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Conversational Threads

Bluprint is shutting down

theresa_in_tucson | Posted in Fiber Arts on

Bluprint is shutting down.  The Crafts Industry Alliance posted this in their latest newsletter.  If you have purchased classes from them and have not viewed them, now is the time to sit down and watch.  I had purchased some of their DVDs in the past of techniques I was interested in.


  1. embolte | | #1

    There is a notification about this on the main page of Bluprint. Not sure how things are going to play out, and I hope the company provides a way to access purchased classes.

    1. sewingqueen112 | | #2

      I have purchased lots of classes too. I hope they provide a way to access those classes too! Thanks for he heads up.

  2. user-266742 | | #3

    wanda smith - I have also purchased lots of classes and hope they provide a way to access the classes

  3. user-6560831 | | #4

    Like some other companies, had a big push in last year for membership, and purchase of classes. They knew were going to shut down, but were selling up to last minute. Certainly hope there will be a way to access classes. Magazines do this also and either offer subscript to something wd never use or just do nothing. We are so at mercy of the seller these days of online purchases. Getting off my soapbox, now.

  4. User avater
    LivingBeauty57 | | #5


    1. user-1114071 | | #6

      I feel the same way. I will never purchase anything in the future that is "Own Forever". This also happened with embroidery software. You purchased the software with the understanding that you will get updates forever and now some of the embroidery software companies are not living up to that promise. Magazines have also done this to me where I renewed only to find out they were no longer going to publish. I did get my money back, but it took 6 months. I don't believe these companies and won't purchase in the future.

    2. user-6560831 | | #8

      I understand that sentiment, but I am finding it difficult to still find hard copies of items. Look at the Threads Archive. They sold out the print vs. quickly in 2017. So I purchased usb, I never use it, too much trouble and still wdnt have copy at sewing machine unless I printed it out. Oh the good old days of consumer 1st & choices.

    3. User avater
      passionfashion | | #44

      I feel the same way LivingBeauty57. It's sad that NBC is not held responsible. It would take so little effort on their part. Thankfully, I purchased and used Allavsoft software to download all my classes. It's a bit tricky, but they will walk you through it. They need to manually put in your email & password. Good luck!

    4. user-6998382 | | #53

      ABSOLUTELY CORRECT,I agree!May I suggest that some of you together find either Small-time legal help or find some attorney who knows how to sue companies in Chapter eleven,to either seize your classes in whatever form?OR since you are many,a suit by multiple people is likely successful for you all.Its all too common for businesses to bankrupt lately.Even big fashion dept. Stores.I'd really suggest you do something now,I'd hate to see you all cheated. Especially considering you purchased EDUCATION..Don't be shy about protecting your investments,, it's your right.Sigh--locally near Portland Oregon an old huge fabric seller went bottoms up.--GOOD LUCK.

  5. sewingjude | | #7

    So sad! I own just shy of 100 classes, and I will never get through all of the ones I have bought, that I had planned on getting to in retirement. I certainly hope they will come up with something for us to be able to have access to these classes.

    1. user-7146907 | | #9

      I’m in the same boat, but I’ve just found out that I can download my (142!) classes to watch offline as Bluprint have just updated their app so you can do that. Here’s the link to the info:


      It’s going to be expensive in terms of hiring space in the cloud, but worth it if I can keep my classes.

      1. user-1114071 | | #10

        The link you provided shows how to download to a mobile device, but it doesn't show how to download to a PC. The mobile device has a small amount of storage compared to the amount on the PC and I was not able to download more than 3 classes before it started running out of space. Do you know of a way to download to a PC?

        1. user-7146907 | | #39

          You’re so right - I spoke too soon. Sorry about that. I was sure the classes would go into the cloud, but like you, I could only download 3 classes, so I’ve used greatlucklucky’s advice and got Allavsoft.

        2. user-7146907 | | #42

          I made a wrong assumption and spoke too soon - I’m really sorry about that. Like you, I could only download 3 classes on my iPad and that took ages. Thank goodness that people have since offered some good solutions for laptops and computers so we can download all our classes now.

