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Conversational Threads

Black & White Skirt Started!?!

rodezzy | Posted in Knitting and Crochet on

Well, I started the skirt.  I made interlocking rings for the waistband in the double strand B&W thread.  It looks good so far.  I have crocheted a fourth of the way down and now out of black thread.  I did not join to form a circle, I’m crocheting it flat so I can make adjustments for my big bottom as I go.  giggle.  It’s working so far.  I am thinking of joining and crocheting the rest in the round, once I past the critical part of my body.  I’m not sure yet. 

I’m a little nervous about it, mainly because I have never crocheted a skirt before.  So, this is trial and error, and I may scrap it if I am not pleased.  I don’t want it too tight and I want a good drape.  I haven’t received my “vision” for the bottom of the skirt, or the finishing of the top.  Good thing I started early.  I have time and much of the basic construction out of the way. That helps. 

Rodezzy, Fiber Artist


  1. GailAnn | | #1

    Not from any personal experience, but just to encourage you in your vision, if you continue crocheting in the flat, that would allow you to put a slit, pleat, or (one or more) godets at the hemline, and give you a chance to decide how far down you might want it.  Gail

    1. rodezzy | | #2

      Very good observation.  It's true.  I went to sleep thinking of godets, ruffles, spanish style hems and the works.  I love very feminine stylings, so these are all options.  Thanks.  All very good options.  Got my mind spinning again.  Now to get more thread.  I don't remember where I got it in the first place, but I will probably have to order over the internet.  Will be researching that option today.

      1. GailAnn | | #3

        Spanish style hem.....................priceless.  Gail

        1. katina | | #4

          What a lovely description, yes! Swirly and swingy, all about drape as Rodezzy says.


          1. rodezzy | | #5

            Thanks Katina, I should remind people that this outfit is for the Black & White Attire line dancing party in August.  Not just an addition to my wardrobe for everyday wear. 

            Edited 6/5/2008 12:53 pm ET by rodezzy

          2. MaryinColorado | | #6

            What is a Spanish Style Hem?  This is such an interesting outfit you are making.  I love one of a kind clothing.  You started with the theme of the event, explored the realms of your imagination, edited your ideas, and continue to develope your concept into a work of art that you will feel confident, comfortable, and pretty in.  Those crocheted rings are so cool on the top, I can't wait to see the skirt and then the whole masterpiece!  You go girl!!! 

             I'm so glad we live in a country where we have the freedom of self expression.  I can't imagine not being able to wear what I chose to suit who I am, what activity I'm doing, and my mood.  We are also lucky and blessed that we can create our own instead of having to buy carbon copies of someone else's idea what we "should" be wearing!  And when we do buy retail, we can alter and embellish to our hearts content!  Mary

          3. rodezzy | | #8

            In my mind's eye I see the "Spanish Syle Hem" a multi-ruffled hem that is open in the front.  A modified version similiar to the dress below.  Maybe just on ruffle or a two layer ruffle hem.  And of course, I will not have the front opening as high as hers.  Start it just above the knee.

            Not a lot, just something that will move when I move.  What do you think Mary, the skirt has the double strand b & W waist to match the top, which is slightly off the shoulder, and them make the ruffles in the B & W double strand and the body of the skirt in the black thread?!?

            View Image

            Ditto to the rest of your message...I love being able to create!


            OR.....I've thought of a fishtail hem from just above the knees to the floor.  Elegant!  Whatever, I choose it will be for dramatic movement while walking and dancing.  

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            I like the bottom of this skirt.

            And this one is nice. 

            View Image

            Or, if I use a ripple stitch I could create a scarf hem. 

            So many ideas swirling, just like I want the skirt to swirl.

          4. MaryinColorado | | #10

            I like all of them, but for what it's worth, my favorite is the Spanish Hem.  It also seems to allow for the most freedom of movement for line dancing I think.  But it looks as if anyone of them would work. 

