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Conversational Threads

Christine Jonson’s Three Tee’s

user-217847 | Posted in Gather For A Chat on

Hi there ladies

can any one tell me how much longer Christine Jonsons Three Tee’s pattern will be out of print, can’t find an E mail address from my site here. would very much appreciate your help.



  1. jatman | | #1

    This pattern appears to be available at a website called http://www.thesewingplace.com.   Hopefully it won't suddenly be put on backorder once you give them your information.  Looks like they ship internationally as well.


    1. user-217847 | | #2

      thanks jt and you to cherry pops

      much appreciated lee

      1. jatman | | #3

        No problem!  Have you sewn anything from this collection before or bought any of the 'slinky' material that Christine Jonson sells?  Just curious!


        1. user-217847 | | #4

          Hi J T,

          I've just received CJ inset jacket pattern, and I  have just enough pure silk in one piece to make it up. I have trouble controlling my internal temperature (Ihavent used a blanket in years). This looked dressy enough and using natural fibres might make me just a little less strange. I've never purchased fabric on line it looks nice and I have been tempted but.


          1. jatman | | #6

            Hi WW,

            Sounds like it's going to be really pretty.  I've been tempted to try some of these patterns but have not yet done so.  I discovered the website after moving to Europe from the US.  Ironically, her office where she teaches is about 10 kilometers from where I live in the US.  Guess I'll have to take some classes when I get back home!  Let us know how your jacket and tees turn out...maybe post a picture?



  2. user-217847 | | #5

    cherry pops, going to the site now and ta


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