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Conversational Threads

Body Double Retreat

ThreadKoe | Posted in Fitting on

Several Members in North America have been discussing a get together to create Duck Tape Body Doubles. Also, a chance to have some help with fitting basic muslins.

So I am putting it out there. Is anyone interested? What I would need to know in order to get something organized is:

Your Name
Your General Location, (I need to do something fairly central)
How far you are willing/able to travel
Suggestions for a place and time, meal ideas.
How many days do you think we need, weekend or weekday

Cost is going to be a factor, so we want to keep it as low as possible, to include as many who are interested as possible. This is not a money making thing, just for fun.

Please PM me with info, so I can start looking into things. Your information will stay private. I will get back to you when I have further info to share. Cathy


  1. rodezzy | | #1

    Name is Rodezzy, I'm in Illinois, would like a weekend (come in sat, leave sun).  Would love to be in driving distance of no more than 4 hours, pay for your own meals (restaurant), bring your own supplies.

    Edited 9/11/2008 12:52 pm ET by rodezzy

    Edited 9/11/2008 1:01 pm ET by rodezzy

    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #2

      Thank you. Cathy

  2. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #3

    Just another quick note, If you have expressed interest earlier in the other thread, I would appreciate another reply to this one, so I can collect the info in just one spot. Thanks. Cathy

  3. MaryinColorado | | #4

    I'm interested in the retreat.  I'm in Colorado but willing to drive a distance if the hotel fees are affordable and the weather is moderate.  Don't want to drive on slippery roads if I can help it.  Mary

  4. mlc207 | | #5

    Threadkoe - think this is a wonderful idea! I have been wanting to do learn how to do this. I live in Western KY / Nashville area. About 2  hours away. Would have to be on weekend - working gal.  Thanks for your efforts!


    1. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #6

      Thank you for expressing interest!  We are looking at something in the spring, when travelling is easier, and a central location to most.  I will add your name and location to our slowly growing list.  We are also trying to keep costs way down, so this would be a fun and achievable event.  Any thoughts and suggestions about where and how would be gladly entertained.  Please PM me if you have any thoughts to share.  Cathy

      1. KharminJ | | #7

        Me too! Me too! (waving both hands from the back of the room!)

        I'm just west of Chicago, and get 40+ mpg - willing to talk about ride-sharing. I love road trips! (Spring-ish sounds good)


        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #10

          I have added you to the list!  Thanks.  Cathy

      2. platexas | | #20

        I am very interested. I live in Las Vegas; guess you'd say it is "west".What is a "body double" ? Am assuming it is a sort of dress form, something I desperately need.

        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #21

          Yes, it is a dress form, we will be making custom dressforms from duct tape.  So far we are looking at a gathering in the spring somewhere round Kansas City, Missouri.  I will be most happy to add you to the list of interested parties!  We are looking at a weekend event, probably arrive on the Friday night, work all day Saturday, maybe part of Sunday if needed, depends on what travelling time people require.  This is a fun event, not for profit, so we are trying to keep costs low.  A few have also expressed interest in having basic patterns fitted as well, to make slopers from, so anyone who wishes help with that can do that also.  Cathy

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #22

            It is with deepest regret I must inform you all that due to health concerns, I must postpone plans for the Body Double Retreat this spring. I really wanted to move this forward and go, but am unable to do so at this point. :( If there is anyone else who wishes to take over and take this project on, so that others are not left in the lurch, please contact me by PM. I am sooo so sorry. I am just not rebounding from these Kidney Stones fast enough, and a couple other minor issues have cropped up. With Regrets, Cathy

          2. sewslow67 | | #23

            Oh, Cathy; I had not planned on going to the fitting retreat, but am so very sorry that you are not recovery as you should.  Please, please take care.  I wish I lived closer so I could give some help with anything you needed.  Please take good care of yourself and let your family give you a hand.  Also (just a friendly reminder) ...stop doing all the things you do for others (which I know is a lot) ...and let them fend for themselves for awhile. 

          3. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #24

            Thanks for your support. It is just that the whole thing has put a strain on my whole system, and everything is a little out of whack. So I have to watch my diet carefully for a while, lose a bunch of weight(which I have been doing anyhow), and finish up some more tests. The stress of the whole thing has just kinda gotten to me and I am having a re-emergence of those nasty panic attacks. So until things are under control again, I need to take care of my health. Cathy

          4. User avater
            JunkQueen | | #26

            Cathy, bless your heart. I'm so sorry to hear you are still battling this. When I was young, I did not understand just how precious good health is, and it is so fragile. Do take care.

