Hi Everyone!
I’m new to this site and you all seem very helpful! I can’t seem to find an answer to this, so here’s hopin’…
I’d like to convert a one pieces, straight leg (full length) pants pattern to bell bottoms. Just to clarify, it’s virtually the same pattern as the pants on Simplicity #5991. If it’s at all possible, do I flare the side seam or slash the center and add width, or a combination of both?
Thanks in advance!
I'm unfamiliar with the Simplicity pattern to which you are referring, however if you have a regular trouser pattern foundation, simply determine where the knee level is and decide from where you would like the pants to start flaring (ie. above, at, or below the knee) Adding to the sides would be enough (no need to slash,) but I would add an extra inch to the length of the pattern - flared (or bellbottom) pants are generally slightly longer than regular trouser patterns.
Thanks Shelly! I'm going to try it when I get home tonight (looks like take-out again)!
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