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Conversational Threads

Betty Boop & Signature

rodezzy | Posted in Photo Gallery on

Pics taken with my new Sansung Digital camera.


Rodezzy, Fiber Artist


  1. Crazy K | | #1

    Oh how beautiful!  I love the whimsy of the Betty Boop and the other is gorgeous!  Thanks so much for sharing.

    I am not a quilter (I truly admire others' work) but I have dreams of maybe trying a small one some day.  Right now life gets in the way!  For me to quilt, I think I will have to have some time, some peace and quiet in my life and serenity to make it all work!  I have my 5 yr. old very active grandson here a lot to help mom who is a newly single mom and trying so hard to get her business off the ground while still doing in-home daycare.  Probably not the best time for me to tackle something that requires concentration!! :0)


    1. rodezzy | | #2

      Thank you, your time will come.  Family first.

      1. Crazy K | | #3

        Thanks for the encouragement..........yes, family is first.

    2. MaryinColorado | | #7

      I quilted a few garments through the years.  Learned to do piecework through PBS sewing shows and the paperback book: 101 Patchwork Potholders by Linda Causee, ASN Publishing (American School of Needlework).  Quick and easy and you can use up lots of scraps or fabrics you don't like. 

      I never really cared for quilting as garment sewing has allways been my first love.  I got so frustrated with my figure and fitting issues that I had to give up for awhile.  Last year I decided to make "real" quilts and discovered a new passion. 

      Creative Machine Embroidery magazine has a sister mag. called Creative Quilting and Embroidery.  It has lots of ideas for using machine embroidery with quilting. 

      My daughter is a single mother of 3, so we are very involved with thier day to day lives too.  I know it is a blessing, but also a challenge too!  (I can't believe I actually drove them to school in my pajamas once this week!  The 3 schools all varied thier schedules unexpectedly and it threw off my whole week!)  I'm so glad the week end is here and I can stop and regroup a bit.  My grand daughter still needs to come over and work on her skirt one of these days.......Mary

  2. dollmarm | | #4

    hi freind - was checking around and saw your quilts - nice !  I am a Betty Boop fan I have a Betty Boop doll and an over-size shirt I like to wear where she is a tease and then says - not to night with an inviting smile :~)

    I would love to do one of full scale of her on the front of a small quit, but make it with different pieces from head to toe, where it  looks just  like her.  (thats a project in the future)I did a Noah's Ark with the whole scene from the sky- sun all the way down to the ground with of course Noah & Ark, grass, trees and several of the animals appliqued on it.  That was a fun one for my son when he was little.   :~) tq


    1. rodezzy | | #5

      Cute shirt, I'm sure.  Betty Boop is such a tease.  I think lot's of women love Betty Boop because she is so sexy and cute.  Sort of our Alter Ego.  We wish we were like her. 

      Yes, that would be an interesting project, something to think about.

      And Noah's Ark is always a fun subject to make a quilt with.  Lots of interest with landscape, people and animals.  It would be interesting to make one with unrecognizable animals that we don't see very much and aren't cute.  That would get some attention. 

      1. MaryinColorado | | #9

        I was told that the Platypus proves that God has a sense of humor.  Then there are Aardvarks (I have a bobblehead that is from my son's school mascot), hmmm.  I know that I will have to create something with this "notion".....

         I have many "nurse" mementos, one is Nurse Rattingale, a rat in a nurse costume, also Smurfette, Daisy Duck, Minnie Mouse, angels, and others.  Maybe I will put all these "characters"  into one small quilted throw some day as a memento of my career.  I did a real variety from Newborns to Peds to Oncology, Psych to ER, combining them all into one quilt is mind boggling but I like the idea.  I will start sketching tonight when I can't sleep.....oh boy, I feel another long term project coming on.  

        I always have several projects going at once in different stages, most of which I don't have time constraints on, thank the Lord!  My sketch book helps me keep track of all the ideas floating around in my head.  I'll never do them all, but sometimes I enjoy just learning a technique, even if I don't use it for a finished project.  The "process" is what I love.     Mary 

        1. rodezzy | | #11

          Wow, those are the kind of animals I'm talking about.  Noah's Ark with the stranger animals boarding the boat....he he.

          You must be a great nurse.  Listen, just pick one or two images and make small wall hangings when you feel like it.  That's what I've done all these years.  One wall hanging had two Betty Boop images, one of her on a Motorcycle, and one in that Marilyn Monroe white dress blowing up over a grate.  he he. 

