a new dr. we had found for our son.  He was diagnosed with Autism and she worked faithfully helping me research for his care.  In taking care of him, his sis & hubby - u get so involved in their care u forget your own health.   This Nutritional Specialist noticed I was so so tired and achy and she had test run & found I was at the onset. To make a long history short we follow the Hallelujah Acres - http://www.hacres.com almost faithfully. - that is my son and I.  Hubby still travels and he has Celiac Disease.  We use Connect-All by Natures Plus for pain it has no side effect and I also use this product called SerraEnzme that is a great healer.   I fell taken clothes down the stairs and broken that outer bone on my right foot in 4places and fracturing the bones in the padding of the foot and severly bruising the inside of the that right side- (but would know that for months) . I walked around on that foot for wks'  jsut thinking I had a bad sprain and bruising - which I use to do when I was a runner in high school.  Well one night I knocked my son robot on the floor and it started really hurting and I went in for x-rays and the Ortho dr. was shocked !!!  I wore a cast for over 6wks for it to heal and then had a removable walking cast for ........   I was rushed to hospital in severe pain and found to have a ruptured Appendix w/ a temp of 105.1 - I almost died to say the least.  I was in for over a wk' and then down for wks and then had to go back in for surgery - due to a hernia in belly button and they had to re-make me one and repair the scar, so I still wear a soft bandage over the scar so clothes do not irritate it.  I am thankful to be alive and amazed !!!  IT has taken me months to get back and totally get off all those med given in hospital.  I had a reaction to all. PTL - I did a totally cleanse and I now have no effects from it all.  It was horrible and the worst I had ever felt.  I did have the sign of the Fibromyalgia start to return.   I have been back on my healty regime for the past 2 months and feeling so much better.  I pray for your continued health.   Through all this we all only eat fish and Organic at much as we can and no flour products for my son and hubby.   They seem to have very delicate systems.  So we do alot of juicing and vege &or fruit smoothies.

            Thanks again for sharing and YES we all are girls at any and all ages !!   :~)  I will keep in my daily prayers  :~)  tera

          7. Digi | | #23

            Dear Tara,

            Thanks so much for your reply.  Not to worry about your comments re pant: I didn't take them as negative and assume you love Threads as much as the rest of us.

            I am so sorry to hear about all you and your families health problems and appreciate you sharing a website that will be helpful to me re my challenges.  As to kidney disease: I just wish more doctors would tell their patients about PD type of dialysis rather than push them into hemo (which is painful, inconvenient, diet limiting, and a host of other negative issues).  PD isn't bad and I have mine set up so I can be on the computer, watch TV, sleep, and sew to my hearts content; and "ain't" bad!

            Oh, I wanted to tell you that I just the Winter 2007 issue of "Sew Stylish" and I just love it.  I plan to try a number of their ideas even though some of them might be for a younger gal.  I won't go over board with the "sparkles" though, but a few are OK as any age (just my opinion).  I could be wrong ...as has happened a lot over the year. LOL!  I don't worry too much about it though as I believe life is to be enjoyed and have no problem taking risks now and then.

            You take good care now, and I will keep you and your family in my daily prayers, as will my husband.

            Fondly, Digi

          8. dollmarm | | #25

            Thanks,  I saw SewStylish the other day, but was in a hurry and thought another day I have enough going on and might see another thing I wanna' make.

            OH we went the med. route with our son when he was very young - he started with seizures and the Dr. put him on some ruff meds and he had to have his blood tested quite a lot to make sure he his white blood count was not too low - when it got to a close level we were living overseas and a visiting Dr from Japan told me to taper him off, cause he had been seizure for a yr. - normally they like them seizure free for 2yrs. and he did so so so so very well.  He was a sleep child waking !  HE learned to ride a bike with the help of a friend in one week and coordination was so good he won the President Fitness award in our area for the more improved in his running.   Some meds are great for some area. I totally needed some of the ones given after surgery, but they did want to continue to take them longer, they kept me so so sick that they eventually saw it was best to take me off.   They were so so strong it took me a while to get back my health.   Again thanks for your prayers.  :~) I will have to ck' out that magazine next time I see it.  There is absolutely too much out there that I would love to do - we just need battery packs to keep us charge so we didn't sleep.  Wouldn't that be heaven?  :~)  tera

