Hello all. I’ve been reading the discussions for some time, but have not posted anything. I’ve been quilting for several years and recently I’ve been taking classes in garment construction and am hooked! I want to buy a dress form and am considering a Uniquely You or Fabulous Fit. Does anyone have experience with either or these or can you suggest another brand that fits a modest budget?
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I have one of the professional forms sold through Fabulous Fit, along with their system of foam pads. I absolutely love this system! It is infinitely changeable....that's one of the things I like best about it. I have clients ranging in sizes from 8 to over 20 and I can use my form with them all just by adding or removing padding under the stretchy covers. Duplicating someone's curves seems difficult the first few times, but definitely becomes easier with practice. I much prefer this type of adjustable system than one you can't change.
I still have my papier maché one from Angelina diBello's system that I made 23 years ago......it hasn't fit since I had my first child in 1986, but it makes for interesting sewing room decor, wearing a hat and a draped bit of fabric! ;-)
Thanks for your response. I wonder if shaping the form is difficult? I don't have a sewing buddy and am not very handy (to put it mildly).
It isn't difficult at all....it just requires some trial and error and a healthy dose of patience until you get the hang of it all. Oh yes, and a good mirror and tape measure.
Patience, mirror and tape measure I have!. Thanks...
I have been following this discussion with interest. I just purchased a new My Double Deluxe Dress Form (by Dritz and $175 at Jo-Ann's). I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to take it out of the box yet, but I will let you know how I cope with the adjustments necessary to create "my double." I agree with FitnessNut that a dress form is essential to good fit and that you really do become dependent on having one available. And it certainly saves you from trying garments on incessantly while in the construction stage. Unfortunately, my old dress form (the parchment type) was created at a time in my life when my waist was 24". Those days are gone forever! I intend to keep it around, though, because they come in handy in so many cases - for example, we have hosted three garden weddings over the past three years and each time I was able to drape the dress form with an antique wedding dress and place it at the wedding site. Just beautiful! Also, when we give ethnic-type dinners I bring it into the entry and drape it with a kimono, sari, etc. Sets the mood.
I'll let you know what this new one is like and whether I would recommend it.
Thank you for responding. I'll be interested to see how you like your new dress form. I think your use of the older one is great! Love those ideas. I, too, had one from many years ago (left in a home I purchased) and I left it there when I moved on. I wish I had it now. At that time, I didn't sew. Presently I'm either sewing or planning to sew or thinking of future proejcts. What a great hobby. I'm retired and have time. We are expecting our first grand baby in May and I am busy with crib sheets and a quilt for her in between making a few clothes for myself.
I had the uniquely you dress form when I was making custom dresses and it was interesting, it was a very full sized form with a strong fabric cover that zipped up the back. I would pin it right on my customer in her underwear sew the seams and zip it on the form. then compare measurements , take it in a little more and it was very much the same as my client .So it could fit more than one person .but it would be tricky to try to pin yourself, if your husband can do fittings your in good shape! Mine refuses to learn to pin but he's really handy at the end of that tape measure now that I've turned to making long straight things. Drapes and cornices and such.do you sew for different people or just for your self? Susan
P. S. I gave her away to a fellow seamstress along with my many alteration customers and in return she sends home dec customers to me . She was the first other seamstress who was kind to me and not competitive or jealous of my talents. we admire and respect each other and its nice.I'm brand new to the computer world and how fun to share and learn from each other at this forum.
Susan: I am also enjoying this forum. Its my first and I'm learning a lot about techniques and resources.
I sew only for myself. I started taking classes at G Street Fabrics in Rockville, MD about a year ago. I have a wonderful teacher there and she suggested Uniquely Yours dress form although I am leaning toward Fabulous Fit because I think it may be easier to duplicate my size. My husband doesn't have a clue about fitting a dress form but he is very good at checking sleeve and pants hems, and figuring out quilt patterns (an accountant).
I am taking a class in tissue pattern fitting pants in Palmer/Pletsch method next weekend. Has anyone had experience with that?
I have a Uniquely You form and it's great. It took some time and several fittings to fit it well, but even my uninterested husband helped fit parts I couldn't reach. It's great for me since I have a long torso and higher bust than most patterns, and I can easily cut and spread or move up the bust apex right on the form. I especially love that the front, side, back, neck and shoulder seam lines are in the cover, and I marked my waist line with a marker.
