(I hope I spelled that right.)
I saw a pretty vest the other day with boullion stitch roses…at least I think that’s what it was. Like an elongated French knot but curved around to make a rose shape. I can see how the winding should be done but how does one get it to curve and lie flat at the same time. rjf
If you make the stitch longer than the surface distance between the beginning and end (where the needle comes up through the fabric and where it goes back in, usually point A and point B on stitch diagram) it will have no choice but to curve. You will probably need to nudge it around a bit with your finger or a small, blunt instrument to get it to lie in the curve and direction you like. Do some practice stitches on a scrap first to decide how many winds and how long a stitch you want.
Of course! The shortest distance between two points! I think I was rendered brain-dead just contemplating trying boullion stitch. Thanks for the real-world advice. rjf
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