          9. Ocrafty1 | | #24

            This fibro thing is a lot more common than I knew. I was checked for Rhumatoid, but the specialist told me that it was fibro. I have severe arthur in my upper back..degenerativer disc disease...no discs left, so I am on 10mg.Lortab/3xdaily. They say there is not anything they can do for the fibro. It is hard for me to do much exercise, with my back like it is. There are days when it is all I can do to walk upright. One of my sisters has fibro, and my mom. I also have osteoporosis. Have broken my left foot 9 times in 4 yrs. The removable cast is my friend...LOL. One of my grandsons got so used to seeing me wearing it that when he saw me without it, he asked why I didn't have it on. I'm only 52, I am sooo looking forward to aging gracefully....At least I'll be aging....its better than the alternative.

            I'll keep you girls in my prayers.


          10. dollmarm | | #26

            ck' out that website I gave earlier  http://www.hacres.com if you have any ????  about them let me know - I have had to totally change my eating and I was one to eat anything & it never bother me and never gain a lb - well all that ended.   Once I got my health back on track it is so so much better.  I had the bone scan and was told I had a 50% chance of Osteo.  SO I had to stop my cokes and etc... I also take a Calcium & Magnesium with Caltrate  from Natures Plus -all completely natural and that has increase my bone density, plus had to take a Bcomplex,  Oh I never thought I would ever have broken and surgery in my vocabulary for myself !  I was a runner, do pilates, boxing, plus my son and I were walking the dog every morn and sometimes in the late afternoon.  I am slowly getting back to the excerise and as the weather warms we get out to walk.  I look froward to this summer of walking and getting back in the pool.  I missed it all this past summer. 

            Gaining back your health takes time and U struggle so much to re-gain but I think you can if you take your time and keep your spirits up. Encouragement from friends (new&old) helps a lot  I pray for you too, :~) tera

          11. dollmarm | | #31

            HI Digi and others about Fibromyalgia - A friend called me this morn to tell me that Fibromyalgia is linked to CELIAC DISEASE.  Just thought I'd pass that on to you.  http://www.celiacdisease.org & http://www.celiac.org    She stated there are these blood test that you can have done and it will tell you if U have this.  MY husband showed signs of it and he had to totally change his diet.   It is sad the abuse our kidneys receive. Digi- how are u feeling?  Are you working on anything from this past Threads? I go back and forth with my sewing, paints and cross-stitch. Hey listen to this I was out last week with my son at a really neat expensive Consignment Shop and back behind it they have a 2nd shop - where they put items in there that doesn't sell after so many days at great prices -

            .....well to make a long story short I was looking at pants and miss read this pair and tried it on in the dressing room and couldn't figure out why it was so big.  So I unzipped them and look at the size and laughed out loud they were they the wrong size.  I knew I saw my size. 

            BUT I kept working with them in the dressing room for I love the texture and the color so ..... and the length was perfect! The only problem was they are too wide -  I bought them anyway and started last night taking apart the side while watching TV w/ hubby. 

            I opening up the sides and turn them inside out and pin them on each side to fit them to me.  :~)  NOW I need another pair of pants or better yet another project like I need a hole in the head.  Hubby say the hole might would correct my 'too many projects' - I not think so !!   I will have to send a picture when I get these re-fitted.   Have a great craft day !  :~)   tera

          12. Digi | | #32

            Hi Tera,

            Thanks for your great message and for all the information.  To answer your question, I'm doing very well.  I will do 8-10 hours a day of dialysis until I get a kidney transplant, but it really isn't that bad.  I have everything organized so that I can either sleep, be on my computer or sew while on dialysis.  "Sewing" means that I can cut patterns out, fit, sew, serge, press ...whatever.  I've made complete outfits while on dialysis ...and that just "ain't" too bad!

            As to making something from Threads at the moment:  No, I'm not doing anything using their ideas at the moment, but plan to when I'm done with my current projects.  One of the things I'm making now is an ultra-suede jumper for one of my granddaughters (the 8-year old). 

            A friend was throwing away some clothes from her closet and one of them was this beautiful, salmon colored ultra suede dress ...with the elbow so worn they had holes in them.  When I said I'd like it, she thought I was nuts.  However, she doesn't't sew, and now that the little jumper is about done, I'll bet she wishes she did.  There are scraps left too, that I will use in one of those "Crazy Quilting with Attitude" handbags that are so terrific.  Have you seen that book?  It's wild and crazy ...and lots of eye candy for helping to dream up "the next great project".