          5. User avater
            rodezzy2 | | #25

            I'm sorry to hear you've been a little under the weather.  I wish you health and better days.  I was just thinking about where that was going, I was looking forward to meeting, I'm not an organizer of people, so I can't pick up the gauntlet.  Maybe it's just not to be right now.  Actually, a friend from my Craft Group has made the body double and has invited me to come over and help make mine.  So, maybe this is how it is to be.  Love and hugs, get back to 100% soon.

          6. Josefly | | #29

            I'm so sorry to hear about your health problems. I join with the others who are urging you to take care of yourself. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, and hoping for a faster recovery.

          7. User avater
            artfulenterprises | | #31

            So sorry to hear you are ailing! Hope a little rest and quiet time will help calm down those jitters.....Wait! I know....maybe turning your attention away from your cares and worries would help.....want to come help with my move to Texas? You could pack patterns and fabric, sort books, wrap glassware...it could be fun! No??? See, don't you feel better already? :o)Be good to yourself! The rolls of duct tape will still be there...Best to you...

          8. sewslow67 | | #32

            Hey Susan; wouldn't it be fun if several of us really could come down to help you?  Frankly, I could use a reprieve from living on "the frozen tundra of the north", to spend some time in sun country.  And ...I have moved many times so am experienced in packing sewing supplies and glassware.

            Anyway, I hope all goes well, and that this is a move that will serve you well.  Let us know how it all goes, and may God watch over you as you travel.

          9. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #33

            Tee hee hee, was supposed to go to Texas, but my Mom got sick and we had to cancel plans :( Another place on my Bucket List! Hope your move goes smoothly! Just think of all the "LOST TREASURES" you will find as you pack your stuff into boxes. Tee hee, that is what happened when my Dad moved, "So that is where that went to" he would say. Good Luck and happy travels. Cathy

          10. User avater
            artfulenterprises | | #34

            Dear ThreadKoe and SewSlow
            Thanks for the encouragement....this is a big leap! But life is full of adventures...this is just the next one. Time to leave the edge of the cliff. Oboy.Best,

  5. starzoe | | #8

    I'd love to join you, but I am as far as I can be from you without falling off into the Pacific ocean. Good luck with the project.

    1. KharminJ | | #9

      So, Starzoe, where-abouts are you?

      This doesn't have to be a one-and-only project, and we all travel, too!


      I know! Let's do it by CherryPops' place! LOL

      Edited 11/3/2008 12:57 am ET by KharminJ

    2. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #11

      I would love to have you there too!  And I would love to travel to your part of the world also!  It is on DH and Mine's Bucket List.  Cathy

    3. Teaf5 | | #12

      Likewise!  Maybe we can arrange a West Coast version?

      1. Josefly | | #13

        And a southeast one, too!

        1. User avater
          ThreadKoe | | #14

          We have not decided yet on a central location, but it looks like we are going to be pretty much central US.  Can I add you two lovely ladies to my list?  Cathy

          1. Josefly | | #15

            Please do add mine. Has a time been settled on?

          2. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #16

            We are looking at an early spring time frame so far.  Gives us time to save up and recuperate from the holiday season.  Better weather for travelling as well.  I have enough numbers now to start looking at places as well.  Any suggestions are gratefully welcomed.   Cathy

          3. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #17

            A huge thank you to all who have taken the time to reply or shown interest in the Body Double Retreat.  I have enough numbers now to try and select a central place to plan a gathering.  The most central area so far looks like Kansas City, Missouri.  I am open to any smaller places as well, if there are any alternate suggestions ladies.   I will be looking into venue/hotel options next.   If distance is a concern, let me know, there are a few from similar areas, and travelling partners can be arranged.   Cathy

          4. Ceeayche | | #18

            Sounds interesting!  I'm from the DC area.  Right now anything past inauguration is a little difficult to fanthom!  (At last count, I have 7 relatives planning to descend on my townhouse--confirmed, with more a coming).

            But a spring fling with you guys sounds like fun.

          5. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #19

            Nothing written in stone yet, but stones are being turned for options....

            Yes, it is sounding like a lot of fun.  I hope to have more definite plans in place after the New Year.   Cathy

    4. frygga | | #27

      I saw that duct tape body double article in Threads, and I haven't yet roped anyone into helping me make one either! I do need this. But I too am on the Left Coast. And I don't travel that easily (though I'd love to be going to KC, as I'm from near there). If a duct tape party gets organized for out here within a couple hours of the East Bay, pleez let me know.

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #28

        I have not given up on a get together, I am just delaying it until I am better! Until then, I just do not want anyone to put plans on hold, so if anyone can make a Body Double sooner, GO FOR IT! Will see what the future holds.... Cathy

        1. frygga | | #30

          Oh, you are not so well either! Join the club, threadkoe. That is why I cannot really travel. But maybe eventually we will do this.

This post is archived.

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