          Then in another wall hanging I took silver lamie and made slices of the moon for her to swing on.  I cut out a sitting image of her and appliqued her as if swinging on a silver moon.  Also, on the same piece, I appliqued the little head images of Betty winking onto star shapes and put in the background.  I did make sketches of these two wall hangings in order to get it balanced, but they were quick fixes.  It was such fun.  At the time, Betty Boop fabric was being sold at Walmarts for a good price.

          ahhhhghh...I have some many projects in the wings, I always tell people, "I never lack for something to do.  Doing it is the problem."  giggle...and I eventually do most of them...others just sort of get packed.

          1. MaryinColorado | | #21

            Those sound so fun to create!  I've always wanted to do a wallhanging of my grand daughter as a fairy either sitting on a crescent moon or gazing at the full moon.  Thank goodness for freedom of expression and our imaginations to feed our need to create! 

      2. dollmarm | | #14

        There were a few interesting ones.  I found this ol'piece of fabric and cut out the animals added different kinds if I can remember it - it's been a while I have it packed away from a last move and want to frame it someday.  Not sure how I want it displayed.  I've thought about having it enclosed so to have it damaged out in the open.   The love of snakes came out of that for my son!!  We lived in India when he was little and he saw a Snake Charmer and he was fasinated and he loves the fake gooey real looking one and he would make several with his clay and place them beside the pastor that was scared of them and just laugh when the man noticed.  U never know what peeks an interest ! Mom (mother-n-law) is making my son one with ol' history scenes on it.  He picked up this material a  odd shop we were at and handed it to me.  SO mom and I matched colors for a border and his great grandma helped out with some stitching and quilting stitches. Mom is be done soon.  I will send you a picture of it.  She says she will send me a picture soon.  I pray she finishes soon !  :~) 

        1. rodezzy | | #16

          Sounds great, what a great family of quilters.  I will look forward to seeing your quilt.

          1. dollmarm | | #25

            Otay,  I think I got all the shots -  wow  - it's  been  a long time since  I  have seen it.  I had  taken the top border off (just laying on top and making a sun and re-doing the border.  (forgot I was gona' do that & enter it in a contest and we moved again) (hubby traveled & we moved a lot) 

            #1  back of the quilt.#2  center of the quilt #3  shows the whole quilt #4 shows the left corner of bottom of  quilt #5 shows the right corner of bottom of quilt#6 shows the middle right side of quilt #7 shows the middle left side of the quilt

            I made curtains and even a 'cloth  book'  for my son.   I remember that was a lot of fun - he use to stand by me as I worked on it watching me lay out the animals.  Sometimes I could get to hold an animal while working on another.  I still too much of that materal.    Mom (mother-in-law says she will send pictures of the one she is wk'ing for my son.   :~)   Hope you like    :~) 

          2. rodezzy | | #27

            That is a great fun quilt.  You got so many different animals in it.  I love the center rainbow shining down on the ark.  Old man Noah standing out front.  The border really gives more life to the quilt.  I loved it all.  Good job.  Did you hand stitch on the animals? 

          3. dollmarm | | #29

            Yes it was fun and I did handstitch them.  I also used a fabric glue at first for them to lay just right and then I stitched.   The top border was always not what I wanted so I am not sure how I want to re-do that border.  I want something to do with the sky.  My son loves pictures of the sky and planets and I have a wall hanging to quilt for him and one of the world and USA maps.  These will go in a room we hope to remodel  for him.    :~)

          4. Gloriasews | | #35

            What a gorgeous quilt!!! & perfect applique, perfect everything.  Good job!  You were so lucky to have found that fabric.


          5. dollmarm | | #38

            Thanks, Yes I was very lucky to have found that fabric - We were living in Frankfurt, Germany at the time.  I can't remember what I got, but I still lots of it all - I am hoping to use it for family to make bumper pads and a baby quilt and then they can use the bigger quilt when the little gets starts sleeping in a twin bed.  That is if my daughter would allow me to fully decorate the Nursey.   Time will tell, esp when she sees how much time will go into just feeding and changing a baby.  :~) 

          6. Gloriasews | | #39

            You could also make I Spy quilts with the scraps when the kids are bigger, eh?  You were lucky to get so much fabric - even the scraps can keep you going for awhile :).