            I'm off and running as I've promised myself three full days in my sewing room - and there's lots to do.  I hope you have a blessed Easter and enjoy the time with friends and family.

          13. dollmarm | | #33

            So glad U can  sew and work on those craft items while getting what you need. Hey I like that U cut up that dress to make your granddaughter a jumper - love the color!  GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!  It is so neat and such a rewarding feeling when you can look beyond one item to make another.  Haven't seen that book - not good to see right now I might have to have it and I have too much going on.  I love the ideas and taught my daughter to make a bag that matches her sparklee jean skirt when she got her first sewing machine from Santa.  It was a Singer and she loved it and used it for quite a while.  She is now married and expecting MY first grandchild.  She has since upgraded several times and even a boy friend gave her a nice one as Christmas gift one yr.  Enjoy your 3 days of sewing and YOU enjoy your Easter too.  We will not be able to be with family - they all live in other states so we will be together and with some new friends.  Take care, :~) tera

          14. Digi | | #38

            Hey Tera; how was your weekend?  Get any sewing done?  The little jumper is very cute and I feel good about recycling an old dress.  Only cost was the thread, as I'll use the old buttons as well.

            Have you ever made a Koos (not sure of spelling) coat?  There have been several articles about this designer, who makes these great coats and jackets from several fabrics (at first, it was mostly wool) and I've always wanted to make one.  I've done a search on the Threads Index, but can't seem to locate the articles.  I think I might call them, or just start going through 25-years of magazines.

            Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend and can get back to your sewing and craft room.

          15. dollmarm | | #39

            HI, thanks for asking - we went to a Good Friday service Friday night and was so looking forward to the wk'end, but I had a set-back Saturday afternoon.  Something I ate had a perservative in it that I didn't know and I had a reaction to it and began to swell w/ in my intestines.  With each clothing I was trying on for Easter it was only worse.  So I stoped.   So we were in.  This has happen one other time and I did otay the next morn.  This was not the case this time.   Too, I have slowly started back an exercise regime so this added to some.  I took more naps off and on all of Easter and we watched movies and etc...  I am much better today - I am on a Liquid diet where we juice and make smoothy so this is helping all that irritation.  I have to remember that my last surgery was only 3&1/2 months ago and I was told it could take 6months to a yr. for my body to totally recover.  The only sewing I have done is to rip some seams out of a pair of pants that are too big and I had to detatch the pockets and move their flap over and I have to figure out how to take those little tiny metal things out of the side of pocket so I can sew them up.  For the life of me I can not think of what it is called.  Oh well I jsut gotta' figure out how to get it out of the fabric w/out ripping the material.  Any clues?  Haven't heard of that coat.  I am a Consigment  & Thrift store junky!  I usally find great deals there.  We have one close by that cleans'em and they are like new.  PLus I watch for great sales too.  MY daughter gave me a really nice short leather coat that was too big for her.  THEN I found this beautiful light brown with embroidery around the bottom at a Consignment shop for sale and it had never been worn. The lady bought it on one of those Clothing sales on the Cable and it didn't fit so she donated it. It was a perfect fit - plus she only wanted a fraction of the cost !  SO I treated myself with monies my grandmother sent me for Christmas.  I do have several Coat patterns that I hope to make some day. Other projects just seem to get in the way.  I did  have a dream the other morning on how to construct a pair of Capris I am wk'ing on!  (so funny ) teheheheeheeehee  :~)  How are you doing?  :~) tera

          16. katina | | #41

            I'm away from my collection of Threads at the moment, but I think it was in #26.


          17. AmberE | | #56

            Thanks everyone for this vigorous and informative discussion. As always, there's never a dull moment on Gatherings! :-)

          18. User avater
            JunkQueen | | #58

            Amber, one can only hope Threads is really hearing what is being said here. I'm reading many suggestions and comments that mirror my thoughts, and I don't think I'm in the minority of the readership.

            I just deleted a long rambling paragraph because it was beginning to sound whiny and not likely adding to the discussion, so I'm going to just leave it at that.