I read a good article in Threads about dress forms which you might want to check out. There's also more info online. One option as well is to have a friend help you make a duct tape form, but it sounds like they have a pretty short life span. It's an idea to try before you spend money on a commercial form.
Good luck,
Thanks for your input. I read the Threads article and it was helpful. Where on-line could I get more info? I'm trying to look before I leap!
I am thinking of buying a Uniquely You dress form. I am short-waisted and have a low bust with a wide bust span. How would I adjust the cover--especially for the waist?Thanks,Beth1
Beth, I bought a form that was rather larger than my measurements (I was between two sizes and went up). Then I fit the cover with zero or negative ease, and when zipped on it was just right. The cover compresses the parts where you're smaller and can move bust, waist, hip, placement.
Hope this helps, Summer
Thanks! Does the cover have such large side seams that you can drape where the waistline goes? When I alter patterns, I take a horizontal tuck on the front and back bodice on the shorten/lengthen line between the bust and waist. Would I take a tuck in the cover for my short waist length?
"Thanks! Does the cover have such large side seams that you can drape where the waistline goes? When I alter patterns, I take a horizontal tuck on the front and back bodice on the shorten/lengthen line between the bust and waist. Would I take a tuck in the cover for my short waist length?"
The cover has princess seams with 4 full length panels in back and 2 full length, 2 upper chest and 2 torso panels in front. You would fit it where your waist is without shortening the cover, and the fabric cover will squeeze the foam into your shape. If you took a tuck for length the cover wouldn't be long enough to cover the bottom of the foam underneath. It sounds complicated and is difficult to explain with text, but is really easy to understand once you see the cover, form and directions.
If you'd like me to email you some photos of my form with the cover on, just let me know.
I have a Fabulous Fit dress form and I love it. I got it on closeout for $250. It comes with a manual describing how to arrange the pads, and each pad is labeled ("thigh", "shoulder", "stomach"). So it is really just a matter of adding, subtracting, or shifting pads around to fill out the tape measure. It's really not hard.
The form is made really well, and mine has adjustable height and rolling wheels on a cast iron base. It's attractive enough to set in a store window or use as a decorative piece, if that's important to you. The lycra bodysuit is made well and holds up to repeated zipping and unzipping and stretching to rearrange the pads.
I have to say that ordering the dress form was aggravating. They shipped the form but forgot the cover and the pads, then shipped the pads, and forgot the cover. They shipped the cover, but I never did get a receipt. But even so, it is such a great product, I'm willing to think it was just an off week for them.
Thanks for telling me about your Fabulous Fit. I'm curious -- where did you go for close out price? Did you order from Fabulous Fit in New York?
I ordered it from the website. It was a closeout on size 8's and I think she has stopped carrying the style. Mine is a misses form, with partial legs down to about mid-thigh (nice for working with pants), with a cast iron support running into one of the legs and a base on wheels. Good luck!
I am just reading this discussion after looking at the article in Threads on the same topic and have a question about one point of adjustability. My waist length is extremely short which makes fitting for jackets, coats, and well just about anything at all tailored really difficult. I always end up with a sort of balloon of fabric above the waist in the back. It seems that a dress form with a short waist would be the ideal solution but I haven't seen that anyone has been able to adjust for that. Do you know if it's possible to use the pads to shorten up the waist? It sounds like the Fabulous Fit form may be the popular choice and I wouldn't mind the investment if it will work for my issues. Thanks!
Make a dress form cover that duplicates your figure (meaning it has zero ease and a dart between the breasts to form a natural shape. Use ####commercial pattern for a "basic fitting shell" (usually is shown in the pattern books with big gingham checks). You may need someone to help you with the fitting because eyes and arms can't see or reach backwards! Put a two way separating zipper in the back. cover your dress form with nylon net as a foundation. Pad out your dress form with upholsterer's cotton batting (not available in fabric stores...check your local upholsterer) and zip on your cover. Pad stitch the whole thing to keep the batting in place. Mark key lines (bust, waist hip, princess lines, bust circle) with black embroidery thread. You're in biz.
