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Conversational Threads

Comparing Sergers

racer | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

I want to begin shopping for a new serger. Does anyone now where I can find some objective info before I hit the road?



  1. selwood | | #1

    I love my Bernette but it is several years old. Some sergers are harder to thread than others as our eyesight wanes. If I were to shop for a new one I might start looking for one with a self threading mechanism. Also one that French hems easily that mine balks a bit at. I am sure they have improved since. There are 3,4,5 threaded ones, I believe. Depends on what you have to spend, what you will use it for, and how close the repairman is.

  2. carolfresia | | #2

    Yes, as a matter of fact! We'll be doing an overview on choosing a serger, which should appear in the Aug/Sept issue of Threads. Can you wait that long? In the meantime, I'm sure our web friends have some input for you...


  3. snivsl | | #3

    Well, I have the BL Evolve and if you look on most sewing sites this is overwhelmingly the easiest machine ever.  No tension (although you can adjust if you feel you must) air threading- just still thread in a hole, press and it threads it for you, you don't have to thread in any specific order its just fabulous.  You'll buy it and in minutes you'll be sewing. 

    You'll end up using it because its so easy.  A lot of my friends have other sergers and are reluctant to use often because it's such a pain, but this is so easy you won't be intimidated.  Ask around -- you'll see.

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