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Conversational Threads

Bias Cut Garments

heather_blair | Posted in The Archives on

Has anyone ever used velour, or velveteen with some stretch to cut a long bias skirt? Need all the information I can get. Thanks, and Best Regards.


  1. Evita_ | | #1

    Heather, I have not used velour on the bias, but I have used a bias pattern with a stretch velour knit. I cut it on the straight grain and found that the knit draped and molded to the body in a way similar to a fabric cut on the bias. Of course, this will not work if your velour has very little stretch.

    My garment was easy to make, and came out beautifully.

    Good luck with your sewing !


    1. heather_blair | | #2

      *Evita, thanks for your reply. My material has crosswise stretch and when stretched lengthwise it goes right back to the original length. I searched all afternoon for info on the subject of bias on velour, reading all the info on the properties of the material but to no avail, I found nothing which said "don't cut on bias." So at this point I may just go ahead and try and 'pay' for the experience. Thanks once again and best wishes for the coming year. Heather.

      1. Marcy_Tilton | | #3

        *I've been playing with bias for a number of years and have been curious about cutting knits on the bias too...I've seen patterns and RTW examples for tops...there was a bias panne shell (?Prada I think) I saw in ads this fall, but I've never seen a skirt. I like the idea, and would recommend adding center front and back seam to balance the grain of the knit, and allow big 2" seam allowances to compensate for the stretch. Knits don't really have a grain per se, but I think the effect could be fabulous and easy...keep me posted on the results. I plan to try a top in the future...there is a current Vogue pattern for bias knits. Good Luck. Marcy Tilton

        1. Connie_Kirby | | #4

          *What kind of a seam would you use for that? Vogue patterns recommended a French seam for a long bias skirt pattern, but I wondered if that would lack the give needed (however, the pattern recommended using chiffon!). I'm doing the pattern in a crepe-backed satin -- not exactly a knit, but very stretchy on the bias.

          1. heather_blair | | #5

            *Hi everyone, after 2 attempts to post message, I realised what I did wrong....I just want to keep you all up to date on my progress. I am now working on a skirt pattern. I will use seams and I will sew 2 skirts -just to experiment- one on the bias and one on the straight grain, using the same pattern and the same material. I will keep you posted on the results, including seams used etc, because I have the choice of using an industrial serger which does a serge and a chain stitch in one pass or using the reverse stretch stitch on my sewing machine, and trimming the seam to 1cm. I have not yet decided. I will be back...Thanks a million once more. Heather

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