These are the dress form manufacturer's I recommend, all found on line. They all list their dimensions and sizing. If you have questions, call and ask before buying.
FABULOUS FIT 1-800-853-9644
Paper Mache Misses Form
Paper Mache Women;s Plus Size Form
Oak Base Personal Women's Form
Iron Base Maxima Misses Form
DRESSRITE 1-773-588-5761
Gold Body Forms for mature figures
Industrial Forms
Tailoring Forms - Professional Model
WOLF DRESS FORMS 1-201-567-6572
The Mercedes of dress forms and the fashion industry standard. Pricey.
All types of forms are available. Shipping is by LTL truck which makes the cost
of shipping almost as much as the dress form when shipped across country. However, check with Wolf Forms to see if that is still their policy.
ROYAL DRESS FORMS 1-516-887-5266
There are other, less expensive forms available although I encourage you to purchase the best form you can afford.
My personal favorite devices are the foot pedal that raises and lowers the form easily, collapsible shoulders which enable you to get snug fitting garments on the form, and a “spin-stopper”, which keeps the dress form from turning away from you while you are draping or fitting a garment. I also recommend that you choose a form that has a padded cover (batting and cotton twill) as a foundation, rather than simply an extruded hard foam or knit covered metal plates.
Select a form which is about two sizes smaller than you are, but has approximately the same back neck length. A longer back neck length is OK since that can be padded out, but a shorter length could mean that the outward curve of the hip might interfere with establishing the waistline in proper proportions.
Another area to consider is the position of the bust apex and the shape of the chest or breast bone. If you are very hollow in the area above your bust, a dress form that is shaped high and flat in that area will not work for you. I have had to commit surgery with an electric knife and power sander in order to help my students adjust their dress forms for a good fit.
A third trouble spot is the back neck, especially for those of us in the baby boomer generation who might be developing a bit of a dowager’s hump. This can sometimes be compensated for by slightly raising the entire dress form cover by padding up the shoulder area so that the neckline is actually lifted away from the dress form’s stationery neck. If your head/ sits forward of the shoulder line, the back neck area can be somewhat problematic but not insurmountable. Be careful not to throw off armscye, bust and waistline areas however when raising the shoulderline.
Depending on your figure type, you may also want to inquire about the derriere of your dress form. It is possible, with some companies, to choose a form with a nicely rounded backside or one that is quite flat in the back. Ask the manufacturer and look at the forms on line if you have a preference.
Hope this helps!
I wanted to get back into this forum to let people know how I fared with the MyDouble Deluxe Dress Form. This being income tax time it has taken me longer than I expected to get it out of the box and assembled. First, assembly couldn't be more simple. That accomplished, I have mixed thoughts on how useful a form it will be (at least for the long term). There are the basic areas of adjustment and some limited guidance on adding foam padding where needed, but it is a basic form only and I would imagine that if you have a more complicated or rapidly changing figure, or need to accommodate others, then this would not be the form for you. Personally, with the exception of a thick waist and a slightly protruding belly, my figure is not really all that complicated. Therefore, I think the form will actually serve me well until my figure undergoes more transformation (time and gravity being inevitable). In its favor are the relatively low cost, ease of assembly, and availability practically everywhere. This does have the pants feature which I have found to be a hassle trying to get off and on and it should be noted that there is no adjustment for rounded or (as in my case) a flat derriere. Hope this helps anyone wanting to make up their mind about a dress form. As in most things in life, you get what you pay for.
I am very narrow in the front chest;have a low bust, with a very wide bust span; square shoulders; wide back. My chest is 35" and bust 37-1/2", and am not that busty. Which dress forms should I avoid? You mentioned that some are shaped high and flat in the chest area, and won't work (and need surgery!). Thanks.
