Any other chocolate addicts? What is your favorite chocolate item? Mine is my mother’s chocolate cherry cake or real homemade chocolate fudge. For a quick fix, Hershey’s cherry chocolate kisses, they taste like chocolate covered cherries. Mary
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I too am a chocoholic. I read that people who eat a couple of chocolate bars a week live longer. I will probably last another 300 years, because I eat chocolate in some form every day!
Someone once gave me a greeting card that said "Save the's the only planet with Chocolate" .
I do not know why chocolate is not listed as one of the major food groups. There is definitely a major glaring error there.
Oooompa loompa dippity do, I've got another riddle for you.....(not sure how that goes) ....
What's more or chocolate?
This is kind of like "what came first the chicken or the egg"...not truly a question, more of a philosophical conundrum......but the new one is so much more fun to think about!!! Mary
My daughter would say shoes, she loves them. Mind you there was a time I had plenty of them as well, now I settle for something plain and comfortable. So what's more important to you, unless it's a pair of chocolate shoes which means you'd have the best of both worlds.
"Chocoholic" suggests that there's something wrong with loving the stuff. I prefer to think of all the antioxidants and endorphins it brings me!
I grew up craving sweet milk chocolate but was coverted to dark chocolate by my dear hubby, who eats at least several large servings per day. We're both very happy and very healthy people, so I'd prefer to say we're "chocolate-enhanced."
Oooooooooh! I agree completely! Guess I could have given the title of this thread alot more thought! Mary
By golly, you did it! A chocoholic thread! It wasn't an idle promise - or threat :)
My favourites, by order, are: Bernard Callibout truffles (or any of his chocolates - super treat, but very expensive), Kit Kats, Peanut Butter Cups, Oh Henry & yes, those chocolate covered cherries you mentioned, which are called Cherry Blossoms in Canada (very sweet, though). Love the comments from the other posters in this thread, too - & agree that chocolate should be a food group!
Oh yes! I got them for Christmas one year! I have never found them in the stores here! Any suggestions? Other truffles just don't compare. Mary
Mary, Bernard Callebaut truffles (& chocolates) have no preservatives - that's why they suggest that they be eaten within 8 days or so (what better reason for eating them all)? Go to .
I think their closest store to you would be in Scottsdale AZ: Senora Village, 15688 N. Pima Rd., Suite C-2 - phone 480-315-1002. I'm sure they would send them to you.
Their other stores in the States are in Lake Forest & Glenview, Illinois, & Lake Oswego, Oregon.
These chocolates are expensive, but worth every penny. Enjoy!
Also, in today's paper, studies were showing that depriving yourself of chocolate when you have a craving is WRONG! You eat twice as much when you get your hands (& mouths) on them. Therefore, eat them when you want them :)
Thank You so much for the website...I'm on my way there as soon as I finished writing this to you. Today I had 3 oreo cookies, a mocha frappaccino, and a "few" chocolate/cherry kisses. Yum. I started my grandson's quilt too. Mary
Really? You actually are going to get some Bernard Callebaut chocolates? How far a trip is it for you? Enjoy them - food for the gods, eh? (We only buy them for Christmas or birthdays).
You did get your chocolate fix for yesterday. Try to no get too many chocolate stains on your grandson's quilt :)
P.S. You can also get Callebaut chocolate chips & wafers for baking in some Safeway stores here (as well as in bulk food sections in our supermarkets). They are more expensive, too, than the regular chocolate chips. You might look for them in your stores down there.
Edited 10/23/2007 12:55 pm by Gloriasews
I'm going to order them and have them shipped. With such a variety, it may take me awhile to decide what to order for myself and for gifts.
The quilt is slow going with fussy cut fabric with tigers on it, embroidered tiger faces on fabric that resembles tiger skin, emb. paws on dark green, and maybe 4 large embroidered tigers if they will fit. It's only a twin sized quilt, but I am enjoying fussing with it. I have never skipped the batting and used fleece for the backing/batting combo. It will be interesting to see if it works out okay. I've got to rush as I want to give it to him for his birthday this week end. Mary
If you order one of the mixed boxes, there is one of each chocolate (with a "map" so you know what you're eating) & they are ALL good - smooth & creamy, with no graininess! There are usually 4 or 5 truffles in the box, as well. They may have the mixed boxes of just truffles, if you're ordering for yourself. They are beautifully boxed in copper foil boxes with a real ribbon, so they make excellent, elegant gifts.
Do take a picture of the tiger quilt before you give it to your grandson - we'd love to see it. It sounds like it's fiddly, but fun to make - & single size isn't too large to handle. Other people have used fleece for the backing with good results, so it should work & is much faster & easier. (Of course, the Quilt Police would probably be horrified - but, what the heck, you're doing it your way & it isn't being juried :) The warmth would be there, it would be reversible, it's easily washable & it won't slide off the bed. Perfect, especially for a child.
I sure hope the fleece backing goes quickly. The embroidery is taking forever. Thank God for the machine, I'd never get it done by hand. Hope to start piecing it together tomorrow.
They say to use a ballpoint needle with fleece, universal with woven. So, what do you think I should use? I guess the universal makes more sense.
Yes, it's a good thing there will not be quilt police around. I also am skipping the binding if the serger will make a nice edging on it. I'll have to figure out the settings for woven versus fleece on that too! Could be tricky. Also, which side against the feed dogs? hmmmm I always have to make things complicated....
Those chocolates sound so good. I can't wait to order. Thanks for the description so I have an idea what to get! It will simplify some of my gifts for out of town relatives and friends. Mary
You are so lucky to have an embroidery machine - can you set it to go & walk away while it's doing its thing? That way, you wouldn't notice the time it takes as much. Doing it by hand would take ages (& lots of patience) - hard on the hands, too.
The serger should finish it off fine - or you could bag it. As for the needle, do a small sample & see which needle works best - at the same time, test the feed dogs, too - the fleece may work better on the top, as it wouldn't clog in the feed dogs - it depends upon how stretchy the fleece is, though.
Glad I helped you out with the chocolate - enjoy!
Well, yes, if a design is really well digitized you can set it to go and walk away. Unfortunately, I got ahold of these tiger designs with boo koo color changes and way too many jump stitches and threads to clip. I am very disappointed in them so am just using two of the designs after all. It's a shame the large tiger didn't work out, now I have to redesign the quilt a bit as he is 6"x10" and so that leaves 4 large spaces to fill.
I did alot more embroideries today. I had to quit before supper because my hands and back really hurt. Off to bed early with the heating pad. Tomorrow is another day!
Thanks for all your help on this. I appreciate it. Mary
I'm sorry you had to put the tiger to the way side. but I'm sure that quilt is gorgeous and I can't wait to see it. I made a scarf for my grand daughter while she played in some old wigs of mine. She had so much fun in my mirror that completely covers an oversized door. Everyone loves to stand and gaze at themselves in that mirror. They dance around and check out their butts, its hilarious, I'm glad I had it done.
Now who had more fun, the little girl playing grownup or the grownup girl watching? She sounds so adorable! I know what you mean about the large mirrors. My last home had huge mirrored sliding glass closet doors that were wonderful!
When my grands were little, I had a costume box for boys and girls. It was magical. Every year after Halloween, I scouted the stores for costumes and accessories on sale, also the "near new shops". Thier imaginations ran wild!
That's a good idea. Next weekend I will have Dominique and Taiha, there are first cousins, and they are so lively together. They do cheers for me and sing. I give them a big bag of old fabric scraps and they put on a fashion show with fabrics wrapped around them. The costumes would really get their silly selves frantic. I'll look into that. I've missed seeing them over the warm months because they run around with their friends, but now that it's colder they miss being with me and my silly self. (he he) Yes the grownup girl feels young again when they are with me. I taught then "Pick Up Sticks". Remember those? I found a set at a resale shop for .50 cents. They were a wooden Chinese brand. They loved to play that. Dominique told Taiha that she learned all my moves. Hah, I can't wait to get her in a game and see her skills (giggle).
It sounds like a very fun time for all of you! I used to have little girls fancy hats hung on the wall, then I took them down for Allie to play with. The girls names are cute. (Allie is now called Lexy by her middle school friends, some people call her Zandi. Her real name is Alexzandria. She was named for Alexandria, Va. where my daughter was born.
