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MarshaK | Posted in General Discussion on

I have seen instructions for doing bobbinwork by either loosening the screw on the bobbin case that came with the sewing machine or getting an extra one and using it just for bobbinwork. My question here is, can bobbinwork be done on a machine that has a drop-in bobbin which has no separate case? One of my machines is like that and it has 400+ stitches, many of which would be great stitched out in heavier threads or even yarns.

I hope someone out there knows if this can be done, and how to do it. Thanks.



  1. HeartFire2 | | #1

    MarshaYes, youcan do it with a drop in bobbin - just bypass the tension 'thingies' (thats a very technical term). I know viking makes a separate bobbin holder to do bobbin work with

    1. MarshaK | | #3

      Thanks for the reply, I thought that was how it should be done, it never hurts to check though, right? MarshaK.

  2. PASDENOM | | #2

    I've done it with a drop in bobbin without any bobbin tension adjustment. Adjusting the upper tension and stitch length have worked just fine. You have to do some trial and error on scraps.

    1. MarshaK | | #4

      It's nice to know some-one else has done bobbinwork in this manner. I wonder why there is no mention of drop-in bobbins when this style of sewing is discussed and demonstrated on sewing shows. With a bit of encouragement maybe I can do some bobbinwork and whittle down my huge stash of threads! MarshaK.

  3. FitnessNut | | #5

    I've done lots of bobbinwork on my old Elna Carina with a drop-in bobbin. The Elna has a tension bypass for using heavy threads - look for something similar in your manual. My very favourite was working with ribbon floss and decorative stitches. It turned out beautifully!Consider also the possibilities of multiple rows of stitching to make a new pattern. The ribbon floss was incredible using, of all things, an overlock stitch that sews a straight line then a diagonal stitch downwards right. If you turn the work so that the row of straight stitches are next to each other, you can produce a lovely "new" stitch pattern.

    1. MarshaK | | #6

      Hi Sandy, it's great to hear from you. I had the same idea as you mentioned, to use rows of different stitches to make the designs on my fabrics. I even have a batch of ribbon floss, great stuff isn't it? MarshaK.

      1. FitnessNut | | #7

        Good to hear from you too. How are you?Yes, that ribbon floss is fun to use. I did alot of stitching with it on a kimono I made a few years ago. Very pretty. I used it to make 3D flowers too, looping the ribbon and anchoring it with stitches in the centre. I sewed seed beads in the centre afterwards over top of the machine stitching. Looked terrific.Its been some time since I played with my machine in that way. Should do it again, if only just to play on some scraps. Its amazing the things you can come up with if only you give yourself some time to play and fiddle around. Good for the creative juices, if you know what I mean.

        1. MarshaK | | #8

          Hi, today I'm a bit sore---clearing snow off the driveway yesterday I suddenly tried to make a snow angel. Not my best attempt, broke the snow shovel handle too. My arm is bruised where I landed on it. Sounds like there has been some wicked weather out your way. Playing with threads and scraps of fabrics is fun and productive, I know at times we are advised to make a workbook of our samples. But some of them turn out so nicely that I use them as part of my crazy quilting pieces, or a bit of embellishment on a garment. Isn't it fun how trying one thing evolves into something else? MarshaK.

          1. FitnessNut | | #9

            Sorry to hear about your fall. Do try to be more careful in the future, eh?The weather here has been ghastly....all that freezing rain on Friday. Most unpleasant. We were fortunate in that our electricity was only out for four hours, but it was over the dinner hour...why is it that these things never happen when it is convenient??? At least we haven't had the cold weather you have had out your way. And evidently you've had snow ;-)I end up incorporating many of my play swatches into something else too - why waste them? But I do have a binder full of experiments and samples of various techniques. I picked up a package of page protectors to make storage easy. Sometimes I write out instructions for something (an interesting pocket, for example) and include it in the page protector for future reference. I close the top with a pin. Makes life a bit simpler as you age and then can't remember how you did something.

          2. MarshaK | | #10

            This is the second time in the past three years the driveway has attacked me, it has a slope to it which is what does me in, and believe me I am careful. Yes we did have really cold temps and a lot of snow, now it's warming up which will make everything slick and icy. Winter in Canada, what can we say.

            I can relate to what you said about having to write things down, not only about what stitches, needles and threads I've used, but other things need 'reminder' notes. Now if I could just remember where I put those notes!

            Take care, MarshaK.

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