Batik quilt FINISHED!!!!

This is the quilt that I’ve been working on for months now, with too many interruptions and the holidays tossed in, it felt like I’d never get it done before tonight’s wedding. The happy couple requested blue and purple and this is what I came up with. Since our nephew’s name is Jacob, using the Jacob’s Ladder pattern was a no-brainer. My batik stash grew in leaps and bounds as I shopped for this quilt. The backing was dyed by my 18-yr-old daughter and I think the color came out perfect!
~~Doodlestein Designs Quilt Patterns
~~Finely Finished: Machine quilting worked on a treadle sewing machine.
See patterns, quilting, and National sewing machines at:
Wow! This one is just breathtaking!!! I love the colors and the design and the quilting pattern, your fabric choices are wonderful! What an incredible gift for the newlyweds to enjoy and cherish! Mary
"before tonight's wedding" - you do live dangerously! Loved the quilt. Congratulations.
Oh, this wasn't the closest I've cut a deadline--I actually finished the quilt the day BEFORE the wedding. As the sign in my studio says: "If it weren't for the last minute, NOTHING would get done." And then there's one of my favorite T-shirts:"Procrastinators of the world unite--tomorrow."
Another one nicely done.
My little framed piece says: "I have not yet begun to procrastinate."
One of my magazines has articles by the "goddess of the last minute", you could use that one too.
I love the procrastinators one you shared, that's me! Guess I'd be the "goddess of better late than never".....
I learned early on with children not to give them too many choices, guess I need to try that on myself. So many fabrics, threads, embellishments, techniques. If only my hands could keep up with my imagination! Mary
Wow! I love the colors you put together. And the stitching is beautiful. Your daughter did a good job with the color of the backing, too. I know your nephew and his bride will cherish it.
Well, I really am pleased with how it turned out and now I have to get to work planning the next two--another nephew in June and a niece in August!
Wonderful, you are a champion quilter. I love the variegated threads. Wonderful work. Beautiful quilt. I love that Jacobs Ladder design.
Thanks! Jacob's Ladder is one of my favorite patterns. I love the action of those strong diagonals.
Brilliant! It's not just that you finished it, it has the same meticulous attention to detail that I've come to expect in your work. I've been meaning to do a quilt, as soon as I "git me one of them thar" signs you all reference!
Actually, I'm at the beginning of my own personal sprint. I have to leave for Richmond next week (work has me there for the General Assembly which starts next Wednesday). I usually stay there the entire Assembly, but since the inauguration is coming, I'll be heading home on 1/16 to receive the first of 8 relatives who will be crashing at my home. Oh it's all joy. The first two to arrive are in their 80's--and my aunt is still in wonder of it all.... as a former teacher, "all those years I was telling those little children if they studied hard and worked hard they could grow up and be any thing they wanted, even president of the US!"
The sprint? Well I'd like to get the curtains finished in the guest bedroom, in the family room and in the kitchen before they arrive! HAH! I had decided I was going to use the same damask for one set that I'd bought for a previous house. I'm about 6 yards short due to higher ceilings. Have I started the others, which fabric is sitting there winking at me? NO, I'm noodling on how to do a design change to make the damask work.
Thanks for all the nice comments everyone!
I can only imagine the excitement that goes with any inauguration and one that's so historically significant obviously just adds to the whole mood. Good luck with your new drapes. I don't like home-dec sewing (unless I can find a way to add some quilting of course) so you have my utmost respect for making your own!
Just do it! You can always make new ones if you don't like them, ha ha ha.....from the "goddess of procrastination". Just teasing, you have alot on your plate right now, remember to take care of yourself so you can enjoy your company! Mary
So glad to hear that you get to go to the Inaugeration! These are exiting, hopeful times! What an incredible experience to be able to be there in person!
Edited 1/8/2009 10:57 am by MaryinColorado
You must have a happy soul. You always have the most beautiful colour choices Annie! I can just feel the love pouring out of this quilt. Cathy
Wow, Annie, that's gorgeous - on both sides! They should be very happy with this lovely gift.
Thanks for all the nice comments everyone!
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