            Thanks for showing the different styles and thier names!  Now I can visualize some of your concepts better.  Wow!  So many ideas to choose from, I think I would be procrastinating forever.  But I know you are better at making a decision and able to focus and bring it to fruition.   You go girl!  Mary

          5. rodezzy | | #11

            Thanks Mary, and my decision was made for me when I ran out of black thread (giggle). 

            When I got home last night, I was antsy to crochet and money is short.  So, I went to my stash to check out how much of the double strand B&W I had purchased.  Lo and behold I had three full balls (300 yds ea.) in my yarn container.  That did it, I tried on what I had and I had crocheted with the black to just under my tushy, so I decided to start a real defined gathered piece from there with what I have. 

            I put a row of single crochet on to stablize it at that point because the last row was triple crochet stitches which are very open.  Then I put on two rows of double crochet, doubling every stitch.  That means two dc's in every stitch around for two rows.  That made a deep ruffle.  Then I switched to a size "J" hook and did two rows stitch for stitch around in triple crochet. 

            And yes, I joined at the sc row and started crocheting in the round.  I figured, I didn't want to try and seam the ruffle part.  I am also thinking of putting a zipper in that part left open from the waist for ease in putting on and off, also giving it a finished look. 

            I was crocheting with a size "I" hook with the top and from the waistband of the skirt until I changed over to the "J" hook.  I thought that this will give this part more drape and a less heavy appearance.  Just thinking out loud.  What do you guys think?  I'll see how it comes out as I work on it over the weekend.  Maybe get a pic to send of what I've done. 

          6. MaryinColorado | | #12

            You busy bee!  It sounds great so far.  Thanks for describing the techniques!  Hopefully I'll be practicing crocheting this week end if I'm home long enough.  Mary

          7. rodezzy | | #13

            Good deal.  Crocheting is fast and fun.  I love it.  Take your time now - giggle.

          8. rodezzy | | #14

            Correction on double strand thread that I'm using. 

            It's:   J.&P. Coats:  Royale, Gemini Double Strand Crochet Thread (100% Mercerized Cotton) Color:  0455 black/white.  

            The black thread was right, Red Heart Lustersheen.  Black.

          9. Gloriasews | | #15

            I have to disagree with Mary, Rodezzy - I like the fishtail hem better.  Sorry, Mary!  A word of caution, though - if you are planning the frill to the floor in the back, don't forget that the crochet will stretch, thereby dragging on the floor & being stomped on by other dancers (possibly in high heels that might snag it).  Another word of caution (not to be a wet blanket :) &, heaven forbid, negative) - are you considering lining just the black part of the skirt when you put the zipper in?  Otherwise the seat will stretch when you sit down & may go out of shape & bubble outwards.  Just a thought :)

            Can't wait to see the finished product!  I can't believe you are making this outfit so fast - are you sure you're not twitching your nose??? 


          10. rodezzy | | #16

            Hi Gloriasews:  You are the sound of caution that I found out over the weekend.  I was frantically making the long ruffle, I was about five rows into it, when I decided to try it on.  It was too heavy with all that thread and was distorting it something aweful, it was looking wobbly and too big.  I took it back down even past the last increase row.  I switched to a smaller hook size "H" in order to snug it up around the hips.  I don't want it to look saggy in the butt.  When I tried to crochet again, my muscles in my are were sore, so I didn't crochet anymore over the weekend.  I'm not sure what to do now.  I had some other ideas totally different from the ruffles and fishtails, now I'll have to explore those.  I will need to do a lighter construction. 

            Thanks Gloriasews, I learned that lesson on Friday night when I rushed home and did all of that crocheting.  But I know that when you do your own designs, you may have to ditch one idea and do something different.  There are always lessons learned along the way.  Don't want to sew a lining.  Just RTW slip.  Don't want to sew.  So whatever I do, I will not be sewing anything.  It will do the same thing with a lining.  I have purchased crochet items and if it is not fitted close to the body, or flare out a lot, it is going to stretch out no matter what.  The same with knitted fabric.  They all stretch out of shape until reshaped after cleaning and reblocked.  So that's unavoidable with the yarns we are able to purchase.  There's an article in Threads magazines about the "Little Black Dress" and one is crocheted in a chain net with machine thread the lady purchased.  It is different from what is purchased in our retail stores.  I don't have money for that, I'm trying to use what I have.  If I fail to get what I want, I will simply finish my top and use a black skirt I already have or purchase a white one if they still have them in my size when I have money and/or have given up on the skirt project.  I'm also thinking about hairpen lace strips now.

