Hi everybody:
Does anyone know of a place that sells clear bra straps, the kind that are very popular on ready to wear right now? I would like to use them for a full slip. I’ve checked places online such as Sew Sassy, but unless I’m overlooking them, I can’t find anyone who sells them. Or, is there a way to stabilize the clear elastic on the market and use this as straps? Thank you!!
I recently purchased a bra from a local store that came with clear bra straps. They have a website, not sure if they sell them individually or not, but you could probably email them and ask.
Good luck,
Edited 8/14/2002 5:35:18 PM ET by TERI139
Thanks for the suggestion! I've found some regular retail shops online that sell them in pairs or by the dozen. Also, for anyone else who may also be looking, I believe they are now selling them at Elan Patterns online. Thanks!
I was really surprised, but my local Hancocks sells them. It might be worth calling chain stores in your area.
I've seen them at Wal-mart, too.
I have purchased the clear straps at Joann Fabrics. You might check them online. They had 2 kinds, stretch and firm. good luck
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