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Conversational Threads


SonyaFunk | Posted in General Discussion on

What is a good curriculum to use to teach beginners to sew?  I know to sew how but I want to give lessons.

TIA, Sonya


  1. stillsuesew | | #1

    Please don't spend hours teaching them to thread a machine and bobbin.  Get them started sewing.  I teach them to keep their fingers away from the needle and  then three things the hand wheel will do.  (it will raise and lower the needle, raise and lower the take up lever and move the feed dogs)  They need to know the take up lever needs to be in its highest position in order to complete the stitch and be able to remove the sewing from under the needle.  And then they need to know about the presser foot lever.  Show them all of this while you are sitting properly at a machine and teach them to leave a 6" tail and let the thread relax before they cut it so they won't constantly unthread the machine  when they start to sew again.   All of that takes two minutes and they are ready to sew.

    I give them a sturdy piece of plain fabric - about 10 x15 - and have them sew across it.  They can do this several itimes just to get the feel for the machine.   Then you can set it on fancy stitches and have them sew again.  You can use a disappearing pen and have them try to follow the line and turn corners.  If they are using different machines, you can have them change places to get different colors on their fabric.  If someone runs out of thread you show them all how to rethread it or wind the bobbin.  Then I give them pieces of lace, rickrack, bias tapes or ribbons and have them sew these on their fabric.   They will end up with a decorated piece and then you have them sew a zipper  (simple face down sew sraight along the tape end to end) to opposite sides, open the zipper and sew the ends and they have a bag they have decorated themselves.  (This makes thier mom's say "You put in a zipper??")

    As they make mistakes or have questions, you use these to teach all of them.  

    Simple things to make are pillow cases, tote bags with handles or drawstrings,  elastic waist skirts,  book covers, fleece hats.  

    Working with patterns is another whole step and requires lots of space and  time and an iron.

    Have fun with it.  I once had a 6 year old who begged to stay with her older sister for the class and she turned out to be the best one!

    1. SonyaFunk | | #2

      Thank-you - Thank-you! for your suggestions. I will try to do as you say. I guess that you did not use a curriculum to go by.

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