biz card line – which sounds better?
You may get sick of seeing me around here but I can’t stop thinking about this!
Which appeals to you more – this is under the biz name on a biz card.
“Custom-sewn Everyday and Special Occasion clothing for babies and children”
“Everyday and Special Occasion clothing custom-made for children”
“Everyday and Special Occasion clothing sewn for babies and children”
“Your Child’s Seamstress”
“Your Child’s Tailor” (does this imply alterations on ready-made clothing?)
“Tailor-made fashions for babies and children”
“One-of-a-Kind custom-sewn clothing for babies and children”
“Custom-made fashions for your baby and child”
Anything else? None sound good after reading each 50 times…
I want something not so boring, but to the point…
This is definitely not sew easy. 🙂
How about
"custom sewing for babies & children"
Tailoring implies suit jackets etc
I love it! Sweet and simple.
Boy, do I overthink or what?
Thank you so much!
Your welcome, good luck with your business. You should join the Association of Sewing and Design Professionals. (formerly the Prof. assoc of custom clothiers). organization will help in developing you and your business into a sewing professional.
They must have changed their name to include design.
I think I need to become a bit more established before I have the nerve enough to join. The $$ is a bit much for me right now as well, but I will keep them in mind.
I like jjgg's suggestion or "custom made fashions for babies and children"
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