If you have a microwave, you could buy some flat chocolate cookies, cut a marshmallow in half, just heat until the marshmallow melts a bit or starts to change, let the girls add flower shaped or other sprinkles. We call them ladies hats. Of course, my mother always made them from scratch for the tea parties. Mary
That's a good idea, I'll get some.
This forum is fun, only I'm getting fatter by the post! (giggle).
Better go dance it off tonight!
Too bad about how the large tiger turned out - what a disappointment for you, as it sounded so exciting. Do you have tiger picture fabric that you could applique tigers to fill in the larger spaces? I'm sure you'll figure out something - maybe another trip to the fabric store? :)
I understand about the arthritis - ouch! I, too, am VERY familiar with my heating pad - it's on almost every night, all night - it helps. May you need 2 of them, but it's hard to keep your hands in one place when you sleep, eh? Does it help to wear the support gloves at night (after putting pain-reliever cream on your hands)? The wax treatment would have helped you last night, too, no doubt.
I'm going to take a relaxing lavender bath tonight, use my lavender hot wax spa on my hands and feet, put on lavender lotion, and spritz lavender linnen water on the sheets, put on the heating pad....that should do the trick! (all nonfat methods of nurturing myself, ha ha....Mary
Your lavender spa night sounds delicious (& calorie-free)! Yes, that should definitely send you to dreamland (& the heating pad finishes it off nicely).
What kind of hand cream? I have tried most of the arthritis creams, both prescription and non, they burned my skin and the next day it looked like sunburn. I do have a couple different splints and also support gloves that do help.
At one time we were going to do joint replacements on my thumbs but they improved enough to live with using the the hot waxing on a regular basis and resting them for months. My hands are the main reason I had to give up my career as an RN, sniff, sniff...I loved being a nurse.
I have Arthritis and Fibromyalgia so I felt like my body betrayed me. I let it practically destroy me for several years. The docs did thier best, but I had negative reactions to every medication we tried. I felt like a guiny pig and was pretty much bedridden so I went through a severe depression. Now I am finally finding purpose in my life again and not taking any prescription medications. We all have our crosses to bear. I feel so blessed to have found a light at the end of that dark tunnel.
Chocolate helps alot so to heck with the pounds! I'm reading a book titled Eat, Pray, Love that I heard about on Oprah. It's interesting. hugs, Mary
Oh, you poor baby, to have had arthritis AND fibromyalgia at the same time! One is bad enough at a time. I can certainly understand your frustration, depression & pain - what a long go you had of it, too, & then, to have to quit nursing - SO much to cope with. You are to be admired for hanging in there - especially now to be able to do so much & without prescriptions or surgery! There was light at the end of the tunnel, after all, & it wasn't an oncoming train. Yay! We learn to pace ourselves, as well, as to how much we can do at certain times. Some days are best spent just reading & relaxing.
I agree with you - sometimes the Tiger Balm or Ben-Gay works better than the Diclofenac (prescription) cream - don't know why, but it does, along with a heating pad or hot microwave pad & sometimes ASAs or Tylenol. I haven't tried chocolate, but, what the heck - it's pleasurable! Why not? Take care & enjoy the chocolate! Must get myself some chocolate! I've been SO tempted to get into the Halloween chocolates, but I knew if I did, I'd have to buy more :) Hope not too many kids come to the door, so there are leftovers :)
Thanks so much for your kind words and support. Life goes on, unpredictably. My quality of life is so much better than I ever expected it to be. I just keep praying that I stay healthy enough to participate in life. Fiber arts have really helped me alot. Even when I can't do the physical part, I can imagine, draw, plan, buy materials, do the setting up part. I keep different projects going so there is always something to work on.
The surgeon that wanted to do surgery on my cracked neck vertebrae yelled at me when I got a second opinion from a neurologist. Being an RN was a blessing, I knew he was totally out of line. He was angry because "I'd rather live a life of pain than risk being paralyzed from the neck down and maybe being on a respirator the rest of my life". He wasn't used to patients standing up to him and making informed personal decisions. (His face was beet red, it was actually kind of funny).
My "lavender luxuries" night was so relaxing. Every time I woke up last night, I smelled lavender. I am going to treat myself to that more often. I need to buy more lavender candles! Mary
Good to hear your lavender evening gave you a happy heart! Yes - more often would be more helpful; unfortunately, we have good intentions & get busy & put them off, eh? Maybe you should mark the calendar :)
As for your surgeon, that happens more often than we'd like - they expect FULL cooperation (after all, they are the "experts") & definitely don't like us making our own decisions. Also, their noses get REALLY out of joint if you want another opinion, eh? Good for you for standing up to him - you may have been in way more pain & possibly paralyzed if you'd gone ahead with the surgery, as he couldn't guarantee that it would fix everything, could he? Sometimes we know ourselves & our bodies better than the specialists.
That is SO true about our "amorphous designing" (that Maggiecoops mentioned in another thread) going on constantly in our heads, even when we're not sewing or doing something creative. So many projects require this before we are ready to go ahead with them, as we get new ideas every day. Now I just MUST get off the computer & get some stuff done today!
"amorphous designing" huh? I like that. I will have to search that one out, I must have wither missed it or read it when I was too tired for it to register.
Take care! Mary
Oh, I remember reading it now! I had to go back and read it a second time. Very apropo
Edited 10/28/2007 6:39 pm by MaryinColorado
Yah - I love it, too - amorphous designing (which I spend hours a day on, & never had words for) - I will always remember Maggiecoops for that one. In fact, we haven't heard from Maggie for awhile - she must be busy creating, rather than spending time in this forum :)
7499.111 in reply to 7499.106
Yah - I love it, too - amorphous designing (which I spend hours a day on, & never had words for) - I will always remember Maggiecoops for that one. In fact, we haven't heard from Maggie for awhile - she must be busy creating, rather than spending time in this forum :)Gloria
what a thread!, chocolate and more chocolate, I don't actually like the stuff that much, though I can understand why others do. I'm a Rowntrees Jelly Baby scoffer, start at the feet on the Red ones, the heads on the Green ones, the tums of the yellow ones and the Derrieres of the black ones. The White ones get gobbled whole, and I can get through 3 or 4 family sized packs if they're in the house. Chocolates, mass produced, Swiss, German, hand made, designer brands, sit there till they go white from old age. My family buy me jelly fruits, real Turkish Delight not the hard squares of rubber tossed in cornstarch, crystalised ginger mmmm and as a special treat, my Jelly babies, always taste better when they're a gift. Oh and Champagne truffles disapear the moment they come in the house, I adore them, but ration myself very strictly to one a day. Oh the will power needed, my DiL and future DiL know exactly how to tame the old battle axe.
Who started this, was it you Mary, you decadent woman, bet you do a Cleopatra and bathe in it. Gloria I have been wrestling curtains to the ground but they keep fighting back. Also had a few calamities, like broke a front tooth right on the gum line. Droppeda stack of books on my bad shoulder. Burnt a few dinners and sent the smoke alarms crazy, yep, a nice quiet couple of weeks. Had I known you were all gathering for a frenzy of chocolate mixing I'd have made certain I had my wooden spoon in the pot to lick later.
You are so funny. I love listening to you. I hope you are surviving well after all of those mishaps over the last few weeks and I hope you have a better time in the weeks to come.
You should write story books.
Hmmm don't know if I could Rodezzy, my mind goes on walk about without telling me first, so heaven knows what I'd write. I might start off talking about making real Choccy biccies made with real cocoa oil chocolate not chips and thick cream but end up writing about making fish scale jewellry.
Well I'm hoping I don't pull any more books on my head or make any more burnt offerings , I get my tooth fixed next week. My dentist who I love dearly and have threatened to kill if he retires, says I have to have 3 out. So I have to have a plate, oh the joys of growing old and getting whiskers!! Noticed today I have what we call bumfluff on young men who have just started getting facial hair. I thought of encouraging it so I could tie blue ribbons in it like the old pirate Blackbeard, but bought some tweezers instead. Oh and a small bag of Jelly Babies to cheer me up. Chin hairs, old witches have them, perhaps my DiL was right!
