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Conversational Threads

Chanel 3 piece sleeve

Guebante | Posted in General Discussion on


In the Nov/Dec 2005 THREADS isue, Susan Khalje metioned the three piece Chanel sleeve.

I can’t seem to find a pic of that anywhere, and I have a hard time picturing it.

Can someone please describe or show a pic? Thanks!

Edited 2/11/2006 1:03 am ET by Guebante


  1. mem | | #1

    Ther is a jacket pattern which Claire Shaffer has done for Vogue which has a three piece sleeve.

    1. Guebante | | #2

      Thanks-I found it :V8087

      1. physicsgirl | | #3

        But watch out -- this pattern was apparently drafted wrong by Vogue -- apparently there are problems in the length: this is an excerpt from Kathryn on patternreview.com:A friend of mine sent me this message posted by Claire Shaeffer, the pattern's designer, on the Tailorit thread from http://www.quiltropolis.com. Claire routinely posts there.I am just passing this information along, since I was grateful to receive it myself.Here is Claire Schaeffer's exact quote:"Subject: Horrors
        From: "Claire Shaeffer"
        Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2005 15:20:03 -0700
        X-Message-Number: 3This is a pattern designers worse nightmare. Please pass the info along to everyone you know.Somehow in the grading process, something bad happened on Vogue 8087.The undersleeve pattern is too short and the front sleeve should be shorter than the undersleeve between the circles.If you are making this pattern, measure first. "Here is the "fix" that Claire recommends:To correct the sleeve problems, this is what I would do.
        1. Shorten the front sleeve between the circles so it is 1/4"-3/8" shorter than the undersleeve.
        2. Lengthen the undersleeve as needed between the lower circle and sleeve vent.If you have thin arms, you may want to remove some of the fullness from the sleeve. It's designed to be worn over a blouse with sleeves; when worn over a shell, it may be too large. To remove fullness, take a little bit from each section.

        1. woodruff | | #4

          Yeah, there was a drafting error with that pattern. However, that was some months ago, and Vogue was planning to issue the corrected pattern with the next printing. You might want to phone or e-mail Vogue and find out if that's been done, and if the the old, erroneous patterns have all been returned to the mother ship.

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