Hello: My name is Linda (aka Bobbins). I have just joined this forum. I have been sewing since I was a little girl, some 40 years. I have also graduated from a 14 stitch machine to an “all the bells and whistles” embroidery machine a year ago. I can’t begin to tell you the joy this machine has brought me. Sewing is my passion!
Right now I am working on a bridal veil for my daughter. The problem I am having is how to finish the edge of the veil. My daughter would like thin satin cording that we have seen on retail veils however, I cannot find this product. If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated.
Also, would anyone know what “souffage” is? When I was in a bridal store, the salesperson pointed to the thin corded satin edge of a veil and called it “souffage” however, I can’t find anyone who can validate this term.
Thank you
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Welcome! Rat tail is a thing round satin cord sometimes used on the edge of veils. It is also used for necklaces so if the fabric store doesn't have it you might find it at a beading or craft store. As for what the salesperson was saying, maybe she/he had a muffled pronounciation of soutache? It is readily available in the fabric store notions in packages along with the bias tape if not by the yard on a roll.
Thanks Elisabeth! I believe you are correct that souffage must have been a mispronunciation for soutache. I don't know why I didn't clue in sooner. I did find rattail at my "one and only" fabric store in the area where I live but they did not have any white. I will probably venture into London or Hamilton to find what I need.
Thank you ever-sew-much.
Bobbins AKA Linda
Hello, linda bobbins. When you say Hamilton and London, do you mean the two cities in Ontario? I live in S. Ontario also. If you are from Southern Ontario try to visit a Len's Mill Store if you have the chance. They have soutache, ratttail rayon, and many other cordings and braidings suitable for wedding veils. Don't let the warehouse look fool you, and be prepared to hunt...I'm often rewarded by amazing finds at Len's. Also try Michael's craft stores, only look in the beading department, leather craft department, or the scrapbooking department. I found some interesting yarns and cording in the scrapbooking area. Also, some hobby shops sell soutache and rattail with floral supplies. I'm always hunting in odd places for things to use in my sewing and designing.
Hi LinDaCat: I live in Wyoming, Ontario which is southwestern Ontario. However, I am often in Hamilton and Toronto. Would you be able to tell me where Lens is located? If it is close enough I would definitely make the trip to check it out.
I ventured to London on Thursday and Michaels unfortunately did not have what I was looking for. However I did find one type of white silk cording at another store that I am going to experiment with.
Thank you again for your help.
Edited 5/29/2004 6:30 pm ET by Bobbins
Len's has a web site with a list of locations
complete with printable maps to each store. I go to the Waterloo store. The Hawksville store specializes in quilting fabrics and is where the Waterloo County monnonites get most of their fabrics for the annual relief sale quilts.
Hi, Linda,
April, our editorial assistant, asked be about "souffage" yesterday, and I spent some time trying to find out what it is. All I can find are references to what appear to be extrusion/molding process, none of which had anything to do with sewing, textiles, or bridal veils! So Elisabeth's guess that the person meant soutache makes sense to me. Soutache is a trim that consists of two parallel skinny cords, which are wrapped together with rayon thread to create a satiny surface. One of the neat things about this, as my colleague Judy pointed out just now, is that the cords can be gently pulled independently, so that the soutache braid curves around corners and bends while remaining flat on the fabric surface. That's why it's idea for complex passementerie.
Meanwhile, I'm going to forward your question re: veil edges to Judy, and she'll provide an option or two.
Edited 5/26/2004 3:54 pm ET by CAROLFRESIA
I have a package of this which I picked up in with the seam bindings and it is labelled as 'middy trim' ... probably from the popular use on sailor or 'middy' collars. It might be worth a try asking for it under that name. This purchase was made at Fabricland. I am not at home at the moment, but could check further for the manufacturer's info, if you like
Hi Frances: I did find middy trim and the "ever elusive" soutache in London. Not quite what I am looking for however, I am most appreciative of your help.
Happy sewing.
Hi Linda,
I thought I’d just buzz through a few veil options for you. Watch a copy of the movie Bringing Up Baby with Katherine Hepburn. In a club scene in this movie, she wears a veil with a satin ribbon edge that is outstanding and should be used to set your standard. Notice how the ribbon frames her face and even down her body in a perfectly balanced fluid line. I’ve seen this treatment and versions of it done disastrously.
Rattail is a good choice and it comes in various weights and colors. It will also take a curve without causing problems. Ribbons are more difficult because they don’t usually take a curve easily. Keep in mind that you are calling attention to an edge on a large and often unmanageable piece of netting (It can be 108-inches wide and ten yards long.) that is quite elusive when you are cutting and sewing it. The trim, especially around the face, has to be perfectly executed.
You can lay a rattail on the edge of the netting and zigzag over it with a monofilament thread. Experiment with monofilaments and stitch out a test sample to make sure the rattail isn’t too stiff after it’s sewn. I’ve also seen strands of fine little pearls sewn around the edge that were beautiful. I have never seen one of these edges successfully glued. One good thing: If you apply, an edge and it look awful you can cut off the trim and still wear the veil.
Good luck,
Hi Judy: Thank you for all your help and ideas. I have a couple of ideas I am going to experiment with first. Lucky for me I have an exceptional machine that can handle fine sewing like this.
I am going to try to get a copy of that movie...you have really twigged my curiousity.
Thank you again
Edited 5/29/2004 6:29 pm ET by Bobbins
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