Edited 11/2/2007 12:04 pm ET by maggiecoops
There you go again, making my day. (smile, giggle, giggle)
That's O.K. if you start on one story and finish on another. I'd buy the book if I know it's you.
You can call it "Ramblings in a Time of Thinking About It" or "Ramblings of My Mind" and that should cover the reasonings for the change in thought processes. (giggle) It would be worth it just to hear you talk about whatever it is you're talking about to me.
I recently noticed that I have grey nose hairs along with the whiskers I've been plucking for the last two or three years. Luckily I only get a couple strands or four on my face. Now, I have to pluck grey nose hairs so they don't look like the other stuff that can surface in the nose. It's not fair, just when I get it, it goes (ha ha). I wish I had more of the creative money to spend when I was younger, or the pluck about me to have been a fashion designer in some corner of that world. Purses, shoes, something!!!!!!!!! I'd be rich and famous by now. (giggle)
I wish I had more of the creative money to spend when I was younger, or the pluck about me to have been a fashion designer in some corner of that world. Purses, shoes, something!!!!!!!!! I'd be rich and famous by now. (giggle)
You wouldnt be the Rodezzy you are now, you could have become a self centred egoist . You might not have liked you, had you met you in the street and I wouldn't be getting confused working out which Rodezzy I might be answering . No that gets confusing, I wonder if we would have been as creative had we had more available funds when we were younger. I know I wouldn't have been. I'd have bought all my clothes, never learnt to sew. I'd have bought all my knitwear, so never learnt to knit, and my crochet would have been abandoned for laying on a sun lounger being fed peeled grapes by the gardener. Of course I would never have dipped my manicured fingers in a bowl of hot suds with dishes in, in fact I wouldnt know where the kitchen was!. Nah, I'd be so bored now without all the things I became interested in because of economics. Thank goodness I married a poor man and had 4 boisterous noisy wonderful children.
I guess......but.....well I see your point. But it would have been nice.......
Ah yes, those special blessings must be appreciated! If not for my children, I think I would have been the first woman to win the Indy 500!!! Life in the fast lane!
I also considered being a nun! I can't complain though, I wanted to be a nurse since I was about 4 years old and did accomplish that, while the kids were young too.
Maybe I will come out of this early retirement and start "lead foot" still works! Maybe I'll become a "cat burglar" and raid the neighbors rose garden by the light of the moon.....
Rodezzy, you & Maggie are such characters! How did this thread go from chocolate to chin & nose hairs???? :) :) :) Now we really sound like a bunch of old bags! (But I know what you mean, anyway - yah, nose hairs can be embarrassing). Maybe we should all request really good tweezers for Christmas! (along with the chocolate & jelly babies).
I agree with Maggie - you wouldn't have been rich & famous if you'd become this creative when you were young - we were all too busy raising kids & didn't have the $ then for creative stuff very often. Besides, just think how much we've learned on these threads over the past couple of years! It's astounding! We are definitely older & wiser :) & maybe enjoying it more, as we don't have the responsibilities we had way back then. We have to live in the moment!
I am going to "live in the moment" now and go have some chocolate! (Wish I had some Kaluah and Cream and Creme de Cocoa!)
Thanks to all you gals for lifting my spirits!!! Mary
How about some Bailey's, too, while you're at it? Sounds good - I may have to join you :) (I also like the Chocolate Macadamia Nut & Double Chocolate coffees - we get the bean & grind them).
Oh, yes, yummy Baileys!!! And I love those coffees too!
You girls are so sassy! How can I be blue and moody with you all cracking me up?!!! Thanks for the giggles! (So glad to know what I have to look forward to, I really hadn't considered it. So, if I start saving my pennies now, maybe I can afford to transplant hair from one place to another when the need arises? lol) Mary
Ha ha ha!!! You are so much fun! I agree that you could easily be a writer. You have such a way with words. The turn of a phrase! I hope you keep a journal to read later in life while you are putting ribbons on your whiskers! (Reminds me of the poem/book "When I am old, I shall wear purple". I plan to be a real character and not care what anyone thinks!
Thanks so much for the giggles!!! Mary
Welcome back, Maggie! What a few weeks you have had! Such mishaps! No wonder you took a break to get back to us! This is where sanity lives!
You sure have eating jelly babies down to a science - in order of colour, what body part to eat first, etc. :) I like Turkish Delight, too, but it's hard to find the good stuff. I have a recipe for it & will make my own this Christmas & see how they taste.
Did you complete the curtains or are you still wrestling with them? I think your dental problems are the biggie, eh? At least you'll have new teeth to eat the Christmas goodies :) As for the whiskers, welcome to the club - your tweezers will now be your best friend. I am still appalled at how fast the hairs come back, too! Must be constantly vigilant! The blue ribbons are a thought, though :)
Hi Gloria,
I to love Turkish Delight, Do you want to share your recipe. wombat
Here's the recipe for Turkish Delight. Hope you like it.
Gloria, this is how I was shown to make it when I lived in Cyprus, I had a Turkish Cypriot friend who used to make lots of it. I used to make marshmallows as well. But I can't find my old handwritten recipe book, done so many moves it probably got mislaid along the way. Shame as I had some wonderful Middle East sweet recipes.
Thanks, Maggie! Your recipe is the REAL thing - I'll make both yours & mine, then, but I suspect I'll like yours better. There are so few recipes for Turkish Delight around - you really have to look for them - & the bought ones are all different - some VERY rubbery. As for marshmallows, I have an old recipe for them, too, but I've never made them (easier & less messy to buy them :)
I also make Almond Bark & Tiger Butter for Christmas - both good & easy & both chocolate.
Hey, where's the chocolate on those things?????????????????
Where's the chocolate in which things? If it's the Turkish Delight, sorry - no chocolate, but that was one of her favourite sweets. Sorry we got sidetracked :) (along with the arthritis creams). It's awful how we go off on tangents, eh? As for the Almond Bark & Tiger Butter, both have chocolate - yummy! Have a great day!
Yea, I really put on the "huh" :-/ face when I saw arthritis cream in the chocoholics threads. (giggle) But, conversation is conversation. That's how it truly runs, we start out talking about one thing and "boom" we off and running on another subject. We have lots to share with one another (smile)
You're right about conversation changing - just like talking together! Forget about the arthritis cream - pay heed, instead, to Maggie's suggesting about the chocolate fondue pot & licking it clean - see? we're back to chocolate again! :)
Now I'm getting out of these threads & get something (anything!) done today, before the day is over. Talk to you tomorrow!
O.K. Sweetie, but I started a new post under this thread about holiday stuff. Talk to me tomorrow about it. Happy sewing, knitting, crocheting or whatever creation you are churning up (giggle).
Yes, I saw that post yesterday - how quick you were! Now we can all get into Christmas foods & traditions! That should be good for 150+ postings, eh? :) See you there!
You did, maggiecoops talked all about her family traditions and I loved hearing about the food and fun.
see you there
C'mon Rodezzy, you get a chocolate fondue set, skewers and dip the Turkish delight and the mallows in the chocolate. Plus you get to lick the bowl after. My children used to love when I cooked with chocolate. I never used the cooking stuff, that's yeukky, but always bought the dark 70% cocoa oil chocolate and used double cream. Chocolate Torte tasted so much richer with the good chocolate, and hot chocolate sponges with ganache inside was wonderful, especially with a coffee sauce. The two flavours match perfectly. Oh well my cooking days are a thing of the past, my children moved on and acquired a savoury tooth. No one has a full blown dinner party these days and I don't enjoy cooking just for myself. This will the first time since I was about 14 I wont be doing the Christmas spread. we're all going to my daughters, I do so much you could be forgiven for thinking I was feeding an army. My home would shake with the 30 to 40 people here Christmas Day night and St Stevens Day. I would cook joints of Beef, Pork, Legs of Mutton, baked Gammon,boiled Gammon, a huge Turkey that I'd bone stuff and reshape. Pressed Chickens, whole poached Salmon, salads, hot home made soups, savouries, then a dessert buffet. Christmas dinner was family and really close friends, and very traditional. The highlight was always setting the Christmas plum pudding on fire. It was the only purchased part of the food for the three day period, as I have never found a nicer Christmas Pud than the local supermarkets brand. Christmas pud and real Custard not powdered stuff, mmmmmmmmmm I do hope she does at least one christmas pud for me.