          7. dollmarm | | #40

            oh I know - at one time I had so so so much that I took a Hefty bag full to a Nursing Home where the ladies made quilts for sale.   That was neat - people would donate fabric, thread and etc.. for these ladies to have something to do than just sit all day.  They were very creative and made many for sale.  I have one that was started by great-great grandmother and my grandmother finished it.  It is very delicate and pieces are half gone.  I would love to find a place that sold old fabric pieces and try to replace them and keep this in as good condition as I can.  It is a special quilt.  This lady made everyone in the family something every yr. and I was very little when she died - in fact she was shown in a glass top casket at the ol'family place and we all stayed with her until she was taken to be buried.   I will never forget as a little girl how life like she looked.  She had this peaceful look if she was just taking a nap.   It is amazing what triggers or tweaks to the mind - happy memories of her when was alive.   :~)  tera

          8. Gloriasews | | #41

            I have to go through my fabric stash this weekend, too, to see what I can get rid of.  You're right - it's amazing what the seniors in care facilities can produce - you never lose your skills.


          9. dollmarm | | #42

            Oh I pray not - I have enough to last me several lifetimes- shhhh......  hubby must not know !  (like me can't see the sewing busting from its seems.  I really thought I had it organized and then I read some of the organizational tips and ouch.  I am better than I was and do not have it pretty well like I like my area.  MY daughter says I have these 'hair-brained' ideas and oh no she off and running - she will see when she becomes a mom.   Our lifestyles are so so busy that many do not even mend.  When my mother visit one of my sisters - she got to the laundry and get the mending buckets and sews on buttons and hems and my brother in law is as happy as a pig in slope.   He looks forward to her coming so his clothes can be mended and back in the closet.  Now my sis has absolute no sewing skills - she took sewing class and almost failed.  She is a tender mom and great w/ finances but no craft skills- best her heart.  :~) She says if we ever live near each other she will be my secretary and I can do my crafts !  OH that would be so so great!  I am not great with paprerwrk, despite I have to keep all expense records on our son and turn them in every yr. due to his disability.  He receives SSI.  and at the time this is due I go through a mode so to speak getting it all documented.  I keep telling myself I need to keep up with this better, but life's duties get the best of ya and u never seem to find that extra time so so needed.  ALL in all I am thankful for what I do and to be able to stay home and keep our son at home and do my crafts at my timing, plus find a crafty group of women to share and interact about our loves with.  :~) tera

          10. Gloriasews | | #43

            You're right - sisters can be so different sometimes.  Sometimes they like the same things - other times not.  And sometimes the sewing gene misses a whole generation or 2 (or was never there) - same with needlework, crafts, etc.  I guess we are what we are & we're happy to be like this :).  I say do whatever makes you happy & enjoy it while you're doing it. 


          11. dollmarm | | #44

            Amen sister - I am the oldest of 4 and have the best relationship with the youngest. I was 13 when she born and she was 13 when I had my daughter.   We both say we were adopted from another and the other 2 were dropped down from another planet.  We laugh  hahahaMy grandmother has the best at any craft and sewing but will not teach she says she can not - we have to watch her closely. :~)  It is amazing how different we all 4 are and even from our mother too.  This one sis and I text every day - we are very close even though we live so many miles a part! She is the one that can not sew to save her life but she makes up for it in many other ways.  I have one very Elegant Crafty sister that is a perfectionist. We all love her, but she has no children so she has no clue and give the most interesting advice and we all smile.  For one with no kiddies has no clue what a day in a life as a mom.  I have only met a very few who do and they are ones that get to know kids and are in the kids life and are enriched for doing so.   I have another sister that is a happy slob - she works and loves it & hates housewk' - he hubby does alot of it.  They are a funny interesting pair.  But aren't all married ones.  We never know exactly what is all there until we get home and we open our baggage and lay it out.  I have one of those hubbys' that anything he touches he can do and most of the time do it better.  He even sews when he has too.  He usually stays out of my crafts.  He has so much of his craft project going.  He is in the midst of totally remolding a townhouse.  We had to special order new kitchen cabinets - they were the originals and in bad shape and the ones in any of the building store would not fit.  He has almost finished painting and then he will put in the carpet and re-do the bathroom and it should be ready to go up for sale.  Whew we so hope so ....  Take care and continue to be crafty,  :~)  

          12. Gloriasews | | #45

            You have an interesting family.  All large families are like that - little quirks, eccentricities, talents (or lack of), etc.  That's what makes each member an individual & a lot more interesting than if everyone was the same.  You're lucky that your hubby is so talented, too.  The townhouse should look beautiful when he's finished.  Happy sewing!


