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Conversational Threads

Current issue

Ralphetta | Posted in Feedback on Threads on

I just got my new issue and quickly browsed through it. I want to thank Amber and the staff for listening to all our whineing and complaining about the decline in Threads for the last few years. The magazine I got today is the Threads I fell in love with years ago and I’m looking forward to reading it cover-to-cover. It’s full of the kinds of articles the readers remember from several years ago and have been asking for. And the back cover is lovely to look at. Thank you so much for listening and acting.


  1. Elaray | | #1

    Amber did a great job bringing threads back to its glory days. I hope the new editor will continue. Best of luck to Amber in her new endeavo and bests of luck to the new editor.

  2. katina | | #2

    I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks Amber!


  3. rodezzy | | #3

    I hope my issue is in the mail tonight.  I'm drooling listening to you guys.  I don't have mine.  boo hoo......boo hoo

    1. Ralphetta | | #4

      I'm usually the one waiting anxiously, so I know how you feel. It's hard to make myself not pick up the current issue at the library and read it cover-to-cover while I wait for my own copy.

      1. User avater
        ThreadKoe | | #5

        You guys are all finished discussing your copies by the time us CDNs get ours, sigh. And this issue has BUTTONS! Cathy

        1. jane4878 | | #6

          I also have to wait forever.  I actually do have the option of getting it sent to me through the U.S., but that means I actually have  to drive down there to get it and we're not very good about doing that sometimes. 

          The button thing was funny--I had just ordered 2 fancy (and expensive) buttons from CISbuttons.com when that cover came up on Threads.  I'm a button sucker.  It irritates me how collectors have caused all the nice ones to be sold singly and for a lot of $ when all I want to do is put them on a blouse.

          1. rodezzy | | #7

            Yippeeee!  I just received my mail and my Threads Magazine.  Bye!

          2. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #8

            I know what you mean. Or you find the perfect ones, and they are short 1 button of the full set you need. And the fabric stores only sell the same old boring ones. That is why I am learning to make some of my own. There are a few sites that teach you to make some basic ones with stuff you have on hand. Dorset Buttons is one. My Grandma used to just call them sweater buttons. Cathy

          3. Ralphetta | | #9

            As if I don't have enough projects....after reading various articles about making buttons I keep thinking it would be really fun to experiment with. Duh! I can't find time to make garments...why do I think I would have time to make buttons to go on them? You guys are a bad influence and are trying to get me off track. Gotta go sand the front door so I can get finished painting this end of the house and get my sewing room switched and start creating some beautiful things.

          4. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #10

            Sorry bout that. Kinda in the same frame myself. Started to make a list of "want to's" beside a have to list. Got depressed. Burnt the list. Feel much better now. tee hee. Too nice outside to be depressed. Going to go hunt for ripe tomato for supper. Put them in really late, might get some before the frosts come.....Cathy

          5. Ralphetta | | #11

            I love the idea of burning the list! I made a big poster with columns for each room, what needed to be done, etc.. I think I've crossed off TWO things. Talk about depressing. I could burn it..and then I'd have a reason to sit on my rear another day making a new one. That has possibilities. Hmmm, today is shot, think I'll go read more of my new Threads.

          6. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #12

            Found 1 ripe tomato. Ate it. It was small. Cleaned the pool, from the inside. It was hot. Burned the To Do List. Researched my new featherlight. Now I am going to go play up in the sewing room. DH has to work late, so I won't be bothered. Hmm, looking like a perfect kinda day...(didn't even do the dishes...) Cathy

          7. sewfar | | #13

            What a fantastic issue!!! I saw it at our library and you can't believe how happy I am to have the old Threads quality back again. BRAVO I am going to buy it as soon as it gets to our newstand and it has been so long since I have wanted to buy an issue.

          8. Josefly | | #14

            Burned the list ! That sounds like a great idea. First I have to make one, though. All those things are just rattling around in my head, popping up just when I most don't want to do them. It occurred to me today that I'm cleaning house, going for walks, reading every line in the newspaper... just to put off sewing, fitting, playing with some new techniques, etc., which I've promised myself for many months to do. It would seem that I don't like sewing as much as I thought I did. Humph.Got my new Threads issue today, too. I keep thinking something will get me to the sewing machine, but not even that did. Maybe I need to set a schedule for myself - a definite time for nothing but sewing - and then I would get into it again. Think so?

            Edited 9/3/2008 7:40 pm ET by Josefly

          9. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #15

            I also have an unburned list in the sewing room of things I want to try someday. More of a wish list than a to do list. I add and subtract from it all the time. I find that the thinking about it gets overwhelming. Puts me off. So I started a routine. 2 to 4 each day is mine for the sewing room ( if practical). I go up there and putter. I pick a project, collect the stuff and start. Slowly (very slowly) the project starts to come together and my enthusiasm picks up. Some days I only manage 10 minutes of tidying. Others, I end up there the whole day. I am worrying less about perfection, more about completion, each project is now a learning process. Each one will be better than the last. Very freeing. In the evening, I sit with DH in the livingroom in front of the TV with the handwork, or my beading or yarnwork projects. CathyMy memory has holes like swiss cheese at times, so I have to make lists. They are all over the place. Once I write something down, then I will remember it. Unless it is a number, tee hee

          10. Josefly | | #16

            Good ideas. It's amazing how a list, even in one's head, can be overwhelming, intimidating. I think setting aside a special time in the sewing room sounds workable for me - even if it's just noodling around I'd be learning and adding to my skills so that when I finally decide to jump on a project I'll be more successful with it.

          11. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #17

            I find just puttering, even for 10 minutes, keeps my enthusiasm up. Nothing gets me down more than having to clean up a big mess before I can even start something. Small steps make progress towards a big goal. Cathy

            Edited 9/6/2008 5:20 pm ET by ThreadKoe

          12. Josefly | | #18

            "Small steps..." Yes, it's so easy to be overwhelmed when dreaming of a finished product. I must remind myself to take steps I can manage.

          13. User avater
            ThreadKoe | | #19

            The management courses I have had always use the analogy
            "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Cathy

          14. Josefly | | #20

            Heh, heh.

  4. Ceeayche | | #21

    Have to echo my cheers.  This issue is marvelous!  I'm on my second read!  I do my Threads in 5 passes-- it sort of stretches out the joy, almost until the next one comes.

    1.  Reconnaissance. What's there waiting for me?

    2.  Reading the articles

    3.  Pouring over the techniques

    4.  Reviewing the ads, and surfing the sites of interest.

    5.  Return to clarify technique or research for a specific project.

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