Wow, Maggie - you did all that???? What a Christmas - a true feast! That is a terrific amount of food to prepare! How many fridges did you have? or where did you store all the stuff? Then, unfortunately, were all the dishes to wash afterwards, eh? Thanks so much for sharing that all with us!
Those meals are only fond memories as our families become smaller & more scattered. It's so much work to cook for only 1 or 2 on that grand scale - & we don't eat that way anymore, either. I wouldn't even have the energy now to prepare such a grand spread - you must have been exhausted (but happy) when you presented it all to your family. (You'd better take the pudding with you when you go for Christmas or request that she have it already when you get there, eh)? Some traditions just shouldn't be lost.
maggiecoops, I started a new thread on this subject about holiday food and stuff to answer you, check it out.
Wow! Sounds like you could teach Martha Stewart a thing or two! What lovely memories you must have of all the joy you shared with family and friends. Mary
Maggie, I'll take this opportunity to add my thanks also.
Thanks for the recipe! Is "powdered sugar" the same thing?
Yes, icing sugar is the same as powdered sugar or whatever you use to ice your cakes. :)
Thank you Gloria, you are marvelous.
Marvelous? If you say so, than thank you very much! What a compliment! :)
Mmmmmmm, crystalized ginger! I like that too. Actually I started this thread just to remind myself and others of the "simple pleasures" in life. Sometimes we need to treat ourselves and "escape" those "imps" or "elves" that cause the pot to burn or the books to fall on us! Hope your shoulder is feeling better today!
I have a clay sign that says "Don't P... Off the Fairies!" hanging in my hallway. It reminds me that things are not always under my control. Gotta have lots of treats available for when "Mars is in retrograde" or whatever! Mary
I love your "Don't P... off the faeries" sign, I sat here laughing out loud, that's the sort of thing I have stuck around the house. My all time favourite is "you''d be unstoppable, if I could only get just get you started" and there's a pair of sloths hanging off a branch. It was on my youngests bedroom door, but he failed to get the message.
Well me and m chin hairs must climb the stairs and get ourselves some beauty sleep, problem is the beauty faery keeps flitting past my window, I leave it open for her but she refuses to drop in.
My family calls me "Mary the Faery" so the sign has a double meaning!
The sloths are a hoot! Typical kid, not to "get it"! I will have to make up a sign like yours for motivation too!
Maybe we should start a thread "where's your sign?" or "what's your sign say"?
Pleasant Dreams! Hope the pretty fairy finds you tonight and sprinkles you with beauty dust! I wonder if there is a "plucking faery"? Mary
Edited 11/2/2007 8:26 pm by MaryinColorado
Happy Monday Morning Ladies:->
Had a couple of foil covered chocolate Half-Dollars with JFK on them for breakfast this morning. I found them in my work bag from last week raiding the candy bowl of my co-worker up stairs. She sometimes has good chocolates in their. Other times, cheap-o stuff I can't eat. But got some good chocolates this time. I've got to stop this before I explode out of my clothes.
Read all of the threads this morning and you guys crack me up. I love it. I hope the fairies gave everyone what they needed, tweezers, etc. (giggle) I'm going to miss you guys on my week off work November 19-23, but I will have lots to talk about when I get back.
I can't believe how many responses we've shared through this crazy thread. It's been fun and "enlightening" to read.
I need to stock up on marshmallows and hot cocoa and baking goodies before we get another cold snap. Thanks to everyone who sent yummie recipes! Mary
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmhot chocolate and marshmellows. Good stuff. I need some too!
After reading your posts I am encouraged about doing all I can, while I can. We never really know what life will throw at us. Your strength comes through your posts, and I'm soaking it up for the future, because I don't know what will happen to me, but your words of common sense decisions and how you are dealing with your issues is indeed encouraging to me. I'm glad to know you through this thread.
I ate five candy bars Sat. Never did that before. I'm getting hooked on chocolate even more since this thread started. Got to watch myself. I had three Butterfingers and to Skols, I think they are called. Its a chocolate covered toffee. Went to the store to buy water and Pepsi and the candy was on sale. Three Butterfingers for a dollar and the two Skols for 88 cents. Couldn't resist.
Tsk, tsk! 5 chocolate bars in a day! You're really being serious about being a chocoholic, eh? :) Of course, the price would be a grabber, alright. We're lucky to get 2 for $1 here, if on sale - never 3 - so you lucked out. Glad you enjoyed them so tremendously, too!
We're really good about encouraging each other on this forum, eh? I love it & look forward every day to seeing what's new with everyone - a very nice community!
Have a great day!
oOOOOH! Those chocolate covered real cherries, yummy! Have to wait till after Turkey Day to order I many decadent treats, oh boy!
Tim Tams !
I never did win "a golden ticket".......I want to visit the Chocolate Factory.
Can you imagine our family's shock, if we all left notes. "Back soon, Looking for Willy Wonka and his Chocolate Factory." I'm ready and willing!
Dare ya!
I double dare ya!
Ya know, when you "double dare" someone, you have to do it if they do! ha ha You're on, girl! Mary
I'm so game!
oompa loompa's watch out!
Until tomorrow then.....sweet dreams!!!
You have a good night sleep, ahh counting's lunchtime here.
How very appropriate to be reading this thread tonight. I just got redressed in order to run to WalMart, which is open very late, in order to get some Russell Stover chocolates! Hmmmm, do I qualify as a chocoholic if I get dressed in the middle of the night and drive out in cold rainy weather to a store inhabited by very strange looking people, because I'm craving chocolate? The late night clientele is a little scary looking,(I swear I saw Robert DeNiro's taxi driver character.) My favorites are expensive ones made by a local company, but Russell Stover is a pretty good substitute...or Snickers...or Twix or...anything chocolate I can find in the back of a drawer!
i am imagining you going out late at night for chocolate....oh my you make me laugh...I think you qualify. At least you remember to get dressed!.
True...I was dressed. But hoping I wouldn't see anyone I knew. I was wearing my raincoat buttoned up with no shirt under it, high-water pants and black sox with sneakers!! It was pathetic, like an addict out scouting for a fix.
a la hollywood!... now... not the vintage years.
you're keeping up with fashion. and love your chocolate too!
Ha ha..but I wouldn't be laughing if the paparazzi had been lurking.
mmmm are you sure they weren't? they are nasty creatures..
but you enjoyed your chocolate did you not?
hubby brought home a pack of chokkie bikkies yesterday, got to hide them from the youngster, he'd eat the lot!
what are chokkie bikkies? I have to be careful not to buy my Halloween, Easter, or any holiday candy very early. I have vivid memories of years ago when I had the Easter basket and candy hidden in the car trunk so my little girl wouldn't find them. One night that candy kept calling my name until I went down and ate some Russell Stover chocolate eggs. I had to go buy replacements the next day. All this talk about candy is beginning to make me queasy. Maybe that's the solution!! If I were forced to write about it all the time I might lose interest....not likely. I am definitely a chocoholic.
I could try to blame my chocolate fixation on my high school Math teacher! He would award a giant Hershey's bar to the highest score on the final exam each term... I won most of them! (talk about motivation to study)
PS I have a nice little recipe for butter mint chocolates if any one is interested!
Edited 10/19/2007 8:04 am ET by Becky-book
abbreviation: Chocolate Biscuits.
We Love Tim Tams (australia's favourite biscuit)
Edited 10/19/2007 6:13 pm by Cherrypops
Chokkie bikkies are British chocolate cookies, but I think theirs are made with cocoa throughout rather than chocolate chips as ours are.
I have super recipes for the most divine choco-chip cookies (from a Joanne Fluke mystery novel) and easy but insanely good chocolate truffles and a gateau (a buttery smooth pie with a crumbled cookie crust) if anyone's interested....
Out here in the Golden State, chocolate is revered, and we often pair it with a robust Cabernet Sauvignon for a sublime after-dinner treat (and double the anti-oxidants!)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yum
I would love to have the recipes! Especially the truffles! Mary
Yikes, busy lately! I will post all three as soon as I get home to the recipe box and other computer and finish answering the door for trick-or-treaters....
cool beans! Or maybe "hot chocolate!" would be more apropo on this thread. I always look forward to the trick or treators, especially the little ones.