      2. Betty_Jo_Tatum | | #11

        I don't have an iphone or an ipad. I only have a limited phone space. This is a totally unusable app for me.

      3. [email protected] | | #12

        My concern with this is, how long are they going to support the app once they finally closed down??

      4. user-7534529 | | #19

        How long is their app going to last as i doubt they will continue to maintain it once they shut down. I have 176 classes with them over the years and the thought of losing those classes is making me "sick"

      5. JUST4M_E_ | | #25

        We should not have to pay one penny more To watch or obtain those forever classes. Is that the catch , we’re FOREVER paying for them?
        Maybe threads could buy the company.

        1. 7658225 | | #31


          Good suggestion...start an online petition to the BBB. Just a thought.

      6. user-7341374 | | #43

        I was able to access the site through the link but found that even as you can download, you can't save to an SD card - so there goes your phone or computers memory.

    2. User avater
      dayyah | | #15

      I sure hope so since I bought many classes I guess they could give us a way to download our classes or may be purchase dvds at a nominal price

    3. sherry_01 | | #23

      I did the same as you did - purchased classes planning on doing a lot of sewing and pattern making in my retirement. Really sorry I did not purchase the DVDs. With the annual membership fee I could have purchased at least 3 DVDs . Live and learn.

    4. freckles24 | | #28

      I had only purchased a few own forever classes back when they were craftsy. I used this method I found on reddit to download all my classes. Worked perfectly. https://www.reddit.com/r/craftsnark/comments/goszlc/craftsybluprint_is_closing_soon/fs57qqm

      1. user-2042411 | | #34

        This lady who wrote the script literally saved me! I had purchased so many classes...it is not easy to do if you are not tech-savvy, but if you are, it is very doable.

      2. User avater
        ginnylynn | | #46

        I just finished using this method to download all of my classes too. Thank you for posting about this solution here.

        I'm with many others here who will likely never again purchase things where I receive nothing physical for my money. It leaves us at the mercy of the company.

  6. greatlucklucky | | #13

    I use Allavsoft to successfully download all my purchased bluprint classes offline.

    Firstly I need to provide my bluprint account log in information, the support team will manually input the log in information to bluprint, then I can use the latest version of Allavsoft to download all my videos at once by copy and paste one video url to Allavsoft and click Download button.

    The free trial version allows to download maximum 5 videos.
    Then I bought the full version and then only need to copy and paste one video url to Allavsoft and click Download button to download all my videos at once in the background.

    1. murnar | | #14

      I was initially excited about your post about Allavsoft and went to check it out. There was a post from someone trying to download Bluprint classes using Allavsoft and it did not work. Also, there were other comments about it coming up as malware in their Antivirus software. While I definitely want me Bluprint stuff, I can't afford to have the bigger problem of malware and sharing passwords with third part vendors.

      1. user-7146907 | | #38

        It did that to me too initially but then the Norton antivirus on my laptop put out a message to me saying that the site was safe, so I’m assuming that means the software as well. I’ve taken a chance and downloaded it. It’s working and my antivirus has not given me any warnings so far, so it seems fine.

    2. user-7146907 | | #41

      I searched, but couldn’t find any software online to do this, so I’m very grateful for your suggestion. I’m p using Allavsoft now. Unfortunately, I can’t download my classes in the background as I don’t have enough space on my laptop, but I can download the classes individually onto my laptop and then transfer them to an external hard drive. This is because Allavsoft support told me that downloading straight to the hard drive was likely to fail. However, I’ve discovered that when you’ve started downloading the first episode onto your laptop or whatever, you can immediately copy and paste all the episodes in one after the other while the first episode is still downloading, rather than wait for each one to slowly download before moving on to downloading the next one.

  7. User avater
    dayyah | | #16

    Thanks for the heads up

  8. Annette_AK | | #17

    I was very disappointed to hear that Bluprint was going to close down. I too have about a 100 classes that I have purchased over the years. I looked at the possibility of downloading, but the current options wont work for me. So I am taking a proactive approach and watching and taking notes of most useful information and noting which classes I would most want to keep to refer back to and which I can let go. Also I noted where else I could find the information. So far I have gone through about 10 classes and only 2 that I will want to keep for later review because the information is valuable and I can't find a source outside that class.
    So I am hopeful that a solution for a dvd or download to my computer will be offered. And that I can get through all of the classes and have notes for most of them.
    Lesson learned.

