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Conversational Threads

Archive update

ojann | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

I heard that there is a correction to the original archival CD that was released two years ago.  Where can I get that correction?


Also, is there an update that is only just the last two years or do you have to repurchase the archive?


Clear as mud?


Joanne in NH


  1. HelgaPataki | | #1

    did you try to google or websearch the title and typing in the word errata or correction, or update to see if there's availability?  I know that in some games, once you logon, or do a search you can access updates/corrections.  this is also true for knitting patterns, directly purchased online or under hardcopy.  Anyways, which ever way, erratas or corrections have been made readily available.  Perhaps so will the DVD you are wondering about. 

  2. amm | | #2

    Threads Archive Updates

    If you've purchased the full archive DVD in the past, you can purchase updates with the new year(s) since your full archive. In other words, if you purchased the Archive DVD that includes all issues through the end of 2010, you can purchase an update of the issues in 2011 merged with the issues from issue #1 through the end of 2010. You can only purchase the update by phoning our customer service department. They're available from 9:00-9:00 eastern time, Monday through Friday,  or 9-5 ET on Saturday, at 800-888-8286.

  3. Pattiann42 | | #3

    Threads Archives 1985 - 2011

    There is and I recently ordered and received the CD. I cannot locate the information on the Threads site.  Send a message to customer service.  I paid $39.95 for the two year update.

  4. Pattiann42 | | #4

    Archive update

    If you already have the original, contact Threads for the update.  See the information near the bottom (white area) of this screen - http://www.tauntonstore.com/2011-threads-magazine-archive-031029.html

  5. User avater
    smcfarland | | #5

    Threads Digital Archive

    Hi Joanne,

    I'm afraid the digital versions of the magazine archives are currently only available as complete archives, covering issues no. 1 through no. 182. They are available in DVD or USB thumb drive format. For a time we were able to offer standalone annual upgrades, but we are not currently doing so, although that product might return in the future.

    If you have any specifics about the correction you mentioned, I would be happy to get that information to you, but I would need to know the story and issue number. We are continually making improvements and corrections to the content in the digital archives, so it would be difficult for me to pinpoint the information you need without more details. Thanks so much for your interest in Threads.

    Best regards,


This post is archived.

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