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Conversational Threads

Cutting out a pattern

pinpal | Posted in General Sewing Info on

I need to make a vestment out of brocade.  The fabric is 52″ wide and I would like to cut it out without a seam down the center.  Can one cut it out perpendicular to the salvages?  The pattern isn’t a problem.


  1. suesew | | #1

    Cut it any way you that will work for you. There are no fabric police watching.

    1. pinpal | | #2

      That's where you are wrong.  I am doing this for a friend that paid over $50.00 a yd for the fabric.  I am concerned about how how it may stretch over time.

      1. carolfresia | | #4

        I've asked my in-house brocade expert, and she says she'd probably avoid cutting on the crossgrain, because the fabric is not likely to drape the way you want it to. Rather than putting a seam down the middle, she suggests putting symmetrical seams down the sides of the main panel--that is, cut one wide, central panel, and flank it with two narrower ones. This is how I do things like duvet covers, and you can even put piping or trim in the seams to make this a "design feature."


  2. SewNancy | | #3

    Yes, you can cut it on the cross grain ie perpendicular to the selvage, but doesn't the pattern run parralel to the selvage? It usually takes less fabric to cut it on the cross grain.

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