          13. dollmarm | | #46

            They all would love that  = they are interesting to say the least.  We would be too bored iffin' be the same ! It will be great when my hubby is able to get it all completed as he likes - it has need some work for some times and we were going to do that after the last tenets move out and out daughter needed a place for just 3 months until she found a place to buy- well lead to  3 year and then she married and moved out of state so hubby said no more tenets and we are selling.  so so thankful !!  :~) Can't wait to get back to my many sewing adventures next weekHappy Easter,  :~) 

            Edited 3/22/2008 3:03 pm ET by dollmarm

          14. Gloriasews | | #47

            Hope you had a good Easter & enjoy your week of sewing.  Everything (including the house) will eventually get finished.


          15. dollmarm | | #48

            OH the process is so, so, so, so slow on the remodeling of that townhouse -

            We had to special order the kitchen cabinets - no one has the size and etc.. that would fit around the different appliances and they will be in 2weeks. My husband is almost finished painting the whole inside and then he has to decide the carpet and if he and a few friends will do all the work or pay installers.  There is still the upstairs bathroom to re-do the floor and update the cabinets.  He already took out the tub and all the wall tile and reaplced that.  It is amazing how long the list continues to grow.  Then we have our home to work on after he gets this one sold.  :~0 You have a great week too my dear,  :~)

          16. Gloriasews | | #50

            Yes - it all takes time & costs always more than you plan.  O well - it'll eventually be done & you'll be happy it's over.  Hang in there!


          17. dollmarm | | #51

            OH yes, my hubby is a fan of  'Holmes on Homes' - then we watch some of those Flip House shows and some just bandage the stuff over and some totally gut it all out ! We have owned this towhouse for over 20yrs.  and  we have repaired and replaced and had the roof done and so many thing over the years while renting it living overseas.  Finally after out daughter moved out and married we said no more!  It is too much! MY husband retired but PTL went back to wk' and he wk's on the place on the wk'ends and any extra time he has so to get it finished and sold.   IT is costing but we know lots will come back on the taxes and with the sale.  He is one to do it top notch or not at all.  (previous military man and was his dad) So........   he is precise about how it is to be done - most of the time he does it himself - he does allow some help along the way.   I have made curtains previously but for now he just has the blinds in.  We are waiting to see what carpets he will put in and etc....  - He is one of those that can do anything he touches -  this can get in his way at times The fun part will come when we work on the one we are living in.  The previous owner left lots that we are still combing through and we will probably get PODS to do some storing and I was given a card of a lady that does Auctions - we have too much collections from when the kids were little that would go into storage as we moved and we are overwhelmed with all in one room.  But its' neatly in boxes and I pray this summer we clean out.  This big room is designed to be our sons room with a monitoring system so we all  can have privacy with him on one floor and we on one and yet he still be safe.  We have too many ideas and know this will tamper as we begin.  After the sale of the townhouse we can better see how we want to best design our whole home.  thanks :~)

          18. Gloriasews | | #52

            You can be proud that your hubby is doing everything properly - not just slap-dash to get the townhouse sold, like some of those flip shows.  Also, in so many of the flips, they overdo the whole thing, too (all the trendy stuff like granite counters, stainless steel everything, fancy everything), & they can never get their money out of the places if the neighbourhood just isn't that fancy.  All the fancy stuff will be dated in 20-30 years (or less), too, then what will the trends be?  :)


          19. dollmarm | | #53

            OH,  the over-doing is so too  much - u look at the families and think wow - how will they be able to just live simple again and too,  all is shown for all to know just what they have in your home. U are right with too much upgrade for the area.  U have to keep in mind when upgrading to keep it within the rest of what is around you! I saw an article that says "My marriage almost broke up due to this remodling"  I kept right on going - don't to read that one !  There is so much negative that sometimes you can't see the good thats there.  Oh we have had our many many discussions on the doors, windows and what we like and dislike - ain't that marriage ?  It will be intense at times, but we all have to keep the focus of the finish product as we do when we sew - we never know how it will all come out and esp.. w/ so many different body so different  that one pattern style can never look the same on all. Then there is when your body changes and you put somthing back on and U look in that same mirror you have for years and think what happened here ??? Hummm..... so much in life changes -good,bad and indifferent and in some U have to go w/ the flow and others U have to make the changes needed.  Enjoy creating wherever and whatever  that may lead us all in whatever path -  that we chose for the better of life,  :~)

      3. scrubble4 | | #24

        Rodezzy:  These are such fun and so bright and cheerful.  I am not a quilter, but I sure admire your skill and eye for colour and shape.  They both are wonderful.  Scrubble4

  3. MaryinColorado | | #6

    BOOP BOOP Y DOOP!!!!!  I love it!  Can't wait to show my daughter, she's such a fan!  I really like your fabric choices, adding the music theme black and whites is what I think really put it over the top excellent! 

