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Conversational Threads

Bravo’s “Fashion Show”

KraftyKandi | Posted in General Discussion on

Anyone watching this? I LOVED Project Runway, but this is a bit cheesy. I’m not that fond of Isaac Mizrahi, but anything to do with clothing design sucks me in! My husband and daughters are teasing me unmercifully for recording it … I just needed support for my “addiction”, or an intervention.

Anyone … comments?


  1. Ralphetta | | #1

    I've been watching it out of curiosity. There have been a few nice designs but much of the sewing is frighteningly bad. I will be so glad when Project Runway returns!

  2. sewingkmulkey | | #2

    Like you, I started watching it because I loved, loved Project Runway.  It's an okay replacement until the real thing returns in August.  The designers are way kookie and lack sewing techniques/skills - at least most of them!



    1. Ralphetta | | #3

      I think many in this group were chosen for their"look." Unfortunately, just dressing strangely does not mean you are creative.

      1. sewingkmulkey | | #4

        Ralphetta - I totally agree with your statement!


        1. User avater
          KraftyKandi | | #5

          Oh, I'm so relieved...I agree with you all! Like you, the sewing skills shown by these "designers" is pitiful! The only good thing about following this show is that it makes me super-confident in my own skills. I would like a pattern, though, of Anna's "petal/cup" dress shown last week - way cute for someone who doesn't have hips (like me).I was hoping that there would be Project Runway fans out there - if the shows are popular enough, maybe retailers will get on the ball and give clothing sewers more options. I only have a couple of fabric stores near me (30 to 45 min. away), and they mainly cater to quilters. (You'll see that I posted about Joann's being too pricey, with few selections for clothing fabrics/notions.) My dream would be to be let loose in Fashion Show's fabric room or Mood in New York.Thanks, posters!

          1. Ocrafty1 | | #6

            The 'Fashion Show' sucks!  What a let down after Project Runway.  I agree that the workmanship is horrible.  The contestants are all so overconfident....I wouldn't wear anything that I've seen on the show yet.  I watch it just 'cause I need a 'fix'  till Runway comes back....In the meantime...I agree...it shows me that my skills are something to be very proud of.  If my skills were as bad as theirs are I'd be to embarrassed to even be on the show!!!!


          2. Ralphetta | | #7

            One of the reasons I enjoy P R and that show is to see the challenges and think of what I would do in their situation. What did you think of the lovely garments created to go with the robe?

          3. User avater
            KraftyKandi | | #9

            The material was probably difficult to work with, but I was very disappointed with the designers choices - I've seen similar pieces in the stores already!I think one of the things that makes FS different is that the designers are supposed to be "designing" for the "masses", and Project Runway seems to be a little more "couture". If this is FS's direction, I'm sad to hear so many of the designers resent making outfits for full figure (or normal) women...makes me angry since a few of the contestants aren't slim themselves. James Paul was also putting down his model because of her "curvature" in her spine and his clothes supposedly weren't fitting his "vision". I wouldn't wear one thing he makes, anyway.

          4. Ralphetta | | #10

            I laughed really hard at the stunned looks on their faces when they had to work with models who had 43" hips. That possibility had obviously never crossed their minds. Actually, I didn't think the ladies looked that large, they just looked like a group of normal women.

  3. Cityoflostsouls | | #8

    I felt the same about Project Runway.  These contestants seem to be in the business already but certainly not as interesting.  Some of their assignments have been interesting though.

  4. Ceeayche | | #11

    I prefer Project Runway.  I was trying to embrace Fashion Show because the PR folk all had such deep design backgrounds-- they aren't really amateurs when the work for major design houses.  I also was attracted to some of the real world challenges.  So, I was thinking these people were non-professionals with less experience and therefore I was willing to go along with some of the shoddy workmanship.  I was kinda intriqued that they chose a couple of people who clearly had minimal sewing skills.  I thought this could lead us in some interesting directions.  AND I applauded the "real people" models rather than the emmaciated folk with zero fitting challenges.  Something along the same concept but a different approach.