            It will help, but not enough for me to sew a lining.  It's not going to be an heirloom item, or something that will be a stable in my wardrobe for years to come.  It's a costume for a dance.  I may even frog the yarn for another project later.  So, I'm not going to sweat the small stuff.  Just get the best design for the event to look good on me.

            I value your suggestions and advice, so thanks.

          11. MaryinColorado | | #17

            I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out yet after you worked your poor little fingers to the bone.  As you know, I'm not into knitting and crocheting so this is one area where my "two cents" worth didn't account for beans. Now I feel bad that I encouraged you to go for that Spanish style because it's so pretty.  Don't be discouraged, you always end up with such cool creations.  This is just a bump in the road. 

            (Guess my mind is just full of cliches this morning, what's with that?)  I think I need a nap but must go walking.  Hope you're having a good day.  Mary

          12. rodezzy | | #18

            Hey, thanks for the respone, don't worry, I'm not discouraged.  If I don't come up with a finished skirt, I still have the top.  It will get finished. 

            I don't fear failure, or worry about having talked up a good idea and then abandon it.  I have lots of finished projects I absolute love in sewing, knitting, crochet and quilting.  And I have stuff I failed to finish and abandoned.  No problem.  It's who I am.  So, please don't anyone feel that I will be dispondent over this skirt.  If I don't get it done, "so be it."  I always have a plan "B", "C", and "D" if necessary.  I will be going to that dance in August, and I will have on something great that I feel comfortable in.  I will be wearing the top I made, that's a done deal.  If I make a skirt I am comfortable with, I will wear it, if not......oh well.  I tried. giggle.

          13. Gloriasews | | #19

            Before you throw in the towel with the ruffle, your ruffle needs to be a much lighter weight - either crocheted with a doily-weight thread (which is too much work) or buy (when you have the $) some gathered lace & sew it on by hand (with basting stitches or long hemming stiches) so it can be easily removed when you deconstruct the skirt?  It was just another thought.  Sorry to be such a wet blanket on the weeknd :(.  If all else fails, a black or white skirt will be just as lovely.


          14. rodezzy | | #20

            Thanks for the suggestions, but I am not going to buy thinner thread.  I have some alternative ideas.  I'm not set on design or the other.  I just wanted to try to crochet a skirt.  I have not given up on the idea totally yet.  Just switching to another design.  Not telling yet though (giggle).  I may just spring this one on ya. 

            In fact, I won't be buying anything else, I will be using what I have or ditching it for one of the wonderful skirts I already have in my closet.  I found a couple white skirts and I have many black skirts.  I'm going to have fun and I'm looking forward to the event.

          15. sewelegant | | #21

            I have been following your crocheted dancing skirt saga and all its snarls with interest.  I really like the second picture with what I call the tulip hem as it swirls out.  I have made many crocheted scarves, doilies, shawls, etc. but no clothing except for Barbie.  I made one circular shawl back in the 70's (I think) and now the grandgirls like to bring it out and swirl around with it.  As I remember it was either baby yarn or a lite sport wt.  and yes it is somewhat heavy, but I took a picture so you could see that it does not hang out of shape so much.  It was fun to crochet and didn't take that long.  The swirly part was accomplished by more and more shells being added to each row.

            in my edit I see that picture did not show up.  Sorry, I just do not know how to do it.


            Edited 6/10/2008 2:00 pm by sewelegant

          16. rodezzy | | #22

            Thanks for sharing that wonderful story.  When I was in my first year of college, I made a black shawl that was really pretty.  I went to visit my best friend at her college and someone took it off my chair at a party.  I never got over that.  I never made another one.  How wonderful to have something for your grands to cherish.  I know you smile a lot when they twirl around in it. 