          19. lorisews | | #35

            Fibromyalgia is not related to celiac disease but many symptoms are similar and celiac disease is underdiagnosed.

          20. dollmarm | | #36

            This I do not know - I was sharing there are links  and some say not,  but ....  when a friend heard I had had early symptoms of Fibromyalgia she called me and read this cover page of a study stating that all with these (listed conditions) should ck' to see if they have Celiac Disease and not know it.  My husband was given the run-around about it - one said yes and one say no.  He had all the symptoms of it.  I do know that there  is now a Blood test that can be done to see if you have it and the severity of it.   Again I have not done much of this  study.  All I wanted to share esp. with Diggi when we talking about health was that there is this new study that shows there is a 'link - according to the study this lady with the Celiac Disease had found.  As we know each study has pros and cons and many side to it. Celiac as with Lupus and MS are very very hard to completely diagnosed !  However with this new blood test - the study states it is getting easier to know for sure.  Now that depends on what foods you have eaten are still w/in your system.  Some can eat a product that occasionally bothers them and other can not touch that item.  My husband& son are one that can never certain items. We are a wonderful complex creations that man will never be able to fully understand!   I apologize for not fully explaining better.  

            My Fibromyalgia &hypoglycemia is not a problem any more as long as I continue to take better care of myself.  Mine was caught early. With our son being Autistic - we have had to totally change our whole diet and when we totally stick to it we do fine.  My husband traveled alot and was unable to get the best in many countries he traveled in and he suffered greatly - when he is home - his symptoms of the Celiac greatly diminsih.   I pray I have explained it a bit better.  Sincerely :~)  (P.S. I am still trying to find the source of this lady's study.)

        2. Teaf5 | | #17

          I agree with you and dollmarm; why bother making jeans? Even my six-foot-tall, size 6 daughter can find cute, well-fitted jeans for way cheaper than I could make them!I finally got to see the cover and found that it's completely out of synch with the rest of the issue, which focused on a lot of fine details and techniques. Perhaps it's those huge belt loops that make those jeans look so awful; notice that the models aren't wearing belts, either! Or maybe it's that color, which would go with nothing other than a white shirt and which made all those details hard to see.

          1. JanF | | #19

            I think this issue is in danger of including too many articles that indicate an ever so slightly "middle-aged" approach to dress - and I'm middle-aged!!
            I don't dress like this at all because nowadays the middle-aged dress a lot more to complement themselves, not following the outdated, frumpy scenario of thinking you're past it!
            Jeans with heeled boots for me!
            A pair of Manolo's if I could justify the expense!
            Those jeans were about as sexy as a tweed skirt!

          2. tehys | | #40

            I agree- I would much prefer to buy jeans than make them, as much as I have trouble finding ones that fit nicely. Too much fiddly work for me. I would rather spend my fiddly work time on something fancy. I work at a fabric store and tonight we were commenting on the models in the pattern catalogue who often seem to be wearing poorly-fitting garments. Saw some interesting "gathers", lol. Thanks for sharing that example.

  6. BernaWeaves | | #9

    Yes, I also thought the jeans screamed "homemade" and not in a good way.

    I'm embarrassed to say that Threads sent me a survey to review the previous issue, and I half filled it out and then threw it away.  The reason?  I was so uninspired by the previous issue that I had already thrown it away and didn't remember any of the articles in it.  I suppose I should have just written that across the survey and returned it, but I didn't.  The only Threads issue I've actually saved is the one with the vintage garments in it.

    My main complaint with the photos in the magazine is that if you are going to make a garment from scratch, it should fit the model (or whoever it's made for) perfectly.  It should be pressed, have no hanging threads, and make someone else think, "I want to make that."  I don't know if it's fit, or lack of appropriate linings, or what, but I just have not been very inspired to continue my subscription.


  7. kaitydid | | #10

    i totally agree with you. not only do the jeans look homemade, they are a very outdated style. and the color is pretty much hideous. this is the first time i have ever been disappointed by threads. and really, the rest of the issue was great.

    1. dollmarm | | #11

      I thought it was me too.....  I didn't like color, style and it did scream homemade

      So we see there are many out here not sure others feel the same too.  This one totally missed and many like the authors other articles in past and her book. However I did like the article on the high waisted pants and skirts and pink outfits

      I have a black corduroy high waisted skirt that I love the fit.  It was nice to see the different designs. 