The best way to purchase a form is to consult with the manufacturer. Start by looking at their size charts...usually they are pretty comprehensive. Then talk to their representative. Be sure you have thoroughly measured and recorded your own body first. The low, wide bust can probably be managed fairly easily if you buy a form that is two or three sizes smaller and make a padded dress form cover that duplicates your figure to zip over the top. Most of my students end up with Fabulous Fit (without the pads) or DressRite forms and one or two have even ordered custom made forms from DressRite. Wolf also will custom make your form to your figure specifications. (I cannot speak to how well the measurements replicate your actual shape however.) I do not recommend the Uniquely You or Dritz adjustable forms because the first is extremely difficult to shape and the second is not durable or easily pinnable. However, the Dritz forms are the least expensive and if it is what you can afford, then certainly purchase one and make a cover for it that will make it functional. ( These are usually sold in JoAnn Fabrics so be sure to look them over carefully to be sure they would work for you.) If you go back and review the March Threads #123, the photos of the forms in side view show the Wolf form as most likely to replicate your upper chest area. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply. I spoke with a woman who seemed to be very knowledgeable at Fabulous Fit. She advised me that I really am between a size 6 and size 8 dress form (very narrow front chest, much wider back). She said that I should get a size 8, and "file down" the front chest. Is this difficult to do? She seemed to think that the size 6 would be too small to pad up for my measurements, especially with my 9 1/4 inch bust span (the form had a 7 1/4-inch bust span). I was considering an upgraded form with the foot pedal, linen cover, and collapsible shoulder that is going to be on sale in a couple of weeks. Maybe however, "filing down" is easier with their basic Iso foam (Maxima) form? I also looked into the Dritz forms, which do not have the same back waist length as mine, in the correct size (small). The My Double Deluxe form back waist length is adjustable from 14 inches to 16 inches. My back waist length seems to be 16 1/4" to 16 1/2", depending on how my husband measures. The Dritz Twin Fit form has a 15 inch back waist length (not adjustable) in the size small. Joann.com has a Singer adjustable dress form that has the right back waist length (16 1/4 inches to 18 inches or so), which would work. However, I have never seen a Singer dress form. I am going to call the Wolf dress form company tomorrow to check out their sizing. Any opinions? I wouldn't mind spending the money, if I felt the dress form would work. I have never done any padding to dress forms. Should I go with one of the adjustable forms?
If you can afford a better quality form, I would not select an adjustable form. They do not stand up to consistent, long term use. I'm curious about the bust span on the size 8 the Fabulous Fit rep recommends. Is it signigicantly different from the size 6? I used an electric knife and an orbital sander to alter the Fab Fit form for one of my students. She purchased the smallest size they made and it was too broad in the back. Generally speaking, I tell my students to buy a smaller size and pad up (my Wolf form is a size 9 and is currently wearing a zip on cover in a size 20..this allows me to also zip on a Size 14 cover for my daughter when I work on a project for her) It is better to have a longer back waist length, which can be padded out than a shorter length because the outward curve of the hip will prevent you from lowering the waist line. I will attach a few photos of my students working on their dress form covers to illustrate the process and end product. The first foto is a student wearing her fitting block garment. This is used to make a permanent sloper or "basic block" set (Bodice front and back, skirt front and back, darted sleeve). The block, or sloper, is used to make a torso block pattern which is used to cut out the dress form cover, although you could use the basic block pattern pieces with all the ease removed and a dart between the breasts to form a natural shape. The second foto shows a student padding out the form over a tulle foundation, and filling in all the curves of the dress form. The 3rd foto shows two students working on their forms as they reach a more finished stage. Hope this helps. PS... Sorry about duplicating two of the fotos..couldn't figure out how to remove the extras!
Thanks for the reply. I went ahead and ordered a Dritz form (before I read this post). I talked with the Fabulous Fit salesperson yesterday, who told me I shouldn't try to pad out a dress form more than 4 inches in a given location (ie waist, hips, etc.). Therefore, based on that discussion, I decided that it wasn't making sense for me to get as small of a size as I know I need for my front chest (size 6). It sounds like you must do more padding than 4 inches to take a size 9 up to a 20. I didn't ask about the bust span on a size 8. She told me that filing down the form would apply to the Maxima form, which is the foam one, and not the more expensive forms they sell. I had decided that I was not interested in that form, as it didn't have the foot pedal. Thank you so much for the pictures, they are very helpful. I have really learned a lot about padding from your posts. I am going to pad and cover the Dritz form, and hope for the best!
