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Conversational Threads


marymary | Posted in Equipment and Supplies on

This subject may have been covered in the past, but without a way to search by subject, I am going to start the subject over. I have a Bernina Coverstitch machine. It has not worked correctly from the day I got it. I even took it back to the dealer and he said it was my fault for not using better thread. He tried what he thought was better thread and got the same results…skipped stitches. He fiddled with it for a while and got it to stitch and sent me home. I am not a novice. I collect vintage machines, clean them, and make them work. I sew on an industrial Juki and a Bernina 1630. I say this only to illustrate that I know how my machines work, except for this coverstitch! It will start skipping stitches in the middle of a project for no apparent reason. I have reached the point where I have to say, “I made a mistake buying the Bernina Coverstitch”. I did buy it when the only other one available was the Brother. I would like to know if anyone else has the Bernina and has had the same problems. I would also like to know if those of you who have Babylocks or Janomes have problems. Do I scuttle the Bernina and buy another brand?


  1. alotofstitches | | #1

    I no your frustration! I don't have that machine but I do have bernina serger with a coverstitch. I don't use the coverstitch very often so I have to be really careful when I set up/thread for that stitch--if I have the least thing off it will not sew or will skip stitiches. I have several Berninas & believe they are quality machines but I would take fabric and "test-drive" some new sergers. My previous serger was an Elna (I loved it) but those dealers are hard to find now. Good luck!

    1. marymary | | #2

      Yes, it is frustrating! Yesterday, it worked perfectly. What I have is the Bernina Funlock Coverstitch. It is the stand alone. If I get another, it will be a dedicated machine because I do have two sergers. I would love to get an industrial, but space is a consideration. At least with the home machines I can pick them up and move them around.

      1. rsew | | #5

        I have a Janome Craft Compuloc Serger model 888. I use the both options of serging and coverstitch quite often. I have had some missed stitches with the coverstitch, if you have a reputable sewing machine dealer they will/should be able to help you with tips to avoid these missed stitches. I have found that if I do a test run of stitches and adjust tensions I can usually remedy the missed stitches issue. Often times the correct needle is the problem Janome has a website to address questions/problems.

  2. Palady | | #3

    Because the dealer you took your Bernina to for repair was patronizing at best, would you consider being in touch with the comapny.

    This next URL came form the Contact Us link on their Home Page. It may take some days to get a reply IF you get one. But it is an option. MO.



    1. marymary | | #4

      Thanks nepa for the link. It was so long ago that I am sure Bernina would ignore me now. I did contact them about another matter with my 1630 many years ago. I kept getting answers, but the answers had nothing to do with my questions. Bernina has lost me as a customer.

      1. rsew | | #6

        May I inquire where you purchased your Juki Machine? Are you pleased with the results the machine produces?

        1. marymary | | #8

          rsew, strangely, it was the same dealer. I bought both at Renton Sewing Machine Service, Renton, WA. They have been in business since forever, but started carrying Berninas just a few years ago. The service I got with my Juki was fabulous. It is a 9000, but I can't remember the letters. This is the same as the 8700DDL with a longer bed. I love, love this machine. I don't know why it took me so long to buy it. It has a computer component that allows me to do needle up/down, thread cutter, and a few other things. It only does SS, so I use my Bernina for everything else. I do remove the feeddogs if I want to FM quilt.

      2. Palady | | #7

        >> ... Bernina has lost me as a customer. <<

        Justifiably so I'd say. Oh that there were a way for you to get to corprate headquarters. Your previous poor results have me thinking it was pacification.

        Some years ago, I went to my Public Library for help in chasing down an address because of the "brush off" I felt I was getting. The research librarian was most helpful. My issue was resolved satisfactorly. Though it took quite a bit of time.


        ETA - Might you get a Bernins HDQ address from Threads? Vickie North posts now & again as to forum issues & such. Maybe a Post New message to her would bring you the USPS address. I say USPS because the electronic ones have fallen short for you.


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