Hello Carol, I am wondering if you can help me out ? About 2 yearts or so ago there was an article on upolstering stools and i seem to remember the most wonderfuk embroidery designs used to embelish them .I am wondering who the artist was and whether it is possible get them over the net?
I love the designs on the threads embroidery sight and am wondering if you have any suggestions for sites which have more contemporary designs than alot of the other sites offer.
I think you're referring to the ottomans, by Saskia Wassing-Shepard. They are wonderful. Unfortunately, the embroidery designs she uses are not available, since she free-motion embroiders all her things. You could try that, using her designs as a starting point for you own ideas.
As for contemporary embroidery designs, I don't really know of a place that specializes in that. Most of the larger companies (OESD, Cactus Punch, Amazing Designs) have some contemporary styles, but you do have to look. You could take a look at http://www.bullarddesigns.com; these aren't all exactly "modernist" in look, but Bobbi, the designer, has a nice eye for shapes and pleasing lines, so her collections are pretty versatile, and can be traditional or more contemporary in feel.
Here's some Lois Erickson designs:
How could I forget those?! And there are matching rubber stamps so you can do multi-layered designs.
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