    The spring floral one is also lovely, did you write the words or is that in the fabric?  I'm so nosy (curiouse?), are they poems?  words of wisdom/inspiration?  ode to spring? 

    Congratulations on treating yourself to a wonderful new camera!!!  How cool!  Mary

    1. rodezzy | | #8

      Hi Mary:  Thanks, I loved making it, it is over the top a bit in black and whites with the pink.  But, I love it.  It's so Betty Boopish!  I've made three fussy cut quilts and one wall hanging from my Betty Boop stash and I still have some left.  And I bought several different types in 2000 thru 2002.  I make a small Silent Auction wall quilt with some of it for every quilt show because I know it will sell and make money for the guild.

      The garden flower quilt is a signature quilt I made for a co-worker's retirement party.  She is a good friend and loves gardening, hence the flower theme.  The words were written by her party guests.  I brought permanent ink pens along with the quilt.  Well wishes, expressions of love and signatures for her to remember them by.  Some from work, friends and family.  I will be finishing it ASAP.  Want to finish it before our next birthday luncheon which she is a part of with me and one other co-worker/close friend.

      Love the camera, I just love it.  My girlfriend Sandra caught it on sale at Carson Pirie Scots for $59.99 while I was in New York, it retails for $250.00.  What a good friend.  I went right over and paid her last night and got my camera.  I'll be finding a treat for her too.  giggle


      1. MaryinColorado | | #10

        WOW!!! You got an incredible deal on your camera!!!  That's so great to hear! 

        My daughter always loved bright colors.  She wore alot of black with raspberry and hot pink.  She could get away with it, she always had that wholesome look, I would have looked like a streetwalker wearing some of the stuff she just looked cute in.  I remember she had a black and white zebra print mini skirt and jean jacket that everyone (even the grandmas) thought was adorable.  She always wore pink tops with it.  That still seems to be her favorite color combo in her 30's, guess it's the Boop Boop Y Doop in her! 

        I wore my first strapless dress to my son's wedding, kept the matching jacket on the whole time though.  Mary

        1. rodezzy | | #12

          I used to wear pink A LOT, giggle when I was a youngin' giggle.  Pink still glows in my skin, even at this age.  Orange and electric blue glows with my completion also.  But I wear conservative pieces in those colors.  Bought a cable knitted, cowl neck sweater this winter in that bright blue and it looked great. 

          I love color, but I've been on a black and white kick over the past two years.  Collected lots of black and white fabrics and made a black and white full sized quilt.  I want to make the lone star quilt in black and whites.  I've sent for Debbie Maddy's Southern Stars, the lone star quilt made from half square triangles and am looking foward to making it for the quilt show in October.  I hope I finish it.  If not, oh well.  I'll give it a good try.  It should be easy.

          So much to do, so little time. 

          Edited 3/14/2008 3:29 pm ET by rodezzy

          Edited 3/14/2008 3:29 pm ET by rodezzy

  4. katina | | #13

    Hi Rodezzy

    Your Betty Boop made me laugh out loud! It's so lively and fun, a really cheerful piece of work. Is this one for you, or are you making it for someone?

    Thanks for sharing with us.


    1. rodezzy | | #15

      It's mine so far, I just made it to make it, it haunted me until I did make it.  But I know I will probably end up giving it to some youngin' in my family.  I should have been making that baby quilt.

      1. katina | | #17

        Well, I'm glad it haunted you - it's lovely.


      2. MaryinColorado | | #22

        Now girl, don't "should" on yourself!  There's enough people in the world to do that for us!

  5. sewingkmulkey | | #18

    I love your Betty Boop quilt Rodezzy!  I'm a real Betty Boop nut and have quite a collection of purses, figurines, mugs, etc. as well as gobs of BB fabric.  I made a quilt last year using all my BB fabric that has a black backgound using a star pattern, fussy-cutting BB motifs in the center of each star.  It was quite successful just like your quilt!