  9. tshores | | #18

    Unless you have unlimited downloads in whatever you use for internet access, if you download everything it could also cost us a bunch of money. I really think they should put all our classes on DVD's and mail them to us; we already paid for them.

    1. User avater
      t4l0r | | #21

      I totally agree. I have been trying to think of a ways to download and store the information on my computer just in case. The only way I have thought of so far is to purchase an app that will record streaming video on your computer and save the recording to an external disk. I haven't done this yet because I need to test an application to see if the recording is clear enough to watch. If anyone know of an application that can create high def recordings from a Mac and is cheap I would appreciate it.

    2. 7658225 | | #32

      Write the BBB of their state or city or Attorney General Office of their city or state...just an idea.

    3. User avater
      LivingBeauty57 | | #47


  10. user-7341374 | | #20

    Hey, Everyone!

    I received an email announcing Bluprint's upcoming demise. I'm shattered because I've just been paying the monthly fee after having bought classes when I was with Craftsy, so now all my stimulus allowance is gone and I'm too broke to buy all the classes I've had the privilege of enjoying to date. I learned detailed pattern drafting from Ms. Furrer and heirloom stitching from Ms. Stewart. Enjoyed the Classic Shirt presentation from the Lady who had a school here in Atlanta; embroidery, baking and sewing skills from so many including Ms, Alm, Ms. Prey and Ms. Chanin and I was hoping for another series of She Made/He Made(?) with Mimi G and her husband and even learned card folding and how to make the longest-flying airplane. While I've ventured to other venues as well, Bluprint is the home one can always return to. Damn, I feel like I'm losing a dear friend!

    I'm hoping that Bluprint will discount the classes - which the email received stated that it was presently working on a way to allow us to save the classes we'd purchased. Maybe discounted I can afford my "comfort food." 😪

    1. JUST4M_E_ | | #27

      I’m a student at Suzy Furrer school located in Oakland Ca. I drive 98 miles one way just to attend. That should tell you how great the school is. She teaches everything in class that she teaches on Bluprint plus some other classes . The classes are professional sewer’s level. Thank God for craftsy that is how I found her. Her school is call apparel arts and if you are at least 98 miles or nearer to Oakland, I highly recommend you check her out in REAL LIFE‼️ http://www.apparel-arts.com

  11. User avater
    ladyderby1558 | | #22

    I used Firefox and Internet Down Manager. You can get a free 30 day subscription. If you go on Facebook there is a Craftsy/Bluprint group, there is a file there that tells you exactaly how to do the download. I had 114 classes and they have all downloaded just fine. It was time consuming though. Allavsoft is much easier and less time consuming.

    1. sherry_01 | | #24

      Thank you will certainly try this option.

  12. Jfbean48 | | #26

    I have more than 150 videos. I started to download my classes on my iPad and ran out of space. But then I realized that all my “own forever!” classes were already uploaded into the iCloud. That was reassuring, I asked about the Bluprint app. Apple indicated that, although updates to apps may no longer exist, the app will remain in the Apple store. I hope that is true and that we can continue using the app with all of our classes.

  13. user-782780 | | #29

    Jfbean48 - Did you actually see your classes in the iCloud? We’ve been trying to make that happen from an iPad. We can make mail, photos, and “files” upload to the iCloud, but the Craftsy/Bluprint classes are not among those files. The Bluprint app shows the ones we’ve been able to download to the iPad, but they are not among the files that upload to iCloud. Bluprint seems to be keeping them tightly locked away in the app in this limited storage iPad

    If you truly have uploaded your classes to the iCloud, could you please describe how to do it?

