Batwing Quilt Pattern- Australian?

In a book featuring Australian quilters, a gal, can’t find her name at the moment, used recycled items for quilting. This quilter has also had quilts on display in Canada. I think her first name was Lynn. She wrote that one of the patterns she used for jean quilts was “batwing.”
I have searched the library for batwing design and cannot find it. I tried to e-mail her but the man that responded was not happy with my question and not a quilter. Perhaps he had received some other e-mails from quilters.
Does anyone know about batwings?
can you please send me more information, I need to also have visual on tne Batwing designs
*The quitter's name is Lye In all. The article is in Quilt makers of Australia by Karen Fail, p.55.There is a Bat's Wing block on page 15 of Carrie Hall Blocks and also in The Romance of the Patchwork Quilt in America by Carrie Hall and Rose G. Kretsinger, p. 78. I would love to see how she put them together for the Sean quilt. Any ideas how it might look or sources of a picture of a finished quilt?Her quilts in Quilt makers of Australia are very creative. I would like more information about her recent projects or exhibitions.
*Oh, dear. I see that spell check did intersting things to the message. Sorry!
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