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Conversational Threads

Bean Bag Chair

Leanne_ | Posted in Patterns on

Looking for a pattern for bean bag chairs all sizes.


  1. ebethy | | #1

    Let me second the request for bean bag patterns.
    I'd like to make a really big! bean bag chair. I remember they were comfy last time I sat in one 20+ years ago. I suppose everything was comfy back then. (sigh)
    What do they fill those with and where do you get it?

    1. Dwicks | | #2

      *I too am looking for a pattern for a bean bag chair. If anyone has any ideas of where to look I would be most grateful.TIA

      1. lin_hendrix | | #3

        *Hi, I sewed bean-bag chairs when they were popular many years ago. I didn't have a pattern but made one up. Basically from what I remember there were eight wedge shaped pieces and two circles. I'm including an image as an attachment. Dimensions?? I don't remember but maybe this will give you a start. Filling was tiny styrofoam(?) pellets. I believe this is still available from places that stock foam mattresses, foam shreddies and the like.--lin

        1. j.d.s. | | #4

          *My mother sewed bean bag chairs many years ago and I remember that the pellets used to fill the bag would make a huge mess and stick to everything in the room so keep a vacuum handy! Also, she made a lining for the chair from muslin so that she could remove the cover without empying the contents of the bag. I too would love a pattern for a bean bag chair...

          1. Stefanie_ | | #5

            *McCalls makes a bean bag pattern - look in the new teen pattern section.

          2. Jan | | #6

            *JCPenney catalog sells the bean bag chair pellets, in quantities sufficient to fluff up a chair that has lost some volume, which is what I did. I don't know how many boxes it would take to fill an entire chair. The box has a plastic bag inside filled with the pellets. Take it outside, make a moderate sized opening in the plastic bag, then insert that opening into the opening in your chair and smooch the pellets into the chair without letting them loose.Our purchased chair has a double zipper. When you unzip the outside zipper, all you see is another zipper. When you open the first zipper all the way and get to the stopper end, then you see the pull end of the second zipper which zips in the opposite direction. It seems a good way to prevent the accidental release of the filling.

          3. Jean_ | | #7

            *If anyone is still looking for an on-line pattern for a bean bag chair... I found one here.... thanks to a google search.

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