    1. Jfbean48 | | #30

      I definitely see that the Bluprint app, with it’s 154 GBs, are in my iCloud. I can’t see the individual classes just the app and I see the size of the file. I will look into this further and get back to this thread,

      After further investigation I found that only the videos I downloaded onto my tablet have been uploaded to iCloud. I don’t have enough storage space on my tablet for all my classes. (:

      1. kobuli | | #33

        I am had the same problem with downloading from my iPad. I spent many hours downloading videos to my iCloud - I thought. After reading posts that others were having difficulty, I checked my storage and sure enough, nothing seems to be in the cloud. The classes downloaded to my iPad which now has no more room. This whole situation with Bluprint is so disappointing.

        1. Jfbean48 | | #36

          If you have a computer (PC or MAC), it might have enough memory to hold your classes. There is a detailed document on how to download Bluprint class library onto your computer on Facebook. You will need to join the group to get the document but it is a godsend!

          1. gilladian | | #45

            join what group? I was told in the email Bluprint sent out taht they would provide instructions on downloading classes (fortunately I only have a couple), but have never received any info...

          2. User avater
            sewsable | | #49

            To Gilladian
            The group is probably https://www.facebook.com/groups/753792008489685/ which is the Hold Bluprint Accountable group. Bluprint themselves have not yet sent out any information on downloading classes and most of us don't have a high level of trust in them after they gave very little notice of the closure of purchasing ability and then shut that down an hour earlier than they'd said they would.

  14. Reikichik | | #35

    When I first received notice that Bluprint was shutting down, I went to the site and was able to download purchased lessons to my computer. However, on 6/15/20, Bluprint charged $79.99 to my credit card for an automatic membership renewal, long after the 5/24/20 letter from the CEO stating they were shutting down and no new classes, supplies, patterns or new subscriptions could be purchased after 5/31/20.. There is no longer a phone listed, but an e-mail address for inquiries is given with the notice that they would be answered when they could. I sent an e-mail, am awaiting a response, and have notified my bank.

    UPDATE 6/22/20: I notified my bank this morning about the charge and in providing contact information for Bluprint, I found this notice: By Jensen Werley – Reporter, Denver Business Journal
    May 26, 2020, 1:51pm MDT Updated May 26, 2020, 2:03pm MDT
    In a WARN notice to the state, the company said that it is closing on or about July 22. Even though the CEO's letter dated 5/24/20 indicates the date will be "finalized in the future," the company had already filed July 22 as the expected date. This seems to indicate that they knew they would be closing down and still renewed subscriptions knowing the full year could not be fulfilled but would "prorate" refunds of annual subscriptions.

    I would suggest that if you were automatically renewed after 5/31/20, you send an e-mail stating that you expect a full refund since the company knowingly could not fulfill a full year, and report it to your credit card company. Good luck.

    1. Jfbean48 | | #37

      You might want to contact your credit card company and request that they refund the charge.

  15. user-7146907 | | #40

    I deleted my credit card details from Bluprint before sending my login details out to Allavsoft, but now I’m doubly glad I did as it never occurred to me that Bluprint might mistakenly still take out payments. Thank you Reikichik for the heads up, and you should be able to get your money back from your credit card. Your bank just needs to see the website’s message that they’re not taking any more payments after May.

  16. user-7529880 | | #48

    I would like to think they will honour their commitment to those of us who have purchased classes. I to have alot of Classes that I own but am worried that Bluprint will be dishonrable, and leave alot of us out of pocket and knowledge.

  17. dgd2000 | | #50

    I purchased Bluprint download software from allavsoft.com yesterday, and within a few minutes after they linked my Bluprint account to their software, I was able to download all of my course videos to my computer's hard drive. Note that you still will need to download any handouts or other materials that accompany your course(s). I had to contact their tech support person, but he resolved my problem completely and promptly.

    The $19.95 was a small price to pay to automate the download process. It's unfortunate that Bluprint didn't provide that service, but I'm going to quit griping and move on to more constructive things!

  18. User avater
    smcfarland | | #51

    Bluprint has been purchased by TN Marketing. There is a statement at the link below, including the information that "As part of this transition, TN Marketing has agreed to honor previous customer purchases for classes and subscriptions and will preserve your access to Bluprint content."


    I hope this info will put some of your minds at ease.

  19. Deleted | | #52


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