Hello Beth,Congratulations on adding a dress form to your workroom. I know you will quickly realize you don't know how you lived without it! With all due respect to the Fabulous Fit sales rep, she simply is clueless as to how much padding can be added to a dress form! Good luck with padding out your dress form. I know you will love the results.
It sounds to me as though you're a candidate for a custom form. You might want to look at a My Twin, for which you are wrapped in plaster bandages and the resulting form is filled with foam. This can be done entirely by Linda Shoppe at http://www.mytwin.com, or you can get a kit. I have one of these babies, and can tell you that for good or ill, it reproduces every curve! There's a discussion of the DIY process at http://www.patternreview.comOn the cheap, you can have someone make a form by wrapping you in moistened brown paper shipping tape, which becomes hard when it dries. This is a very old custom technique, and is described in an online Threads article with a title something like "Clone Yourself a Fitting Assistant." I have read excellent reviews of the brown paper form, and its only disadvantage is that you cannot stick pins right into it (but you can't do that on your own body, anyhow).Another possibility is the famous Duct-Tape Double (described in the same Threads article). I have read that these sag and distort with time, but haven't actually made one myself.
You seem so knowledgable that I decided to ask you if I can get a dress form that someone else puts together for me. I haven't sewn in 30 years. I'm getting back to it because I can't get any clothes that fit correctly. I took a class on making a sloper but I never learned how to use the sloper with an actual pattern--like where to add ease. The sloper's instructions just said to add x number of inches for ease if you want a snug fit, x number for another kind of fit, and x number for another. It never said where on a blouse to add the ease. I thought maybe my best bet is to have a dress form made for me but it looks like from viewing all the messages you have to make the dress form yourself. Is that right? I don't want to spend a lot of money and not know what I'm doing. What do you recommend?
You can certainly have one made for you. Linda Shoppe at http://www.mytwin.com cast me. It ain't cheap, but by golly, the form is ME.
I clicked on the address for mytwin in your message and was directed to a site for a doll call My Twin. In the process of being directed, the Internet added an "n" to MyTwinn. I wonder if mytwin dress form is out of business?
Ooops, mea culpa! It's this one:http://www.mytwindressforms.com/I just checked the site, and everything looks good.Linda, the owner, lives not far from me, and I was down at her place just last month, so I'm sure she's still casting, sanding, and working away.
Oh, dear, it is kind of expensive but I think worth it. Since I live in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., it looks like I'll have to have my husband plaster me using the video and kits. Now all I have to do is talk him into it.
Thanks for the information.
Hello Bunny01,
I guess the strtaight up answer is you betcha...I'm sure there is someone who could put together a personal fit dress form cover for you. Unfortunately, you are in DC which is a long way from anyone I could recommend since I'm in California. There are alternatives of course. As someone else suggested, the dress form companies offer custom made forms which are gorgeous...you are fortunate to be on the east coast where you might be able to visit the Wolf Dress Form company, have a form made and go pick it up when it was ready which would save you about $500 in shipping costs (which is approximately what an LTL carrier charges to send it to CA). Dress forms don't get any better than the Wolf form. (Wolf Dress Forms 1-201-567-6572 http://www.wolfform.com) The form itself is about $500 for their regular forms...a custom form is more but you would have to inquire as to price. These forms are very pinnable since they are softly padded and have a sturdy stitched cover and are marked with all the appropriate guidelines. They also have all the working conveniences that make using the form easy and comfortable (iron stand, foot pedal to raise and lower, collapsible shoulders, etc.) As for your sloper that seems a mystery, I would recommend Helen Joseph Armstrong's book "Patternmaking for Fashion Design". It is comprehensive, easy to follow, beautifully illustrated and covers everything you could want to know about patternmaking. There is a section on developing a basic block sloper that charts out where and how much to add. You should have basic ease allowances built into your sloper already though. (Slopers generally include ease but leave off any seam allowances.) Helen's book tells you how to use your basic sloper to create other styles of garments as well. There's even a DVD that walks you through pattern development of about a dozen styles of varying degress of difficulty. So, in the end, no you don't have to make your own form but that alternative has a great deal going for it. Since you are not so far from New York, perhaps you could research some of the garment district tailor supply houses and find one that sells used dress forms. If you purchased one that was smaller than you are, then you could build a cover to zip over the top. Building your own in the way I described in this forum has a lot of residual benefits such as giving you a solid refresher course in fitting and patternmaking which could help with all that sewing you are looking forward to doing. You also may want to check out the American Sewing Guild in your area to find women of "like mind" where you might find a sewing buddy. Hope this was helpful and not overwhelming. Best of luck with your search for the ultimate sewing room tool!
