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junebug2 | Posted in Fabric and Trim on

I have an emerald green brocade waist lenght jacket that I have lost one button out of 6 buttons.  The present buttons are emerald green with a rhinestone in the middle.  I have thought about finding a “broach” type button for the very top button that would coordinate with the others or replacing all six 1/2 ” buttons.  Do you know of a place that I might order buttons and/or a web site for buttons or a creative way to make a pretty button.  I live in a small town two hours from a large city and need your help and suggestions.  Thanks for you help and time! 


  1. CTI | | #1

    Or, use an actual broach. I've done that, but just didn't permanently attach it. Having a unique top button is something I recall seeing on many high-end jackets. You might find something at an antique store. Just hold it up in a mirror and you will see if it looks right with the other buttons.

    I've never bought buttons online, so I don't have a source. I do know they can be pricey, so you could even consider picking up some used clothes for the buttons alone. I've done that too, and if you have something suitable, the broach solution is easier than replacing all the buttons.

    Then, of course, you need to reinforce the remaining buttons, which seems to go without saying if buying retail or used. Does anyone use a clear plastic? type of thread for this? Fishing line?

    Depending on the size and exact location of the top buttonhole, you might be able to craft one out of an earring back or belt buckle frame, or even a campaign button.

    I would keep the same shape as the other buttons but go less than twice as large (you will probably have to enlarge the buttonhole), and reverse the pattern--green on the inside surrounded with rhinestones smaller by less than half than those on the other buttons. You could buy thrift store clothes or kids jewelry to mine the buttons or stones.

    If you use a pierced earring (or broach, or campaign button) you will have to pierce the fabric, and may have to use something to keep the hole from spreading, but I don’t know what that would be—maybe a grommet (is that the right word?), or some sort of fabric “healer” or even clear nail polish. Frankly, I’ve just lived with it, but I do want to share that experience in case your fabric doesn’t take well to pin holes. For a clip-on, you may need to add an additional buttonhole on the opposing side, possibly perpendicular to the existing one. It’s a bit tricky how the weight of the earring will behave.

    If you want to make your own but have it decidedly different, you could use beads instead of stones, or make a fabric knot or frog. You could sprinkle with glitter to tie in with the rhinestones.

    You could buy two sets of earrings and wear one set and use one of the others as your top button.

    Some jackets, depending on fabric weight and collar style, will take well to having the top button area folded under at an angle to the collar/shoulder, thereby concealing that there is a missing button. Likewise, some look good folded out. I’ve also done one folded both ways—the buttonhole side under to conceal, and the other side out, secured with a broach. For both sides folded out, attach your earring to conceal the buttonhole and try on to see how that heavy side hangs, then tack or pin down the other side to match, or tack both if the earring side fold angle needs adjustment.

    If a jacket also has cuff buttons, you can make those the unique buttons, and you could use cuff links. If it doesn’t but they would look good, just add some. If unique, I think they look best with a top matching button, but you can make three slightly different ones and it can work. The effect is a wrist-to-wrist-to-collar triangle, similar to an ear-to-ear-to-top button triangle. It’s also possible that you could put the unique button at waist level, especially if it looks like a belt buckle.

    I have sometimes spent more for the buttons than the blouse, and I once bought almost $50 worth of buttons that were half-price at a fabric store going out of business. I tend to collect buttons but don’t have anything that fits your description or I’d offer you some.

    Good luck! I’m sure many people here have good online sources for exactly what you need or better ideas than mine.

  2. SewTruTerry | | #2

    I don't know what part of the country you live in but Britex in San Francisco has a large ( correction humongous) selection of buttons and helpful staff.  They have a website but no way to order on line but if you can get a clear picture of the buttons and either email to them or snail-mail they should be able to help you. They will ship to you.  I believe at last count they have 10-100 thousand buttons.  Sorry that I don't have the site address handy but a simple search should help.

  3. sueb | | #3

    Here's a couple of web sites that you can order buttons from:



    l've ordered from mj trim before and the service was great, I haven't ordered from buttons4u though so I can't tell you how their service is.

    good luck in your search !


    1. junebug2 | | #4

      Thank you so much for the two button web sites!!  They both have beautiful buttons and I have marked both pages as favorites.  On the buttons 4U I found a rhinestone bow tie that I loved.

      I was beginning to panic since I had looked at a lot of buttons but had not found the one I wanted.  I will wear this green jacket with a black skirt.  I made a black silk ribbon men's style bow tie - it does make the outfit look rather "snappy", but I will keep the rhinestone one in mind for a future need.

      Thanks again for your help!

    2. junebug2 | | #5

      I am familar with Britex in San Fran - I got to go there when I was visiting San Fran.  I was amazed!  I did not know they had a web site.  I will be looking it up and using it from time to time.  I live in a small southern town that does not have any sewing supplies except Wal-Mart and that is next to nothing.

      1. SewTruTerry | | #6

        Unfortunately the Britex site was at least the last time I looked was more or less an advertisement for them and not one you could actually purchase from but they have a wonderful swatch service available.

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