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Conversational Threads

chef jacket pattern

caprilmae | Posted in Patterns on

Greetings all,
Can anyone help me locate a pattern for a chef’s jacket.? Due to my teaching schedule I don’t have the time to draft a pattern from scrath. I appreciate any and all leads.
Here’s to more sewing adventures


  1. Jean | | #1

    There is one for sale on ebay right now.

    View Image


    Good luck. Hope its the size you need.

    1. FitnessNut | | #3

      I swear, you are the "queen of the search"...is there nothing that you can't find? ;-)

    2. caprilmae | | #4

      Thank you for your diligent and speedy search. I will probably bid on the pattern tonite. I have a friend who does catering with an artisitic flair and wants a wearble art chef jacket and even though it's not exactly the right size I can make it work.


  2. Elisabeth | | #2

    I think I have seen them in Butterick or Simplicity. Or you could try a slightly snazzier one by Folkwear called the Belgian Military Chef's Jacket. http://www.folkwear.com

    1. caprilmae | | #5

      The current catalogs don't have any chef jacket patterns. The folkwear pattern will be my last resort. I appreciate your help, thank you.

      1. Elisabeth | | #6

        Well, that made me stop and look. I know I have seen them in the not too distant past. Butterick 5603 is now discontinued and was one of their "Professional Uniform Basics". You can call Butterick to see if they still have a discontinued pattern at 1.800.766.3619.

        But first, I hope you win the ebay bid!

  3. Elisabeth | | #7

    Just in case you are still lookng - yesterday I was getting a scrub outfit pattern for my daughter and came across two chef jacket patterns in McCalls, 2233 and M4529 while I was looking.

    1. caprilmae | | #8

      I am still looking- thank you


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