Thank you so much. Your info is so helpful. As soon as I finish typing your thank you note, I'm going to order the book you recommend from Amazon and look at Wolf's dress form site. Again, thanks for your great suggestions.
Hi Bunny. I have followed all posts on choosing a dress form. I live in Washington DC and began sewing within the last couple of years. I have taken lots of great classes locally. If you are interested in exchanging ideas, information, etc., let me know. As far as a dress form, I am leaning towards Fabulous Fit because its less expensive than the twin form and, if your weight or shape changes, it can be modified with the pads.
Pearl, I have just started back to sewing within the past year-year and a half and I, too, have taken a lot of sewing classes during that time at G St Fabrics. I'm amazed how much sewing has changed in the last thirty years. BUT--I am currently on Weight Watchers' and hope to lose 60 lbs by March, 2007, then I'll see how much lose, saggy skin I have. If I don't look saggy or my face doesn't look like a concentration camp inmate, I'll go down 20 lbs more. In the meantime I'm checking out dress forms for when I'm no longer a BBW (big, beautiful woman--I wish!). But I'm not sure I'm good enough yet to work with a dress form. I have been looking at various dress forms one of which was Fabulous Fit. I looked at another one that had buttons to adjust various parts of the form to conform to your body. I wonder if that wouldn't be easier to adapt to my form. I forget the name of that company. Have you heard of such a form? Which one of Fabulous Fit did you decide to purchase? I don't want to pay $1,257 for the Gold Pro Series but I'm afraid that Maxima for $347 and no legs is too cheap. I wear a lot of slacks now that I'm retired so I'll need legs on my form.
I think your idea of exchanging info is great and I'll start right now. Have you ever worked with two-way stretch jersey? I want to make some short-sleeve shirts for the summer but I've never worked on jersey. I'm trying to work up my nerve to start on it.
Sorry, didn't mean to get so wordy.
Bunny: I am considering the Fabulous Fit Maxima. I wear slacks a lot too, but maybe I am naive in thinking that once I get a good fit in a couple of styles, I'll make those patterns again and again and a dress forms with legs will not be important????
I have not worked with stretch jersey or knits yet. I'm taking a class on Sewing with Knits next Saturday. I recently purchased a serger and am anxious to use it for more than seam finishes.
Hang in there with Weight Watchers! I am a life time member although I have strayed in recent years. I believe their approach is a healthy, realistic one.
It might be well if we could chat without posting to the entire group, but I don't know how to give you my real name and e-mail address without sharing it with the world.
I have a hotmail account to which you can write. The address is [email protected] (with an underscore in the space). For unwanted e-mail, I'll just filter it out.
The reason why I wanted the legs in a form is that too many of my slacks have crotches that are too long. The crotch is not to my knees but is probably between 1/4 to 1/2 the distance between my crotch and knees. If I take up the crotch the slacks are too short even if I take the hem out.
Oh, you lucky duck! A serger! I bought a mid-price Bernina for my birthday about a year ago but I didn't have enough nerve to get a serger. I wanted to see if I was creative/talented enough to justify the expense.
Let me know how your knits class goes. I should have done that but I got a little too confident after my sloper class.
When you e-mail me back, I'll reply with my real name.
Hi Bunny. I have had two unsuccessful attempts at contacting you via hot mail account. Someone else was kind enough to send instructions on another way to write you off-post but I couldn't do that either. Try responding to this message. I have included information in my profile that may allow you to do so.
Just a brief additional note: when making your cover, make a muslin first to perfect the fit, then cut your cover out of Tee Shot Poplin or a similar weight fabric (white is usually best). I don't recommend using gingham for your fitting shell...all the lines just confuse the issue when fitting. (I also forgot to mention, I teach this process at The Place to Sew in Santa Rosa, CA. and give all this same info to my students.) Best of luck to you and happy sewing.
This post is archived.