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Classic jean jacket pattern

dorothy_c59 | Posted in Patterns on

I want to make a classic ‘Levis’ style jean jacket for my (tall but very slim) 12 year old daughter, and I can’t find a pattern. Does anyone have any sources ?  I could draft one I guess, but it seems like they are a lot of fiddly little pieces to figure out. Denim jackets run about $70 – $80 in her size in the mall (here in Los Angeles ) and sale price denim is $5 a yard.






  1. Jean | | #1

    This one is a Kwik Sew pattern--#2985.

    If this isn't the one you want they have lots of different styles of jackets too.

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  2. carolfresia | | #2

    I was going to suggest Kwik Sew, too, but I haven't been able to find a pattern in a child's size. You may be able to use a very small woman's size, but if your daughter is quite slender it could still be too big.

    THe other place I've recently seen a child's classic jeans jacket is in the summer 2002 issue of OTTOBREdesign magazine, a pattern magazine (with traceable patterns included) published in Finland. I know that sounds completely far-fetched, but it's another option. Go to http://www.ottobredesign.com and check out the back issues (this one is 2/2002, and has a little blond girl on the cover in a white dress, holding a bouquet of roses)--but beware that these are not in English so you'll have to be prepared to figure out the directions on your own! If you're adventurous, I think you'll enjoy the magazine in general, which has a whole bunch of other trendy, cute clothes for kids.


    1. dorothy_c59 | | #3

      Thanks so much. I went to the OttobreDesign site and they are producing the magazine in English from 01/2003 and I ordered the back issue in German (which I speak). I'm originally from the UK and I used to like European sewing magazines, this was a good find.

      1. carolfresia | | #4

        I'm glad to hear you read German. I've gotten the subscription here in the Threads office in Dutch, since I read Dutch better than German these days, and have found it quite easy to navigate--except for names of specialty products (fusible fleece, etc.), which I sometimes have to struggle with. I love this magazine (read my review of it in Threads, No. 104) for its hip styling and very usable designs, as well as the founder's philosophy of design for children. When I contacted her, I was delighted to hear that she's starting to publish in English in the coming year; I think she'll find a very receptive English-speaking audience.

        I'd love to hear how you like the patterns when you've had a chance to try them.


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