            To post a picture, click "attach files" in the next window click on "browse" to get the picture you have stored on your computer, then click on "upload".  Wait until you see the title in the bottom of that window in blue, then click "done". 

            It should come up, I would love to see it.  I love crochet.

            I know I will get through this.  I've never made a skirt.  I have made shawls, ponchos, scarfs, vests, sweater coats, doll clothes, I even crocheted a double breasted blazer for my son when he was about 4 or 5 along with an outfit I made for him to wear in a neighborhood fashion show.  I'll keep trying, I still have the fire within.  So far.  giggle. 

            Oh, I just remembered that last year I made a complete outfit for my neice in-law, but it was very skimpy.  It was a bikini top connected to the skirt down the middle.  I made a shrug that was just the width of her arms and knitted a cuff at the wrist.  The skirt was a very short rectangle.  It had a drawstring waist.  It was for a themed costume house party with her friends.  She's about a size 4, so she could wear that.  And she is in her late twenties.  It looked great on HER!  It was like dressing a Barbie doll (giggle).  No concerns about fit. 

            Edited 6/10/2008 4:08 pm ET by rodezzy

            Edited 6/10/2008 4:16 pm ET by rodezzy

          17. sewelegant | | #26

            I will try again... maybe I did not wait long enough to see the blue.

            aha, it worked... but too big so now back to the drawing board and that is another mystery even though I have watched others go through this and being told how to fix it I do not remember.

            Edited 6/11/2008 12:31 pm by sewelegant

          18. rodezzy | | #27

            O.K., I'l wait.  Today I don't have a lot of time, but I am so looking forward to your picture. 

            Last night I crocheted nine rows on the skirt and had to take out the nine rows.  When I stopped crocheting across I stopped on a wrong side row.  So I was crocheting to the wrong side.  So I had to rip back what I had put on and crochet another straight row leaving me on a ride side row, then join and continue in the round.  I only put six rows back on.  I had to go to sleep.

            Orchestrating a retirement luncheon here today.  Just waiting for 12:00 to eat now.  So, talk at you later. 

            Can't wait to see your smaller pics (smile).

          19. katina | | #28

            Hey Rodezzy! You'd look just great if you wore a flour sack to the dance - it's your personality that shines through so. I know you'll be decked out in something stunning, no matter what you choose.


          20. rodezzy | | #29

            Oh, thank you sweetems'!  You are too kind. 

            I'm going to give it some more try's though.  I'm not giving up just yet (smile).

          21. katina | | #31

            Keep us posted!

          22. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #30

            Your picture came through just fine on my screen. It is so pretty and elegant. Cathy

          23. sewelegant | | #32

            Thank you, Cathy, I have been trying to find the way to make the picture smaller but do not see how to figure it out so it will just have to stay the way it is.  One of these day I should get it!

          24. Gloriasews | | #23

            Actually, the plain black or white skirt would really show off the top better, as the eye would go to your beautiful neckline treatment (rather than the flounce on your hem) & save you a lot of work.  You'll look great no matter what you decide to wear.


          25. rodezzy | | #24

            Thank you dear lady.  We'll see!?!  Giggle.

          26. Gloriasews | | #25

            That was a fast reply - I thought you were already heading for home (it's 2:20 here & I thought there was 3 hours difference in time from here to you).  Anyway, you'll look great no matter what you wear - & we'll all be waiting for your pics :)  Just don't stress yourself over that skirt.


  2. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #7

    Rodezzy, The way your crochet hook flys, Im surprised the thread hasn't caught on fire! Can't wait to see you in the finished masterpiece.

    Reminded me of a crochet vest and skirt my mom made for me when I was in grade 6. Coral yarn I wore over purple leotard and matching turtleneck. Cathy

    Edited 6/5/2008 3:25 pm ET by ThreadKoe

    1. rodezzy | | #9

      Cute.  I love crocheting.  I am really experimenting now.  I've never been so free to create in crochet before.  Inspiration is everywhere. 

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