      Some of the articles seem to not be up to Threads better standard of articles.  Some of the fashions were off for me.

      Whatcha' think of  the article - A rectangle inspired by a square? Interesting?  :~)

      1. Teaf5 | | #29

        The "rectangle inspired by a square" was hilarious; it reminded me of the Blanket People, a cult of homeless who lived on rooftops in Berkeley in the 1970s, dressed in nothing but grey blankets. They had all kinds to wrap and drape those blankets, but they still always looked like people dressed in blankets, so I don't think I'll be trying those experiments soon.However, I DO really love to use sarongs on vacation, so maybe the right fabrics might work...

        1. dollmarm | | #30

          Hummm........  I lived in Ga in the 70's and didn't see those people.... 

          BUT,  U  See, --  maybe this was to inspire of the sarongs.

          I think the only way that would look w/ in a fashion - would be the sarong and a nice fabric for a skirt for a tall person.  ON me being short I would look like I had a blanket draped.  U know when u go shopping and U look at the fashion in the window and U think hummmm.... I like that and U get your size and turn around w/it on and wow - We shall think of those  - when ......  enjoy your flash back moments :~)  teheehee



  8. Ocrafty1 | | #34

    Just got my first issue in the mail and it was this one!  I've bought off the stands...years ago...what a disappointment! Especially after coming to 'Gatherings' for the last few weeks!  I agree...the jeans are a bust.  No one makes jeans...too much work for the product.  The 'square' is too square...and who cares what Dominique Fallecker thinks about her "Lacroix" collection?  Who is she, and how many of us can afford those clothes or would wear them if we could?  And the 'Cirque' article???? they could have saved space by just announcing the contest.

    I love anything written by Kenneth King; the 'Retro Details' had some good info, and I liked looking at the 'Reader's Closet...a little 'out there', but could be adapted...LOVED the blue peacock gown!!!(right up my alley)...could make something like that for proms.  The cloud skirt ...prom material...We have a large hispanic group in a nearby town, I know several clients' daughters who'd love something like that for their 'Quincintera.'

    All in all, I guess it was OK.  I was surprised by the lack of advertisers compared to the issues I have from the 80's!  There were absolutely no listings for laces.  My old issues had lots...that's one of the reasons I decided to subscribe...bummer!  I guess I should wait and see how they go from here.  I would like to see more in depth articles like they had from Kenneth King. I hate when they give you an idea, then don't tell precisely how to do it...or give info on how to contact the person they are showcasing!  I'm buying it 'cause I want to LEARN something.  I've already SEEN the ideas...SHOW ME HOW TO DO IT!!!!  (I'm done venting now...LOL)


    1. dollmarm | | #37

      I would have been too.   I am also a new member of the gatherings and the mag.  I saw it at a  bookstore and loved the issue.  I immediately signed up myself and my mother-in-law - she loves it too.  We can learn from each and yes this one did miss it for many and some not.   The jeans were quite a topic of conversation for some time :~)  I was one of those critic as well - however I have not found a jean pattern I really want to make myself- too we can find great deals in the store on sale. It has to be 'tuff' thinking of pleasing us all.   I also like to see more indepth on King and others - esp, the illustrations.  I am a picture person and love indepth.  Just reading doesn't always seem to click the light bulbs on like the visual does.   I also liked the high-wasted skirts and pants.I liked seeing some the costumes but know there is not anyway I can wear them and want to make them - some are fun to see and at times it is just interesting to see what makes the world go round with those different looks.  WOW - when you see the fashions out in some stores and how people dress - makes you wonder if some own mirrors - teeheheeheheeeeee  :~)  Enjoy:~) 

    2. Gloriasews | | #42

      I hate to disillusion you, Deb, but lots of people make their own jeans - especially if they have odd-shaped bodies, knock knees, big backsides or tummies, or are very tall, etc. - that's the only way they'll get well-fitting jeans.  And, if you wear a plus size & are tall, the manufactured jeans usually only come in a 29" or 30" inseam.  Also, if we make our own jeans, they do or don't have to look like "jeans" - they can look like nice denim slacks (without the rivets, coloured stitching, etc.) & we can make a nice jacket or blazer to match :)

      As for the cloud skirt, it looks a lot more complicated than it really is.  I thought it would make a beautiful skirt on a wedding gown - but the blouse & belt that the model is wearing just don't match the style of skirt somehow (the blouse looks like very casual cotton, as does the belt).  Too bad.




