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Conversational Threads

Arm Band Patterns

IBCarolyn | Posted in Patterns on

I am looking for a pattern or an idea of how to make arm bands, which need to be adjustable.  I would appreciate your help.  Regards,


  1. Jean | | #1

    I don't have a clue what they would be needed for, but the first things that come to mind are 1- a circular band with an elastic insert or 2- a plain strip with velcro fastenings. Hope this helps.

    1. IBCarolyn | | #2

      Thank you for your suggestions.  They will be used to identify ushers at two yearly events, one a concert.

    2. Desiderata | | #3

      Jean, I howled with laughter when I read your 'trailer'......so funny.

      1. Jean | | #4

        Glad you enjoyed it. ;-)

  2. ablakemo | | #5

    A friend of mine did some really cool arm bands for ushers at an art exhibition. It was out of faux suede (black) and she did some decorative stitching, all monochromatic. Hers had decorative ties which allowed it to be adjustable. The put a bead on each side to gather the ties. It's hard to describe so I attached a sketch. The dots indicate a bead. Have fun with it--I think it would be a fun little project!

    1. IBCarolyn | | #6

      Hello aim, thanks for the idea.  I could not open the sketch, but I like the faux suede and bead with ties.  I was thinking about flannel, but wasn't crazy about it.  Regards, Carolyn

      1. SewTruTerry | | #7

        I made some arm bands for a suprise party once that I made like you would a head band with a cloth tube attached to elastic that way you can use any kind of fabric and make it lay flat.  Just remember that you need to make it so that it will accomadate large as well as small biceps.

        1. IBCarolyn | | #8

          Terry, thanks for your suggestion.  Regards, Carolyn  Happy Friday

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