We went to a costume birthday party for a 4yr. old last week end, she and her friends were so darling....several little princesses and a whole kitty cat family. My grandkids are 11, 13, and 16 so more scary than cute these days. Especially the girl, 13, she is going as a "rock star" this year. The boys are monsters, of course! ha ha
Recipes for Chocolate lovers (calories from chocolate are irrelevant, right?):
"Fakeau Gateau" from my friend Yvonne in 1979:
Make a cookie crust with 1 package chocolate wafers or 1/2 package Bonomi almond cookies or any hard cookie you like crushed and then mixed with 6oz melted butter. Press into glass pie pan or spring form pan. Chill while making filling:
Put 1 large package (12 oz/240 g) of semi-sweet choc chips into blender. Add 5 egg yolks. Heat 1.5 (1 1/2) cups cream and pour it into the mixture slowly as you run the blender for at least a minute (to cook the egg yolks). Add 3 Tbs liquer (Grand Mariner, brandy, cognac) or vanilla or almond extract. Pour into crust and chill for an hour or so. Remove from fridge a half hour before serving with whipped cream, fruit glaze, and/or a hearty red wine or coffee.
"Hot Fudge Pudding Cake" from my first bf's mother, ca. 1972, probably a 1950s recipe:
In a bowl, mix: 1 c. flour,3/4 c. white sugar,2 Tbs. cocoa, 2 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp salt. Blend in 1/2 c. milk and 2 Tbs. melted shortening. Pour batter into ungreased 9x9 pan. Stir together 1 c. brown sugar, 1 c. finely chopped nuts(optional) and another 1/4 c. cocoa, sprinkle over batter. Heat 1 3/4 c. water and pour it over the batter. (This looks weird but is essential.) Bake 45 mins. in 350F oven. While hot, cut into squares, invert onto plate, and spoon sauce from the bottom over top. Good with whipped cream.
"Desperation Cookies" from a Joanne Fluke mystery novel. These are crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside, and with add-ins and a 1"scoop, this makes about 75 cookies:
Mix 1 c. melted butter, 1/5 c. white sugar, 3/4 c. brown sugar in large bowl. Beat in 2 eggs & 2 tsps vanilla. Fold in 2.5 c. flour, 2 tsp. baking soda, & 1 tsp salt.
Add in your choice of any or all: 1.5 c. choc chips, butterscotch chips or white chocolate chips, 2 c. nuts, krispy rice or other dry cereal, or oatmeal, or dried fruit. Bake 10-12 mins. in 350F oven. Raw dough freezes well for last-min.treats.
Enjoy and share!
Edited 11/1/2007 8:54 pm by Teaf5
These look so delicious. I can't wait to try them. I have a whole house full of chocolate-lovers so I know they won't last.Sherry
I've finally caught up with this very delicious discussion.
Thanks to all who have added recipies.
I may have to substitute some Name Brands with what is on offer here in Australia.
Looking forward to trying them.
Oh YUMMY! These are terrific recipes. Thanks so much. Mary
Thank you for the recipes; I'm eager to try the gateau. Just one thing - did you really mean 1/5 cup of cream in that recipe?
No, sorry--that should be 1.5 cups of cream!
Yes - we're interested in the recipes! Bring 'em on!
Your recipe for cookies reminded me of a chocolate chip - dried cherry - pecan cookie recipe that I love, which came from a Diane Mott mystery. I haven't read the series you mentioned, but now I have something to look forward to...And I'd love to have your gateau recipe. Tried truffles last Christmas for gifts - they tasted great and had good texture, but I didn't properly temper the chocolate I dipped them into, so some of them were grey. Nobody threw them away, though.
a late night trip to walmart is all too familiar to me! i have always been strung out on Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory orange sticks covered with dark chocolate. ahhhh.. last summer I didn't have any, went to walmart at 2:30 am and bought ice cream. there I got introduced to Bunny Tracks by Blue Bunny. omg! I glommed so much of that stuff my husband said he was going to have an intervention!
anybody else found the dark chocolate delights of bunny tracks? (what a bizarre name!)
We don't have Bunny Tracks here, but we do have Moose Tracks - which is vanilla ice cream with large streaks of chocolate fudge sauce & little peanut butter cups - yummy, & my favourite! (When you open up the carton, the chocolate fudge sauce is in the shape of a large moose track all the way down to the bottom of the carton, as well as being all around the edge of the carton).
yep, that's the stuff! so good and so tempting. it makes me happy. in fact, after i wrote that post ifelt the need to go to walmart......!
Enjoy your Bunny Tracks! It sounds like you can get anything your heart desires at WalMart, eh? At any hour of the day or night - wearing anything you can grab :)
I really don't like wally world, but they are 1.6 miles away, open all night and carry the best ice cream I've ever had! I prefer Target but they are not open 24/7. ity's good for a comfirmed chocohalic when the craving arrives at 2:30 am...
You chocoholics!!! As much as I love chocolate, I can't imagine going out in the middle of the night for some, like you & Ralphetta :) If I can't satisfy my craving by bedtime, I'm out for the night. If I'm desperate late at night, I have a cup of hot chocolate - of course, I have trouble seeing to drive at night, so that probably plays a large part, eh?
well imsomnia does play a large part, I was interested in the creams you and Mary are using for pain. have you tried biofreeze? the drs sell it in their practices and it's can just google it and buy it on the net. lots of resellers and one is cheaper than the next. sharp pain, freeze it. then, eat chocolate, preferrably dark so you can get all those good antioxidants! HA!
eat chocolate, keep away cancer....
I've tried Biofreeze - we can get it at drugstores here (expensive, though)- not bad. I also use Tiger Balm, Ben-Gay (yah, I heard about the young girl who overused Ben-Gay & died from it), & the drugstore brand heat rub - depends upon how much heat I need. I also have prescription diclofenac cream (it doesn't smell), but doesn't always work. For heat, I also use the heat bag that you microwave or a heating pad. To bad we just can't rub chocolate on our aches :)
Oh goodie, I haven't tried the Tiger Balm! Thanks, I will try it! I do have extra large heating pads and those ones for the micro wave.
I saw a heat wrap for my hands that wraps around the thumbs on tv last night so I will be looking for that too.
It's those little things that really seem to help the most.
Oh, and two big things...the Select Comfort aerobed is great! And the hottub sometimes if I just soak and don't use the jets except on my feet....Mary
Those creams don't work for me but thank you for mentioning them, ya never know until ya try. I am willing to try just about anything. (Sensitive skin so it burns and some actually left blisters. Crazy huh?) Mary
oh yummy, yes, love it! I love those sticks too, but the ones with the raspberry centers for me!
Mary, I learned to love RMCF chocolates in 1988 when I first visited my mother-in-law in Loveland. now, all these years later, I am still addicted to the stuff. it's too good for color tv.
how's the weather? my step daughter lives in Denver and is getting married the Friday after Thanksgiving. I live in Chesapeake Virginia, just south of the Southern shore of the Chesapeake Bay. we are driving to CO right after 11/11. we were told that the weather would be warmish, in the mid 60's, but that seems a little wonky to me. got any advice on what to bring?
Colorado weather has always been so unpredictable, now even more so. We have had our first snow (it did stick to the ground) and 30's in the a.m., the next day 81!
Coming from warm Virginia, you will feel the cold more than we do. Drink lots of water starting a few days before you come so the altitude doesn't bother you as much. Especially if you plan on going to the mountains!
I usually wear long sleeved t shirts with a shawl type scarf to keep my neck and shoulders warm. Jeans or long skirts and boots with a jacket, cableknit sweater or hoodie. I keep a winter coat and gloves in the car all the time now. (Daywear is more casual out here than other parts of the country.) More dressy for events surrounding and during the wedding though of course.
I always brought alot more clothes for Colorado than anywhere else I ever visited due to the varying temps and the mountains are alot colder.
8 a.m. & 40 degrees now. Hope this helps! Mary
Edited 10/29/2007 10:11 am by MaryinColorado
This afternoon, it got up to 80 degrees! Weeeee, got to drive with the top down again. I am having so much fun in my "mid-life crisis car"!
