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Conversational Threads

Buttonhole disaster

rekha | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I only wanted to make a simple buttonhole but thought I would try patch technique with silk organza to make it look neater. However, I didn’t want any welts. Now I have cut a hole that is 1/8″ all around. How can I sort the mess. Fortunately, I have only done one of the six.


  1. mem1 | | #1

    I am not sure what you mean by having cut 1/8/'all around. What you could do is fuze the back with some interfacingand then make an opening for a larger button I dont think that you can really make a button without lips or welts . What ever you do prctice practice . I usually do one for practice before I do them each time , and I have done quite a few of these.

    Thre isa sustem of making a snap button hole which is described in Roberta Carrs book on couture sewing that is a way of making a buttonhole without makeing separate welts. I have made these too and they are great but also require alot of practise.

    1. rekha | | #2

      Thanks for responding so quickly.

      >>fuze the back with some interfacing

      This seems to be the way to go. Alternatively, I may have to look up an old article in Threads (which will take forever to find) which gives instructions on decorative shapes to put around the buttonhole which may mask my error.

      1. mem1 | | #3

        Perhaps you could fude it and the apply a decorative patch to the front and  start again. Ie a daisey shape with the button as its center?

        1. rekha | | #4

          That's  precisely what I have done. I finally dug out Threads #95 which had these fanciful welts; I picked Lois' Ericson's oval one with 2 fabrics contrasting the one I have used. The front looks beautiful!! Thanks

          1. mem1 | | #5

            isnt it great when you have a disaster and it turns into an inspiration.

          2. rekha | | #6

            I didn't quite do it on my own did I?

          3. mem1 | | #7

            I love the internet . Its just unbelievable that we can all talk to each other like this .I feel very greatful that this site exists.

          4. rekha | | #8

            I learnt of Threads and this forum quite late only because I have now the opportunity to indulge in the luxury of sewing.  I have decided to try techniques on calico to fill my hours getting excited about learning one more technique.

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