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Bernina Own Label drafting program

JanF | Posted in Patterns on

I am trying to evaluate the MY Label 3D Fashion pattern software for my school pupils.I have got the demo disc, which of course limits what you can trial out – but to me it seems a possible “goer” for school as it simulates your body shape on the screen and puts onto that body anything that u choose from their basic range.The beauty is that it will draft a pattern,show on the screen a body simulation and allow pupils to access CAD/CAM facilities.
However – its £350 (sorry don’t know what this equates to in dollars)and as this would be almost all my capitation allowance for the coming year up the swanney, I could do with anyone else’s views on its potential before I decide to buy it.
has anyone, by any chance, used it??


  1. lynnewill | | #1

    Hey JanF, I used to teach garment sewing at a Bernina store, they gave me a version of the software for class use.  I found the software very limited,there are few styles to choose from, and only minor changes that can be made with them.  The 3-D figure is a nice feature but my older students found this a little depressing actually to see their perceived imperfections clearly defined on a computer screen, I don't know if kids would be bothered by this, but suspect it would not be any different.   Have you seen the Wild Ginger software? you might want to take a quick look at it, it is less money, has a lot more design options but lacks the 3-d imaging.  Keep in mind the computer generated patterns still require a muslin, and tweaking to get it right, so it is not the quick fix most are looking for. 


    1. JanF | | #2

      Oh thanks for ur reply - I already have the Wild Ginger stuff - and if u only have 1 hour lessons the small CD versions are a pain - can't save anything till the following lesson - also can't be networked!
      I do have the Boutique programme - and it is ok - but that is limited too - because to work out pattern alterations etc - it takes ages - and relies on pupils actually understanding more about pattern drafting than I ever have the chance to teach them. 1 hour lessons don't allow for much work as I have 20 students+ in a class!
      This is why I was wondering if i could compromise with the My label progam as it allows some sort of pattern development to toille stage and incorporates the use of on screen modelling - which is something I have to try to make use of as 1 aspect of the set curriculum.
      I do realise that all patterns need to be checked before finalised stage. Do you think MY Label is = to Boutique for this stage?
      I appreciate ur answers as it is very easy to go down a blinkered viewpoint with software.
      Also - one problem working with all 15/16 year olds - asking to do accurate line drawing when I'm lucky if they actually possess a sharp pencil in a bag - when they all hate carrying "stuff" to school, is a nightmare of epic proportions - hence my willingness to embrace anything to make this stage easier!! As it is I do have to check their measurement taking and this is with the diagrams on Wild Ginger showing them what to do!

      Edited 2/2/2009 11:48 am ET by JanF

      1. lynnewill | | #4

        I am very curious about this additional need to your syllabus.  What is your course title that these fortunate girls get to experience pattern software?  I do not know of any other software that allows you to see the 3D modeling.  Has this become common in the fashion industry?  In terms of the patternmaking output, I am afraid I cannot be any help as I never produced a pattern from it.  The software I was given was not the trial version, but I never managed to get the fabric imaging to work, which could have been the fault of the borrowed laptop I loaded it onto.  As I think I mentioned before though there was lots of room in the program for additional styles, so I think they may be planning on expanding the style capabilities in that way.  I would imagine that the patterns are only going to be as accurate as the measurements taken.  I do know that there is an additional measuring kit which Bernina offers which is supposed to help, one of the items being a tape measure that you literally tape to the wall.  Hope this helps. I am curious to hear more about it.


  2. JanF | | #3

    Thanks for ur input. I used Betty Foster stuff years ago - ashamed to think how long ago!!! and did not realise that her stuff has been updated - or has it? I'll check it out via the net!
    If u read my reply to the other contributor -sorry - forgotten the name and if i check i will lose this page!!- you will see that I am trying to introduce more use of on screen modelling because my syllabus calls for me to highlight this as something done in industry - all in an hours lesson!
    Basic pattern drafting I do already - but it has to be simple because of time constraints and in fact I actually find more success if the pupils work on drafting a toille of some kind onto an actual body- except when it comes to doing sleeves - lets say I "Cobble together" this stage by usually altering basic pattern blocks to suit!
    I'm sure lots of u will be horrified at the way I do things but "needs must" sometimes!!
    That's why I am looking for something to address as many aspects of pattern drafting/designing as possible on the one program.
    I fully accept that this area of work I am only one step ahead of pupils some lessons - a planning nightmare!

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