Have fun at the wedding! Godspeed! Mary
Can't believe it - talking about chocolate!!
Ive been too busy over the last few weeks to really spend time accessing "gatherings" - now on half term holiday so thought i'd better catch up!
You are all talking about stuff I know nothing about - apart from Kitkats. I live about 2hours away from Cadbury's choc factory - great for a visit - even do school visits there!!
However - after being a lifelong fan of the stuff - I realised that I need to be selective(if I can) and stick to plain chocolate - 70% and higher if possible and that way - I can eat something that in a way is good for me! There is nothing that beats that "high" for me - well almost nothing...and being a picky eater of chocky is something I enjoy.
Bendicks do a fantastic collection.
New one out over here is Nestle's Heaven - the dark version is out of this world.
Green and Blacks stuff is brill.
French choc is c..p, another reason for hating my holiday!
Belgian isn't bad.
Need I go on?
Hi Jan,
You speaka my language, Cadbury!!!! Lucky You!
I like you have no clue as to these Chocolate Brands the sweet tooths are mentioning.
Would everyone like to send some down under to me and some to Jan???
I've been lurking on this thread to the point that I feel like a peeping tom. I just had an experience with chocolate that has cured me of my addiction, at least for a day.I read a recipe in the newspaper for trick-or-treaters - peanut butter eyeballs. Looked so easy. Peanut butter, butter, confectioners sugar, and Rice Krispies mixed and rolled into balls. Then dipped in melted white chocolate, and decorated with colored chocolate for the eyes' irises and pupils. But the recipe said to use white chocolate chips, melted in the microwave. I bought Nestle's chips, and melted them in a double boiler, and they never liquified enough to dip...had to keep adding oil to it to liquify it enough, and even then I couldn't just dip the balls. I had to smear the stuff on with my fingers - about 40 of the things - and then dab the colored irises and pupils on. They're cute, and taste great, but next time I'll use regular baking or melting chocolate, not the chips, which I understand are really made NOT to melt. Nothing like being up to my wrists in chocolate to make me sick of it!Happy Halloween, everybody.
sorry about the lapse in time, I got busy this weekend packin and then forgot this fabulous discussion...threads was nice enough to remind me! Mary, I owe you a BIG thank you for the clothing advice! I am following it to a t. my stepdaughter just told me it was nice and "you know". she is sweet, but trifling....I wanted to share that I, too, have ruptured discs in my back 4,5 and neck..I had surgery in my lower back and now have 6 inches of titanium poking me in the back. recently I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia as well. they wanted to do surgery on my neck, but after my back experience, no way, sister! I against it!
anyway, I didn't share this to whine, I am actually doing very well. I have a fantasctic dr and he treats the pain since the cure is not there... so I am encouraging you to seek out apain mangement specilist, if you are so inclined. I truly empathize with you, I understand days when you want to move but can't, nights when you can't sleep (that's why I am up at 2:30 in the morning to go to wally world) pain medication eases the pain, but chocolate is the cure!
have you heard of Marcel Desaunier? he had a chocolate cooking show on pbs and he has a restaurant here in Williamsburg VA, called the trellis...he also has a cookbook called death by chocolate, his ganache is so lovely!
here is the recipe:1/3 cup cream, 1tsp vanilla, 1 stick butter. bring to a slow boil, add 1 cup semi sweet morsels and stir til melted and thickened. you can use it for icing, on ice crem, as adipping sauce for strawberries...or by the spoonful. he says it will last a week in the fridge, but who has it that long?
by the way, what IS your midlife car? enquiring minds are dying to know!!!
Thanks for the easy recipe, it's right up my alley! I think I'll buy some raspberries and bananas to dip in it, and maybe minimarshmallows too for the grandkids if I decide to share, ha ha....
I have been to alot of specialists. I haven't taken any prescription medications for 22 months. Too many unwelcome side effects, I couldn't tell what was the illness and what was the side effects.
I also have tried a naturopathic md, he prescribed lots of herbal and "natural" prescriptions that my insurance doesn't cover. He didn't care to give me detailed info on them. Being an RN, I am a stickler about knowing what is going into my body. I don't believe they are safe just because they are "natural". I did try his methods for about a year before giving up on him.
I will probably go back to my rheumatologist to see what is new on the horizon. I think the main problem with fibromyalgia is at the cellular level so they just treat the symptoms. That's great for medication tolerant people. My doc said that I could be the poster child for the worst case of treatment resistant fibro at one time. They couldn't get me into remission for years. Now I am okay so can't complain. I use moderate exercise and sometimes physical therapy. This year I want to learn more about meditation, biofeedback, acupuncture and hypnosis if I have the fortitude.
Chocolate and sewing and my labrador seem to be the best natural medicine!!!
Oh, and my "mid life crisis car" is a little blue Volkswagon EOS T2 hardtop convertible! Whee!!! The lab loves to sit on his quilt in the back seat and let his ears blow in the wind.
you know its getting very very weird here... I, too have a Lab, Molly, and i was just diagnosed with fm this dr said it was just in the nick, because in july, the fda appoved the first ever drug dedicated to the treatment,not just the symptoms,but of the cause of fm
the drug is lyrica. it is amazing to me because i suffer from many hundreds of "bee stings a day.....and lyrica just stopped them
so enough whining from me....maurice desaulniers world famous claim to fame is his death by chocolate cake. it has 7 decadent layers, none of them duplicated....
the ganache is one of the layers but you can use it for so many fave is dipping strawberries,yummohmmm, now i want cholate.....ttfn,susan
do you have the recipe for the death by chocolate cake?,176,157187-241200,00.html This one we would call a roulade not death by chocolate. just a few choccy cake recipes. Very rich tasting, I used to make my children a chocolate and coconut cake that wasn't rich but still chocolaty. There seems to be dozens of versions for the death by chocolate cake, and a lot using cake mixes and pudding mixes. Our cake mixes aren't that spectacular in England, nothing like the ones I used to see in the commisary but wasn't allowed to buy.
Thanks, I printed the cacaoweb death by chocolate and will do that one for Thanksgiving desert. I'm going to make it a secret and surprise everyone. The other one that is a cake/ice cream roll w/killer chocolate sauce looks great too. Maybe I'll try that one for Christmas. Ummmmmmmmmchoc...o....late!!!!!!
uhhhmmmm, I looked at the recommended recipes and all are rip offs of the original DBC by Marcel Desaulniers in a book entitled....wait for it......
DEATH BY CHOCOLATE. the recipe is long, but worth it......
(6 servings)
1/3 c Egg white 3/4 c Sugar 2 tb Cocoa powder, unsweetened GENOISE 10 Eggs, beaten 3/4 c Sugar 1 1/2 c Flour; + 2 T 2 tb Cocoa powder, unsweetened 1 tb Butter, melted MOUSSE 1 lb Belgian bittersweet chocolate 6 Egg yolks 8 Egg whites 1/2 c Sugar GANACHE 6 oz Belgian bittersweet chocolate 2/3 c Whipping cream GARNISH 1/2 c Almonds, toasted chopped 1 Almonds, sliced; additional 12 Hazelnuts, whole
MERINGUE LAYER Meringue: Combine egg whites and sugar in the top of a double boiler. Heat to lukewarm. Remove from heat. Pour into mixing bowl and beat about 15 minutes at medium speed, until stiff. Quickly fold in the cocoa to prevent the meringue from falling. Grease a 10" springform pan, line with parchment paper, and grease again. Pipe meringue through a pastry bag using the round tube, forming a spiral on the bottom of the springform pan, starting from the center and working out toward the sides until the bottom is completely covered. Bake at 250 degrees for 2 hours. Allow to cool in the pan. Genoise: Grease a 10" x 3" round baking pan, line with baking parchment, and grease again. Combine beaten eggs and sugar in the top of the double boiler. Heat to lukewarm. Remove from the heat. Pour into a mixing bowl and beat on high speed about 10 minutes, or until the batter forms a ribbon. Sift the flour and cocoa into the batter and fold to combine. Fold in the butter. Pour into the prepared pan and bake at 350 degrees 35 to 40 minutes, or until the cake springs back when lightly touched and a toothpick comes out clean. Cool thoroughly. Remove from pan. Mousse: Melt chocolate in the top of a double boiler over simmering water. Remove pan from the heat and cool. Beat in the egg yolks, one at a time. Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Lightly fold a quarter of the beaten egg whites into the chocolate. Fold in the remaining egg whites, lightly but thoroughly. Chill. Ganache: Heat chocolate and cream together in the top of the double boiler over simmering water until the chocolate melts. Blend well. Assembly: Spoon half the ganache over the meringue layer in the pan and smooth evenly over the surface. Cut the chocolate Genoise into two 1/4" slices, reserving the rest of the cake for another use. Place one slice over the ganache and meringue layer. Cover with about half the mousse. Top with the second layer of cake. Spoon the remaining mousse over the cake and chill until set, at least four to six hours. Just before serving, spoon remaining ganache on the cake. Carefully line the sides of the cake with chopped toasted almonds. Decorate the top with hazelnut roses by placing the whole hazelnuts evenly around the top of the cake, then place almond slices around each hazelnut to resemble petals.
