Folks – i don’t know if this link will work – but this is my pattern that I have downloaded free from this site, and the one i am going to have a go at interpreting in my own way!!
If you do access it – click on the green small pic top right corner and perhaps you will see what attracted me to this style – note my mention of wearing purple!
Just checked – god i’m good – it worked – close up pics are brilliant – makes me want to just touchyfeel that fabric!
Edited 9/13/2008 4:39 am ET by JanF
Actually its more of a blue in the pic – could i get away with purple??
Edited 9/14/2008 5:06 am ET by JanF
Is it the Minna 6007? I like the design, was confused by the side angled lines on the line drawing, but understand better after looking at all the final products. Good luck!
I might need it - but hope the lines to the side seams will confuse the eye of the beholder into thinking its the dress creasing - not me!
Which dress was it? There are several on the site?
Minna 6007 and yes I think its the colour that attracts me! Not sure if the style will suit at all - but thought that I might just get away with it - it sort of skims where i carry the weight and hopefully the low v will add interest above the less than smooth tum. I might even try this colourway - as I do think its great - just a tad violent!
I might even please my hubby and wear it without trousers underneath - I've got some lovely shoes that do wonders for my legs. Normally I play safe and wear either longer dresses or tunics over trouser outfits!
It is definitely going to be 1 dress I'm determined to wear. If i was honest I've lost count of the things I've made for myself - and then chickened out of wearing it because I've thought it just doesn't look right.
Pete says they usually look great - its just me that hasn't got the confidence in my look. So watch this space for a pic when Ive done?
Great dress pattern. Hope you are successful.
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