    However, they lost me for a number of reaons.  One they have downright snotty personalities.  Sometimes I just want to scream at the TV "you are neither interesting nor talented and you need to be more appreciative of the opportunity that's been afforded to you."  Two: They act like they are entitled, they don't just complain they whine!  Or they act churlous to each other! AND, Three, if I was in the fashion industry I'd be irate that both shows seem to glorify unprofessional behavior and hystrionics as de rigeour in that industry.  Whatever happend to checking your personal issues at the door and coming to work.....to embracing the professional opportunities you're given and from the pride in knowing you performed to the best of your ability.  And, you don't have to marry the folk you work with, but you are expected to treat each other with respect and get the job done.  Working with odd people is part of being an adult.  Put your "big girl panties" or your BVDs on and recognize everybody has flaws including you--- and most of them are immaterial to the job at hand.

    To the fashion show cast:  GROW UP, check the shennigans, be a little more humble (cause none of you is "all that") and SEW darn it (yes I cleaned this up for our gentile Gatherings community).

    To the crew who produce this drivel:  this ain't cute.  (I used the vernacular deliberately cause we need to meet them down where they dwell).  You need a clue and you need to work harder if you're going to so transparently rip off a concept. 

    1. User avater
      JunkQueen | | #12

      Bravo, CHL! Bravo!!!! pun intended.................

      1. Ocrafty1 | | #13

        I echo your statement!  Teeheehee...loved the pun!


    2. User avater
      ThreadKoe | | #14

      I am thinking this is one case where I am glad I do not pull in a show with my set of rabbit ears.... :P Cathy

      1. User avater
        KraftyKandi | | #15

        You guys are great!! (so happy I posted this topic :) ) Unfortunately, I DO scream at the TV (when I'm alone, of course...I think...)If this show, or even Project Runway, are real examples of what the fashion industry is like, I'm glad I'm not in it (well, kinda). I know that creative people can be eccentric, but maybe this is edited to showcase THAT instead of design. Well, I don't care, I watch every episode anyway.I have gotten some great ideas from Project Runway for my daughters (they are 19 years apart in age), and it's fun to spot new trends before they hit the general population as mass-market products. The size-snob designers really tic me off though.

        1. Ceeayche | | #16

          When I graduated high school, I applied to and was accepted at Fashion Institute of Technology in NY.  I was sorely disappointed when my parents told me they would not support this plan when I had scholarship money all across the country I had won for academic achievements.  So I headed to a liberal arts scholarship initially as a premed student then switching to management and finally graduating with a dual degree in economics and management.  In a fit of rebellion I returned to retail after I graduated.  That lasted almost a year; and it was big fun.   Untill they told me I needed to get a job to support myself. I always wondered what if I had gone for it and ignored their advice.  When I look at these shows, it makes me thank them!  I have drama on the job but these people are on another planet.  Peace is a beautiful thing.

  5. Teaf5 | | #17

    Yes, I've watched it when I have happened upon it, and agree that it's pretty awful. 

    Other than a couple of shots with the contestants near a dress dummy or a sewing machine, there is no evidence that any of them actually do any sewing.  For example, that tulip/cup dress seemed to come out of nowhere, but maybe that's because it's hard for me to pay attention to a whole episode?

    If nothing else, the strange concepts and poor construction on the show make me feel better about my own amateur efforts!


    1. junctioncats | | #18

      I'm so glad someone ELSE said this, lol. "If nothing else, the strange concepts and poor construction on the show make me feel better about my own amateur efforts!"I had taped two episodes when it first came on. My DH walked into the room halfway through the second episode, saw the clothing, and said "you should apply to this show, even your worst is better than that!".I, too, can't wait for Project Runway to get started again. Very poor substitute.

      1. User avater
        KraftyKandi | | #19

        Project Runway, folks!!! Starts August 20th on Lifetime!!! I've never watched that channel before, so had to find it to "record". I really hope that the producers of PR don't change the show too much since "selling" it to Lifetime...I loved to hear Tim Gunn's observations and advice to the designers, so I hope he's still on the show.It may seem that this topic doesn't have much to do with this website, but after viewing so many of the talented and creative projects submitted by members of this site, I'm blown away! I'd love to see Threads produce a program that showcases "real people" like you - a lot of us would learn so much.

        1. Ralphetta | | #20

          Since the show was taped many, many months ago, I'm resigned to someone spoiling things by letting everyone know the winner long before the end of the show.

          1. User avater
            KraftyKandi | | #21

            Oh gosh! I didn't think of that... good point, though.

          2. junctioncats | | #22

            Oh! I hope not. Half the fun is guessing the winner at the end.

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