I have Marcel Desaulniers' cookbook DEATH BY CHOCOLATE CAKES which followed his DEATH BY CHOCOLATE cookbook. Every cake I've made from this collection has been delicious. My family members put in special requests for birthdays and special occasions. These cakes are fabulous.Sherry
wow! I did make death by chocolate, but it didn't turn out as good as it could have. I am an impatient baker and pretty much an instant gratification kind of girl ( i know, i know, so childish, but when it comes to chocolate, the inner child kicks into high gear!) your family id sooooo lucky to have you! anyone who would make all those lovely, but complicated recipes for their family just because is a woman of high dedication and love!
if you live on the east coast, or ever visit Virginia, please try to make time to go to the Trellis Restaraunt, in Williamsburg. It is owned by Marcel and you cane eat all those recipes, as made by him...ooohlala
he is often there and goes table to table to meet his guests, so affable...
but of coursr, the real reason is having a slice of is HUGE and served with their homemade vanilla ice cream to cut the sweetness. of course it costs $10.00 a slice, but 2 or 3 people can share it (ha) a doggy bag for me.....
Yes, I am on the east coast and have been to Williamsburg, but have never been to the Trellis restaurant. I'll have to make another trip.
Thank you so much. I will start gathering the ingredients. I'm so excited. Thank you.
This is hysterical! You do know there are cameras everywhere these days! ha ha ha I am giggling so hard! Maybe we should start calling you the Pink Panther.....I can almost hear the music
Ha Ha Ha Ha .....HA You guys are so funny. I've done the same thing in the middle of the night on weekends. I just had to have some chocolate. Not on that I love Pepsi too. I've had many nights over the years while up late sewing, or crocheting something and I just had to go get IT!
Some of the costumes I've put together are hilarious. Jogging pants and tops that don't match with no bra and flip flops. Running shoes with not socks. Hats over undone hair dos. I've been doing that since my twenties. No wonder I can't wear that cabled fitted dress!!!!!!!!!!! I think you guys have stumbled on the secret to why we sew for ourselves. We can't fit ready to wear! Well some of us.
Hmmmmm, those outfit descriptions make me wonder if YOU were one of those weird people I was avoiding at Walmart! For 50 years Mother Nature let me eat as much chocolate, whipped cream, pastries, etc. as I wanted without gaining an ounce. Then one day all the rules changed and I'm supposed to change the eating habits of a lifetime.
p.s. I did not get a Mary Higgins Clark book....I felt like I was IN one.
Right along with you Miss no shirt under the raincoat w/high water pants (giggle)
Same here! I went home from having my first child weighing less than when I got pregnant. With the second, I gained alot then lost it quickly. I was a size five from head to toe until my mid forties, it started creeping up on me. The fat fairy found me and bonked me on the head sometime after fifty. I had to take an early retirement from being an RN due to Arthur (itis).
I still think the hardest thing was giving up on my shoe fetish! My feet outgrew all those darling shoes and boots I had collected through the years. They won't even fit my 13 year old grand daughter! I'm sure someone appreciated the donations. sigh......
I went on less than 1,000 calories a day and gradually lost 12 #'s and levelled off. I know it would help if I could give up the Pepsi. But that doesn't look promising. I think I should try a chocolate and Pepsi and Sunflower seeds diet. What do you think? Mary
Yes, your diet meets my standards. I liked Atkins because I could snarf butter, bacon and...whipped cream...which I love even more than chocolate. I've been known to make jello just to have something to drench in whipped cream. I totally know what you mean about the shoes. I've got some snakeskin stilletoes with ankle straps that I periodically look at and sigh.
Wow! Snakeskin huh? You wild thing you! Because I am so "vertically challenged" I always wore 4 1/2" stilletos. Then, as a nurse, I ended up wearing Berkenstocks alot. Now it is max of 2" wide heels or I'd fall on my keester.
I need a major chocolate fix...NOW!!! (Luckily I'm still dressed, he he).
Oh yes, I am a Pepsi addict too! I almost never run out of that! I usually have a few stashed throughout the house just in case. It is after 4:00pm, and I just opened my 3rd Pepsi. Usually by now I am on my 5th. I am trying really hard to cut down & drink more water. If I could get down to 3 a day, I would be so proud! (Not that that's likely to happen!) Mary
With that get-up, you were also lucky you weren't in an accident, eh? How embarrassing that would have been :)
2 things....
First, I just bought Russell Stover refrigerated cookie dough. I haven't seen it advertised so this may just be a test market. It's pretty good. Definitely better than the usual stuff.
Second, as to having an accident while wearing such tacky attire....I had a friend who fainted at a Mall and she said that when she came-to surrounded by medics she was really upset. because she had prepared for the event her WHOLE life by following her mother's advice to always wear clean underwear in case she was in an accident. No one looked at her underwear.
Do you eat the frozen cookie dough raw?
As to the event of an accident, I almost put in the comment about the clean underwear! (I was thinking it). Our mothers must have been all alike, eh? Was your friend disappointed that her clean underwear wasn't noticed?? :) :) Nevertheless, we all seem to still abide by that rule (& I've taught my boys that, too, since they were little) :) (Our mothers seem to have the knack of hanging around long after they're gone, eh? - with their advice - sometimes on a daily basis):)
No, I never ever eat raw dough. Along with the "good underwear" reminder, Mom also told me to never eat raw eggs or I would get salmonella.
That's what I was told, too, about the salmonella, but scads of people do eat raw dough (ick!). If it's your own dough, though, it's safe if the eggs weren't cracked. Same goes for when you make eggnog from scratch at Chrismas - maybe the rum or brandy knocks out the salmonella, regardless, eh? :) - or, if you have enough of it, you feel too good to be sick :)
With Mom, it was the underwear, Dad always worried about dirty feet being seen in an ER as we loved barefootin...still do! Mary
I'm still laughing about dirty feet. I hadn't heard that one and I still go bare foot whenever possible. I would just wash my feet one at a time in the bathroom sink when I had to put on shoes. One day a few years ago I swung my foot up......and fell on my butt and hit my head on the bathtub. I just sat there like a cartoon character with a bewildered look on my face wondering, " When did I get old and unable to put my foot in the bathroom sink anymore?"
I'm talking about feet because just reading all these notes about chocolate is making me gain weight and if this thread gets any longer I won't be able to get through my front door.
Ooooh! Got a great visual on that one. I could just see myself lying there in bewilderment! Sounds like a great reason to hobble off and have some more chocolate to nurse the pain! Ouch!
I know what you mean, I do think I am thinking about chocolate more often since I started this thread. I KNOW that I am eating alot of it! Think I'll treat myself to another chocolate/cherry hersheys kiss! (My back hurts, I've been overdoing trying to get the sewing room revamped and embroidering tigers. The fabric is all cut out, the finished blocks are on the design board, hope it gets done on time! Mary
I know how you feel about not being able to get your feet into the sink anymore - I can't, either - it just snuck up on me! Thank heavens I didn't fall! You're so fortunate that you didn't get a concussion or worse! If I can get onto the counter now, I can wash my feet that way or sit on the edge of the tub. If I have to use the tub, though, I may as well have another shower :)
Yes - I, too, am amazed about how long the chocoholic thread is going - but it is so nice to take this path - & we're still talking sewing along it :)
I can't believe I've found two other people who admit to sticking their feet in the sink...and actually understand what a total shock it was when my leg wouldn't go that high. Maybe it's a seamstress thing. Age is probably not the's probably all that chocolate that inhibits the ability to kick high.
