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Conversational Threads

Concealed Button Coat Closure

Lisbet21 | Posted in General Discussion on

I know that to a professional, or experienced sewer, this may see like a simple and easy situation to solve.

I am working with a Vogue Coat Pattern that has a regular buttoning front. However, I would like to convert it to a concealed button closure. Have no idea as how to approach this project so that the finished product will not look amateurish. Does someone know where I can look for guidance? Perhaps one of the back issues of Threads? Or, I would be willing to buy a coat pattern that has such a feature already included. 


  1. mimi | | #1

    Lisbet21:  The current issue of Threads has an article on coats with a concealed placket (shown on Vogue 2472).  It is on Page 46 with a close-up of the inside on 49.


    1. KarenW | | #2

      There was also an article in the last few years on creating this hidden placket in a jacket - I'm sure same technique could be used on a coat (hope so, I'm planning to!).  Can't remember which issue but I'd check the Threads magazine site index.  I seem to recall it was done on a teal colored jacket, very nice.


      1. Lisbet21 | | #3

        Thank you Karen! I have just placed an order for the pattern via the Vogue website.

        I have the current issue of Threads, but you "woke me up" to the fact that the concealed placket was included on that particular coat pattern. Again, Thanks !!


        1. Lisbet21 | | #4

          OOOPS !! My very first post on this discussion group, and I have already made a mistake ! I really wanted to thank "mimi" for her reply.

          However, my Thank You to both mimi and Karen. I do have a few years of back issues, so will try going through them. Perhaps I can find some more info. on the subject.

          Sorry for the faux pas....please forgive !

          1. mimi | | #5

            Welcome, Lisbet21!  Gatherings is a very friendly place.  I would love to see a picture of your finished coat.


          2. chopchop | | #6

            Hi, I wrote the article on winter coats in the current issue and I'm pretty sure the pattern doesn't show a hidden button closure. If you need more information on making one just let me know.
            It's my preferred way of closing winter coats - every little bit of warmth helps in a North American winter.

  2. sewpro | | #7

    You probably have enough info by now, but I will just throw in my two cents worth! I would buy another pattern showing the hidden plcket and combine it with the coat pattern. You only want the front details, so just line up the center fronts and add the extension on the right side of the coat. You can use a jacket or a blouse pattern and just extend the lines down the length of the coat. Good luck!

    1. Lisbet21 | | #8

      Many Thanks for your in-put.....That is exactly what I have done. I have ordered the coat pattern from Vogue shown in the current issue of Threads. 

      1. chopchop | | #9

        If you take a look at issue 112 it shows how to do a hidden button placket. Good luck.

        1. Lisbet21 | | #10

          Thank you very much. I took this long with my reply, because I have been searching for my copy of issue 112. Ironically it seems that my collection stops at 111.

          At that period in time, I sustained an injury....had to be hospitalized, so my subscription lapsed. Hopefully I can buy from Thread's "Back Issues" Dept.

          Again, my thanks..... your help is much appreciated.

          1. chopchop | | #11

            I'm sure they have a back issue. Let me know if they don't. Good luck.

This post is archived.

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