      1. Ocrafty1 | | #43

        Didn't mean to offend about the jeans. Too much work and trouble for me....not my style of sewing.  I agree with you about the cloud skirt for a wedding dress and plan to add it to my patterns for future use. I didn't like the blouse either...but a different top and use the skirt as the lower part of the dress....

        1. Gloriasews | | #44

          Not to worry - you didn't offend me :).  I was afraid (after the fact, of course) that I'd offended others by mentioning 'a matching jacket' :).   I'm just one of those people who look absolutely ridiculous in the new unmatched way of dressing.  You have to have the right body for that, otherwise you just look plain sloppy (like I do when I tried it).  The matching, for me, allows me to look taller, slimmer & more 'streamlined'.  Believe it of not, I STILL have a problem with wearing blouses that hang out under jackets or sweaters!  I certainly can't get away with that - it just continues to look so untidy to me (& unprofessional).  Maybe I'm just too rigid :) (or a different generation).

          Yes, that cloud skirt would make a beautiful bottom to a wedding dress, & it's worth saving for that purpose, but I would think it would take longer to do nicely than they suggested.  I still wonder why they had the model wearing that awful wrinkled, cotton blouse with it :).  O well, it doesn't matter, I guess . . .


          1. GailAnn | | #48

            A lifetime of hearing my Dad tell me to stand up straight, tuck in my shirt, tie up my hair, and don't leave the house unless my knees are covered, has left me, virtue intact, but "fashion impared".  Gail


          2. Gloriasews | | #49

            LOL!  You & me both!  You made my day with that comment :)


  9. stitchagain | | #45

    There was a display sample in a fabric store of light weight nylon jeans that I wanted for a while before I got the pattern.  The pants were the type to be worn in a very hot climate or in a situation where you would want them to dry quickly.

    The pattern used was from Jalie a Canadian company is excellent.  I haven't got around to make the light weight version yet (actually bought a ready to wear jeans on sale), but I have made two other pairs.  One in a microfiber fabric I already had and one in a stretch cotton gabardine.  Some people like jeans just because of the way they fit.  It was fun to make something that had such a "manufactured" look to them (although I didn't put all the bells and whistles to the second pair, just topstitching). 

    One thing I changed a bit is the waistline gap that happens in back as you sit down.  I think this is a normal occurrence in jeans in general.  Let me know if anyone knows that is the case.  I brought the yoke in a bit and it worked out OK.   In the future I can see using this pattern with "nicer" fabrics wools, satins possibly.


    I have not read the jeans article closely. 




    1. Dorothy | | #46

      Thanks.  I love the Jalie active wear/knits patterns, haven't tried their woven patterns, tho.


      1. dollmarm | | #47

        Hi LADIES, I like the discussion of the jeans continuing !  I would love to be able to make those wonderful looking jeans - I too have trouble find them to fit me.  I am tiny-short wasted and short legs so I usually had to take them up.  BUT now I do like the low wasted and still have to hem.  MY daughter loved the Bill Blass jeans but they seem to disappear after Hechts was bought by Macys.  And yes you can make great slacks with jean material.  When my daughter was little she had this sparkle jean material and made her a skirt and purse. 

        I have some really nice jean fabric, but haven't found the pants pattern I wanna' try. 

        HI DIGGI  - how are U feeling ?


        1. Digi | | #50

          Hey Doll; how you doing, too?  I'm doing OK ...just fighting a spring cold along with a zillion other folks right now, so not a "real" problem here at all.  I've spent most of my sewing time altering 20+ pairs of my husbands pants.   What a boring job, although he is very appreciative so it makes it worthwhile.

          I'm about done, and I am SO READY to do something creative.  In the meantime, I've also completed something for each of the grandkids too, so my plate is clear and I'm ready to start something really special.  I was going to begin a Koos coat, but with spring just around the corner, I've changed my mind and will do clothing for our summer vacation(s), which means two mini-trips; one to a family reunion and the other to a high school reunion.  I'm trying to prepare myself to see a bunch of "old people" and to also be prepared for:  "we never would have recognized you" remarks ...since we all look old to someone!  (much as we try not to!!!)  ;-)

          The big question:  Does a "gal"  (tee hee) nearly 70-years old dare wear shorts?  I'm thin as a rail ...which means my little "bum" is sagging, and running down the backs of my legs ...and looks dreadful!  Perhaps capri pants would look better.

