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Conversational Threads


jjgg | Posted in General Discussion on

OK, I just have to brag a little bit, I’ll be back in Texas the end of this week for my sons college graduation!! YEAH, finally!!

He has a job already, he will be THE physics teacher at an area high school. My son started out majoring in Radio/TV/Film but realized after 2 yrs this was not what he wanted, so he switched to physics and education. (quite a switch, but I knew this would be what he would end up doing).

He’s at UNT (Univ. North Texas) and in about one more month he will be off the payroll!!!!! yeah!!!!! One down, one to go.


  1. sewelegant | | #1

    Congratulations!  To all of you.  What a great feeling to already have a job.  Especially in this economy.  You must be very proud, indeed.

  2. katina | | #2

    Brag all you want - you have every right to.


  3. MaryinColorado | | #3


  4. User avater
    ThreadKoe | | #4

    Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful!!!! Cathy

    1. jjgg | | #5

      Thank you everyone, the graduation was great (they always are). He was the only physics major graduating. He took us on a tour of the high school he will be teaching at, WOW! it's a brand new building - they had the ribbon cutting yesterday. It is so wonderful to see him so exciterd about starting his life as a high school teacher!
      Judy (beaming from ear to ear)

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #6

        Since you started this little posting, I have been holding back some little news myself. DD2 has finally let me have permission to post online that I am expecting my first grandchild in late September. This last year has been a whirlwind of changes for me, and I can hardly keep up!!! This is one I am definitely looking forward to. She finally had an ultra sound that will tell her the sex of the baby. She just HAD to know, and until now, baby would not cooperate, tee hee hee, and it is a GIRL! :) Cathy

        1. jjgg | | #7

          Oh how exciting, Congratulations, a whole new venue for sewing too!

          1. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #17

            BTW, it was my high school Physics teacher who finally got me through the final exam panic attacks! He was the one who put up with me coming after school and during lunch all year for extra help, because I just did not 'get' what was going on in class. I finally did pass the class, and with his help, learned great study skills...
            With a great Mom like you, I am sure he is going to be a great teacher like you too. Cathy

        2. Ceeayche | | #9

          Congratulations Kathy!

      2. MarieCurie | | #8

        I hope he continues to inspire others.  Ask anyone who majored in science where they got their inspiration and support, and invaribly they answer "my high school teacher."  I know I did. 

        1. jjgg | | #11

          that is exactly where he got his inspiration. He came home from his first day in physics in high school so excited about it, I knew that day where he was headed. He has gone back to visit his HS physics teacher to let her know what he is doing!

          1. MaryinColorado | | #14

            Thank you for sharing this.  My grandson will be starting his senior year of high school today and is anticipating his first Physics class.  I can only hope!  Celebrate his and your achievements!  Congratulations again!  Mary

          2. Ceeayche | | #15


            Let's celebrate YOUR Son too!  We're going to celebrate now for all the great things he WILL do!

          3. MaryinColorado | | #16

            Thank you so much for your positive greeting and reminding me to celebrate each child's life and hope for their future, as well as their achievments!  Mary

  5. Ceeayche | | #10


    I don't have children. But to those of you who do, I hate this new PC trend that says parents can't exhalt the achievement of their children.  Why can't we lift up those kids who are doing great things off the TV Screen?  Who says that after little boys become big ones the only way to get cheers is to complete on a ballfield or flit on a screen?

    I think your son's accomplishments are extraordinary for two reasons:  he recognized his passion as a young person and set a plan to achieve it and he is going to dedicate his professional life towards an investment in our children.

    He's a hero for sure.  Mama what you making to commemmorate YOUR accomplishment in raising such a talented and focused young man?  Clearly he's grounded in what counts and that's a tribute to good parenting. 

    1. jjgg | | #12

      When my boys were in the 5th grade (they are twins - one with dyslexia, the other in the gifted/talented program) out of frustration one day we cut the plug off the TV, They are now 24 yo, while they do watch some TV. they don't watch much, and they 'get' that commercials are selling everything via SEX. They are both Eagle Scouts, and Josh, the one with dyslexia has finally acknowledge that he does have learning issues, and that they are not going to hold him back. He is following in mom's footsteps and is in a paramedic program (I'm an ER nurse practitioner), he is getting a bachelors degree and wants to go on to medical school. I bet he can do it. (now if he would only drop this girl friend.....)And me, I just grin from ear to ear thinking about him as a high school teacher! - remembering the HS teachers I had a crush on!!!

  6. KharminJ | | #13

    Congratulations to both of you!Kharmin

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