Could be the chocolate :) - then my second guess would be the age :) It still surprises me the things I can't do sometimes that used to be so easy 10 years ago! It just creeps up on you unannounced, eh? & I don't like unannounced :(
Well.......Toots, you just found another person that washes their feet in the sink....bathroom sink, that it. I am too short to get into a kitchen matter how young I may have been!! These days find me opting to sit on the edge of the tub more rather than the 'high kick' routine!! ha ha Not too long ago I opted for the sink.......and I actually pulled it off........and didn't fall and konk myself in the head! It seems to be a little harder to do these days..........must be the chocolate......or the number of birthdays that have passed!
Thank you for reminding me about the dirty feet! I like barefooting, too! On many occasions, I sat on the counter to wash my feet in the sink before going out or going to bed :)
Oh yes, gotta have clean sheets! (Mine will probably have chocolate on them) ha ha
The thrill of the hunt! Danger and chocolate! Did you pick up a MaryHigginsClark novel too?
You qualify! Join the club. I LOVED Cherrypops comments that, at least, you got dressed to go! :) Yah, Walmart can be pretty scary at the best of time, not just at night.
Here is that recipe I promised...
Let me know if the file type works for you or if I need to convert to txt format.
PS I made these candies w/o the cocoa, used fruit flavors and pastel colors for DD wedding!
another text version of cocoa mints
That recipe looks yummy! Chocolate candy without cooking, what more could anyone possibly want <g>?
Joanne - so many ideas, so much fiber, so little time
Wanted to get the cocoa mint recipe but my system won't open your file. Could you send it to me in a word doc?
try this format and let me know if it works
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate no cook candy. awesome. just in time for the candy feast of the year.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i can see other flavors being conjured up with this mix.
thank you, my taste buds thank you, my tongue thanks you, my eyes thank you, my mouth thanks you, my........well you get the message. yum yum yum
Butter "mints"...
we made them strawberry flavored and tinted them pink and lilac for my daughters wedding reception.
I have made them with "pumpkin pie" spice and colored them golden orange.Go for it ...
So you just used the butter, water and confectioner's sugar - then added strawberry flavoring?
and pumpkin spice powdered seasoning for the orange ones?
and the colorings of course.........
Non-cocoa butter mints...
Yes, leave the cocoa out and be careful not to use all the water at first, with out the cocoa powder you might not need the full amount to make the mix stick together.
This is similar to the Fantasy Fudge recipe I make at Christmas, but mine has chocolate chips, condensed milk, butter & only needs melting (not boiling with a candy thermometer) & it always turns out perfectly. You can change the flavour with different chocolate chips. Yummy!
I also have a recipe for squares with melted chocolate chips, peanut butter, butter & you add mini marshmallows at the end so they don't melt - really yummy, too!
We're in chocolate heaven!
Will you please send me the recipes? Love that fudge!
Tomorrow you shall have the recipes (will dig them out tonight). Then you can wallow in chocolate!
Oh goodie! I am almost out of my chocolate cherry kisses! Whenever I am in pain, I eat alot of chocolate "natures best pain reliever".
Here are the recipes you & Rodezzy requested. Enjoy!
Edited 10/25/2007 9:32 pm by Gloriasews
Oh boy! I guess I'll have to go to the grocery store tomorrow! Thanks so much for the recipes! This will be a welcome break and a wonderful treat. Mary
sounds delecious but i don't have condensed milk here in Israel. what can i use insted?
Usually the sweetened condensed milk is Eagle Brand or a store brand (where the canned milk is on the shelves) - too bad you can't get it in Israel. I know that SOMEWHERE I have a recipe to make your own sweetened condensed milk - give me time & I'll come up with it especially for you, Raya, so you don't miss out on all those yummy calories :) I'll start going through my scores of cookbooks.
Hi, Raya - I found it! Here is how to make your own:
Put in a blender in order shown: 1/2 cup boiling water, 3 tablespoons butter, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, & 1-1/3 cups skim milk powder.
Blend until completely smooth. Pour into a clean container & let it sit until thick. Use immediately or store in the fridge for up to one week.
Hope this helps you!
Dear Gloria
thanks for taking the time and fining the recipe, it's getting too complecated a specially since i don't have milk powder either.
thanks again i'll just buy some delicious chocolate instead.
In the stores here, the powdered milk is usually by the cereal or cocoa, not by the dairy products. You could probably use regular milk and just decrease the liquid in the recipe accordingly. Mary oops, I forgot to say use the regular milk to create the condensed milk.
In any case, enjoy your chocolate, in any form! Mary
Edited 11/1/2007 10:21 am by MaryinColorado
Too bad about the powdered milk, Raya - I would have thought at least that would be available in most places in the world. Mary said that their powdered milk is by the cereals (who would have known?) - ours is by the canned milk. As she said, you'll just have to enjoy your chocolate wherever & however you can get it - at least you can get chocolate there :) - a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say :)
Edited 11/1/2007 4:57 pm by Gloriasews
Thank you ever so much for the recipes. My cousin and I are planning Thanksgiving dinner with Deep Fried Turkeys and all the fixin's. These recipes will be my surprise offering for the family. This will be our first Deep Fried Turkey attempt. I'm so excited. Food is another thing I get excited about, not everyday cooking, but a feast is always fun to put on. I used to cook a lot when I was young and tried all kinds of recipes and new dishes. Now I go in the kitchen in favor for my craft room, which gets more than its share of me. (he he)
You'll really enjoy the deep fried turkey - it's SO good, & different from roasted (as long as it's cooked enough - usually first timers undercook it, so they'll have to use their thermometer, for sure). Be sure to take napkins if you're taking the Chocolate Marshmallow Squares, is they melt on your fingers even before they reach your mouth! Enjoy!
OOO OOO can I have that recipe for Fantasy Fudge. Oh MY that sounds soooo delicious. I will make lots for Christmas, and my grand daughter can help. Please. And the squares too. please please please!!!!!!!!!!!11111
Edited 10/25/2007 11:22 am ET by rodezzy
I have made that Fantasy Fudge, and it turns out great every time. E-Z! No watching the thermometer and worrying if you are over- or under-cooking it. The chocolate is my favorite (with or without nuts), but using peanut butter chips is quite tasty too!
Well let's brag about it (smile) give up the recipe. I need amounts!
Edited 10/25/2007 4:51 pm ET by rodezzy
I was at work when I wrote the earlier post. Gloria says she will get the recipe to you tomorrow, but if she forgets I'll send it to you.
I just had another thought....what about chocolate MINT chips in the fudge????
Tomorrow, as I told Mary in Colorado, you shall have the recipes. I always do them for Christmas - everyone loves them because they melt in your mouth & they are super-easy. I will dig them out tonight.
Thanks, looking forward to getting the recipes, eating M&M's Peanut candies right now, for breakfast with coffee. The same as a sweet roll - right? (giggle)
Oh, Rodezzy - M&Ms for breakfast!!! Of course, you have to look at the nutrition in the nuts, eh? :) Just as good as a good large mochaciino to start the day! Yum!
I haven't had a chance to jump in here but chocolate is my 'favorite food group'.......! If I go without chocolate for a few days I feel I must find something.........even a handful of chocolate chips will help!! ha ha That is desparation!!!!!! ha ha LOL Really don't know what my favorite is.......just about anything chocolate. Just reading about all the things that are favorites makes me drool! I have yet to run out in my jammies to get a 'fix' tho.........guess I can usually find something around the house........even if it is just choc. chips! I buy good ones........Gharadelli (sp) is a good one and I buy 5 lb. bags!!
Glad to hear I'm not alone in my 'addiction'!
Crazy Kay
My mother has always got something original and declicious baking when little ones are around to gobble them up. A favorite for her tea parties was "ladies hats". When the chocolate cookies are almost done, you drop on a half a marshmallow, top it off with those flower shaped sprinkles, vwalla! They are darling and so yummy.
I have to get her recipe for chocolate cherry cake, I had forgotten it.
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