          I am way behind in thanking so many thoughtful gals for great advice in other areas, that I'd best get on it to say "thanks" to all.  More later.


          1. dollmarm | | #51

            Hi this doll is tired too,  had the site up some today and chatted a bit or two and just kept busy with my son.  We are taking the dog in for his bath and grooming and then off to Goodwill to see if I can find a pair of pants or Capri so to cut them up for a pattern for those jacket pieces I am wanting to make a pair of pants or Capri.  Hey,  I found the hard way that there is a preservative even in the organic foods called Guar Gum and if someone suffers from and or has had any bowel obstruction and IBS - should never eat anything with this in it.  I had a bad reaction to it and didn't know I would until afterwards and was reading through this booklet on preservatives and this one - even thou natural it really upset the bowels.   I had severe pain and swelling and now I have to be even more careful for atleast 6months to a year and this should all settle down.  OH RAHOOO - just one more joy in life as we age so tenderly and with Grace!  :~)  Our daughter who we knew is pregnant is much farther along than first thought. The scan last week showed possible 7 months and she will have another one this week for a better guide line.  If this is true we will have a new addition in 2 months and I am so so not ready.  I am Cross-Stitching the birth announcement and will add the name and date as soon as this one arrives. TOO I am go to fabric store and buy a panel to start a baby crib quilt top.  My mother-in-law normally does this for all the babies in the family but it is my turn since this will be my first grandchild.   I am still numb and it all has not sunk in.  She lives in another state so we text each other.  We pray to be there as soon as baby is born.  Hummm so much in life changes and yet stay the same - our babies having babies since the beginning of time.  :~)

            OH yes a gal such as you can still wear shorts - not as short and sexy(teeheeehee) but with Class.  I have no hinny either but I do like the longer shorts.  You can wear those culottes and or a skort.   Either way you still be fashionable - you know ! :~) Take care my friend,  :~)  

  10. dressed2atee | | #52

    wow, I thought the exact same thing when I saw them.  I have an old Threads magazine that covers jeans and they look so much more professional. 

  11. berniejh | | #53

    I laughed when I saw the headline in the mag - Why make Your Own Jeans? Good question if they are going to look like that! Way to long in the crotch and those blue ones on the girl up the ladder look like are purely hideous, way too short for a start. But looking at what the contributor wears explains a lot. (Note to myself buy a European pattern not a US one)
    I always learn something from Threads but like the Pattern review section best. Just wish they would include more reviews and pictures of the made up garment of all the reviews, not just a few.

    1. kaitydid | | #54

      hahaha! i totally agree with everything you said! and those jeans were simply deplorable! i have considered making my own jeans before, but maybe i should REconsider. i think the styles might be okay if they were well made and fit the models correctly. anyway..... have you seen the latest issue? i love the patterns in the pattern reviews. especially the trousers. i am going to make them myself.

      1. GailAnn | | #55

        As I just posted to Dollmarm in the "Talk with Amber" thread, I quit.  I'm done spending my money on inferior clothing, poor quality fabrics, and substandard style.

        A web site called Fashion-Era has the fashion design plates for just about any era you might want.  I'm a little partial to 1938 -1941, but you might like another style.

        I strongly suspect that in the 1940's. 50's, 60's (perhaps until this very day) pattern manufacturers made financial deals (think Payola) with public schools to teach girls to sew WITH ONLY COMMERCIAL PATTERNS.  Somehow the thought that we might be smart enough to learn a few simple mathmetical computations, was educated out of us.

        My grandmother immigrated to this country - by herself - at the age of 16 in 1908.  She could and did make all of her own clothes and eventurally most of her daughters' and many of her grandaughters' clothes without spending a dime of commercial patterns.

        Do you suppose teen-age girls in 1908 were so much smarter than grown women in 2008?


        Edited 5/16/2008 12:46 pm ET by GailAnn

        1. kaitydid | | #57

          maybe not smarter, they were just taught better.

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