    1. rodezzy | | #19

      Sounds awesome, share a picture of it with us.  I especially would love to see it.  I've made several Betty Boop quilts.  I don't have pictures of them though.

      1. Gloriasews | | #32

        Rodezzy, your quilts are lovely!  Love the colour combination in the Betty Boop & the log cabin design & the pinks.  It's funny (strange, not ha ha) that, on Friday at the Creative Stitches show, I saw a woman in a black wool bomber jacket with a large Betty Boop applicate on the back & a small one on the front & immediately thought about you.  I was wondering how your BB quilt was coming along, so it was just great to see it today.  Also, you were SO lucky to get the great deal on the camera.

        Your black & white lone star should look really interesting - I've never seen one in blacks & whites.  You'll probably add some grey in there, too, won't you? Or a bright colour at the middle or tips?  I'm still collecting black & white prints - only have a few, but I grab them when I see them if they're on sale or in a remnant bin.

        Good work, Rodezzy!  I agree with you when you say 'so much to do, so little time' :)


        1. rodezzy | | #33

          Did I tell you that the book came in the mail Monday?  The lone star quilt book that makes them with half square triangles? 

          How is your move going?  My heart goes out to you and yours.  Please don't hurt yourself and overdo things with working too hard.  Take care of you, I want to talk to you for a long time to come yet.  O.K.  Take it slow.

          Edited 3/19/2008 3:08 pm ET by rodezzy

          1. Gloriasews | | #34

            Half square triangles??  That sounds interesting.  Is it supposedly easier to put together than the usual way?  Does the finished product look any different?  I'll look in your previous post to get the title & author & will look for it.

            The packing, etc. is absolute chaos, thank you very much :)  Must get back to it, tho.  Time is running out rapidly.  The landlord actually wants to start showing it already with boxes & mess everywhere!!!  AAAGH!  Wish they would just leave us in peace to get on with it & then they can show it when it's clean & vacant & lookin' good.  But they want to rent it as soon as possible, of course :(.  Yah - I'm trying to not overdo it.  Thanks for the good thoughts.


          2. rodezzy | | #36

            Yes, it is very easy.  You use the half-square triangles in color combinations to get the diamond shape instead of making diamonds.  No y-seams.  It's wayyyy easier.  The book is titled "Southern Stars, Lone Star quilts without the hassle."  No Diamonds.  No "Y" seams, by Debbie Maddy.

            I wish I could help you.  I surely would.  I could just pinch those people, real hard on the arm in the most tender part.  AAGGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

            Edited 3/19/2008 3:38 pm ET by rodezzy

          3. Gloriasews | | #37

            Thanks for the book info - I made a note of it, but I'm not getting any more books from the library until I move (haven't time to read them :( .    As for the pinch on a soft & tender part, I can definitely go for that right now.  They say that revenge is sweet . . .  (but I'm not the vengeful type).  Take care!


  6. Josefly | | #20

    At last! - we get to see the BB quilt. I love the black and white prints you used - looks great with the pink and other BB prints.Also, the lemon- and lime-colored quilt - sunny delight.New cameras are so much fun - congrats on your great deal.Joan

  7. RhettaRic | | #23

    I love them both!  My mom would love the Betty Boop (of course her name's Betty).  What is the signature one for?  That is such a cool idea.

    1. rodezzy | | #26

      It's a signature quilt for my co-worker friends' retirement party last month.  Must finish it this month.  It is signed by her friends, family and co-workers.

  8. User avater
    VKStitcher | | #28

    These are great quilts!  I love the bright colors in them.

    You will love your new camera.  I do enjoy having a digital camera--you can see the images instantly, and also delete the 'oops' ones!  And it's so easy to post pictures of all your fabulous projects so we can see them!  :-D

    1. rodezzy | | #30

      Yes, it has been fun, but I need to learn more about it, it has a menu that talks about sound, taking movies and lots of other extras I'm not familiar with.  I have lots to learn.


      1. User avater
        VKStitcher | | #31

        Learning about your camera is just like anything else--the more you do, the more you learn, and the better at it you become.  Just have fun!  :-)

  9. solosmocker | | #49

    These are both so wonderful and each so different. I surely wouldn't expect you to do anything run of the mill! LOL! Great quilts. solo

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